Let you host the artist, how can you become a superstar

Chapter 261 0260: It's Active in One Day

Chapter 261:0260

Movie preference is a very unpredictable thing, and film critics and ordinary audiences often quarrel over it.

Most often, general audiences dislike certain "good movies" recommended by film critics, and blame the film critics for bad reviews of films that the public loves.

One of the most obvious differences between the two sides is that film critics usually treat a film more harshly, even to the point of nitpicking, and they are not easily excited even when faced with a film that ordinary audiences have given good reviews to.

Among them, film critics can be divided into five categories.

The first category is to interpret the evolution of the storyline as the director's or screenwriter's values.

The second category, Ai Wu Ji Wu or Evil Yu Xu, is keen to use professional terms and clear personal preferences to define the good or bad of a movie.

The third category is limited to the self and the past, often impatient with new things, and sometimes scoffing at traditional things, arrogantly sticking to a set of standards, but tends to be lenient towards directors who have won awards or have a good reputation.

The fourth category is not to use personal preferences as the main yardstick to measure the quality of a film, respect objective facts, keep taking meaning from context, and not talk about yourself.

The fifth category is to collect money to do things, as long as the money is enough, 360-degree blows or blackmail without dead ends.

[Wei Chuan Shuoju] belongs to the first category, and [Ximeng Film and Television] belongs to the second category.

The representative of the third category is a big V with 200 million fans on Weibo [One Word Chengzhen], he commented on "Painted Skin": "The editing and soundtrack are good, worthy of the title of 'New Generation Songwriter No.1' , but this kind of old-fashioned story, it is difficult to shoot anything new."

The representative of the fourth category is the UP host [Little Fishman Film and Television] with 300 million fans on Douyin. He commented on "Painted Skin" in this way: "Guan Yansi played Xiao Wei very well. She didn't try to make a pose on her head. She was clean." Qin Shiyue's Pei Rong is also very good, elegant and dignified as a good wife and mother at home; Gu Yao's Xia Bing, without Jiang Yuyan's forbearance, viciousness and domineering, is a little more Funny and cute, in short, in this film, the three of them are the protagonists, and the others are supporting roles. The pictures, special effects, and music are perfectly matched, and it is a film with a score of 7 or above."

As for the fifth category, since Huafeng Media got on the right track, it hasn't spent money on positive reviews anymore, and it certainly won't spend money to find people to blackmail its own movies.

However, there are many film critics who specialize in black Django to attract fans, such as "bad lines, bad scripts, bad performances, bad music, bad editing, bad stunts" from all aspects, no matter how ruthless they are How cruel.

In fact, in the Internet age, sometimes the public's word-of-mouth is much more reliable as a movie viewing guide than film critics' movie reviews.

As for Django, he will read both the good and the bad, and treat it as a kind of pastime and entertainment. He won't take it too seriously, and he won't post articles to reason with them.

"5% of positive reviews, 3% of neutral reviews, 2% of negative reviews, it's okay." Zhou Lingwei, who was lying next to her, said.

"It's almost as expected." Django didn't expect "Painted Skin" to be a hit.

His positioning of this film is a commercial film with big IP + love + a little bit of horror. The original version has problems such as not smooth editing, long and boring first half of the foreshadowing, and a bit wordy ending. He has tried his best to solve them.

It can be said that these 10% small changes have made the plot more compact and exciting, which is much better than the original version, which is also the reason for the fewer negative reviews.

Suddenly, Zhou Lingwei put the phone on the bedside table, climbed onto Jiang Ge, and said softly, "Does the phone look as good as mine?"

The next day, Django got up with his waist supported.

In recent years, the number of domestic movie theaters, the number of moviegoers, and box office revenue have been rising steadily, and the Spring Festival file can be said to be an important stage for all movies to compete, because this is the peak season, and many people will choose to go to the movies during the Chinese New Year.

When the first day's box office data came out on the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, the astonishing figures made people dumbfounded.

1. "Meet the Martian" 6.88 million.

2. "Fengshen 1", 4.75 billion.

3. "Painted Skin", 3.67 billion.

4. "Star Wish in the Year of the Dragon", 2.01 million.

5. "Tokyo Strange 4", 1.99 billion.


The film of the Sesame Open Team once again won the box office championship on the first day, largely because this comedy is suitable for all ages and it is popular during the Spring Festival.

Ali Entertainment and Ali Pictures jointly created an epic mythology film, which hired the world's top special effects team, and the visual effect is very good.

Django's films are as stable as ever, and with a limited audience, they raised the first-day box office of their films to another level.

The fourth and fifth are interesting. Saburo Ono's high-ranked films have low attendance, and the box office is not as good as expected. Niubi Animation Studio's low-ranked films have high attendance, achieving a counterattack.

"The God of Team Sesame's Spring Festival stalls is unstoppable."

"Ali's films have finally risen for once, and one of the films he voted for before lost the other."

"Jiang Ge's movie is basically well-received and well-received, but it is still far away from the annual box office champion. Come on and make a hit."

"Niubi Animation Studio is fine. Since the production of "The Rabbit", it has gotten better."

"Pull it, someone's movie was pulled, I won't say who it is."



On Weibo, Tieba, Maoyan Data and other platforms, articles and posts discussing box office emerge in endlessly.

Jiang Ge has already won two annual ratings champions in the TV circle, but he is still not close in the film circle. Last year, his National Day box office champion "Detective Chinatown" lost to the Sesame team's Spring Festival box office champion "Swapping Life". 30 days".

However, as long as he wants to win this year's box office champion, it shouldn't be a big problem.


The most serious diving is Saburo Ono's film, as Jiang Ge analyzed, the filming is too personal and artistic, not to mention that ordinary people can't appreciate it, and non-ordinary people can't appreciate it either.

"Does anyone understand?"

"It's a money-making movie, but it's turned into an art movie under the guise of a horror movie. The director is playing tricks to fool the audience."

"It hurts my head to see it."

"The last time I felt uncomfortable watching a movie was the last time."

"I understand the plot, but I don't understand why it was filmed like this."



The audience was left speechless by this "Tokyo Weird 4". If it's scary, it's scary, and if it's reasonable, it's reasonable. But no, all kinds of messy things are mixed in, and there's a hammer here and a mallet here, without knowing what to say.

even say.

They went to the Internet to find the analysis of those film critics, but they couldn't figure out what the movie was about.

At this time, in an apartment in Tokyo.

"Ono-san, our film doesn't seem to have a good reputation in China."

"Give them some time. After all, there are differences in culture and they need to understand slowly."

"But Ono-san, her reputation in our country is not very good."

"Don't worry, a good movie is like a good pot of tea, you have to savor it carefully before you know the beauty of it."

"But, it's only been one day since the show, and the score is about to drop below 6.0."


 I have a cold and feel dizzy. Today I will give you a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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