Chapter 91 The Selection Begins

Xia Yan knew that the selection this time would definitely not be easy, because judging from his various behaviors so far, it seemed that he had chosen Namikaze Minato as his team.

Although he made it on purpose and he was mentally prepared, Hiruza Sarutobi's move was indeed a bit ruthless.

It can only be said that Hiruzaru Sarutobi really deserves to be the Hokage who has been in power for the longest time, and his ability to find opportunities is really amazing.

But Xia Yan didn't care so much, although he thought about using Lizard Maru's strength to defeat all opponents in one fell swoop in this competition.

But now he can't do it, so he won't do it!

He has a lot of hole cards, some things can be exposed, and some things are not suitable for exposure, so he can naturally distinguish clearly.

And he has to thank Namikaze Minato well, if it wasn't for him, I'm afraid it would be really difficult now.

"Although he didn't directly choose to promote himself as the captain, this is within the scope of his authority, but it doesn't matter."

Xia Yan looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi in the center of the square with a slightly vacant gaze, and then a smile appeared on his face covered under the mask.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's approach can be seen as beating Namikaze Minato, but in the end there is already a gap between him and Namikaze Minato.

That being the case, why didn't the gap become larger?

And he gave himself such a stage, if he didn't grasp it well, it would be too bad.

"And my opponent is actually not as troublesome as I imagined."

Looking away, Xia Yan began to think about the opponent he might face this time.

But after thinking about it for a while, he found that although these people were very difficult, it was not impossible for him to deal with them.

Among the Anbu, the people who most want to compete for the position of captain are basically members of the big family who have entered the Anbu.

On the one hand, they entered Anbu to express their attitude to Konoha's senior management, and on the other hand, they also hoped to gain Anbu's influence.

It can be said that a very small part of the structure of the entire Anbu is civilian ninjas, some are family ninjas, but the largest part is orphans left over from the war.

Whether it's Sarutobi Hiruzen or Senju Banma who created Anbu, they don't want and can't let the big family really have enough influence in Anbu.

As for the number of captains who really fall into the hands of family ninjas, it cannot be said that there are none, but it is definitely too small.

Xia Yan's opponents this time will be family ninjas, but most of them are children from orphanages.

Xia Yan guessed that his opponent would have both types of people, but the order of these two types of people could be adjusted.

For example, if you pass all the way to the last round, then your opponent has a very high probability of being a family ninja!
Just imagine, the person chosen by the fourth generation of Naruto has become a stumbling block for the family ninja to become the captain. What will be the consequences of this?
So, Namikaze Minato might as well cut through the mess quickly and choose to be directly promoted.

"Then, let's start the first group directly." Just as Xia Yan was thinking, Hiruzaru Sarutobi swept around, and then he said directly: "The first round, nightingale and weasel."


Hearing this code name, Xia Yan couldn't help turning his head to look at a guy with a cat face mask in the middle of his brigade.

Weasel is Xia Yan's teammate, and he is also a team leader.

He really didn't expect that the first person he had to deal with would be someone from the same brigade. This arrangement is really interesting.

Xia Yan is quite familiar with the weasel, and he has carried out missions with him after all.

Similarly, Weasel is also very familiar with some of Xia Yan's routines.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrangement is very interesting, let him and Xia Yan have a confrontation in the first round, I'm afraid we can test out a lot of things.

But Xia Yan is no longer what he used to be, how could he stay where he is with cheating?

Even when he was on a mission with the weasel before, he knew that it would not be difficult for him to deal with this guy, let alone now!
Slowly walking out from the crowd, Xia Yan soon walked to the center of the square, and the weasel followed in his footsteps.

They didn't have any communication before, but they opened a certain distance in a very tacit understanding.

They stared at each other and constantly adjusted their breathing and chakra movement, quietly waiting for the announcement of the start of the game.

"I didn't expect that my first opponent would be you." At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly said something in a low voice, his voice sounded very friendly: "I hope you will show mercy when the time comes."

"You bastard." The weasel shook his head, looked around and then said in the same low voice: "Stop making such jokes, what's the matter with you?"

"Obviously, the same as you." Xia Yan sighed lightly: "It's just that this matter was involved in too many things that shouldn't be involved, and it ended up like this."

Weasel is not stupid. Although he comes from an orphanage, he is very enlightened.

In fact, there are also a lot of geniuses in the orphanage. Apart from the fact that travelers like to haunt this treasure land of talents, it also has a lot of talents.

One of the future behind-the-scenes bosses in the ninja world, Xia Yan's biggest competitor, is the one who crawled out of the orphanage.

How could Xia Yan not be tempted by such an excellent place?

But it is a pity that he has thoughts but he dare not do it.

The reason is simple, because the entire orphanage is completely under Konoha's strict monitoring.

Orphans are always the best ninja culture products, whether it is Genbu or Anbu's favorite is actually this kind of war orphans.

All the funds of Konoha's orphanage are locked up, and the purpose is self-evident.

Those who can get in touch with the war orphans in the orphanage are either high-ranking Konoha or members of big families.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have the opportunity to contact, even to adopt is a very difficult thing to do.

At Xia Yan's age, there is basically no need to think about it. It is impossible to adopt him.

Secondly, his family background also prevented him from having such thoughts. If the Thousand Hands Clan were to contact those war orphans, one can imagine how much it would cause.

Therefore, Xia Yan could only give up this matter regretfully, unless he had enough power, otherwise he might really have no way to do all this.

"Forget it, but I won't be polite no matter what, Nightingale." Weasel shook his head, he obviously didn't want to get entangled in this matter: "Because, I also want to be the captain!"

"Just right, I also want to see your strength, Captain Weasel." Xia Yan smiled, his tone was very sincere.

At this moment, both of them have adjusted their state, and their aura has reached its peak.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the two of them quietly, then he nodded calmly.


(End of this chapter)

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