Chapter 48 Meet

"Master Hokage, good morning."

"Xia Yanjun, good morning."

Early the next morning, Xia Yan quietly appeared in a hidden forest.

After briefly checking the surrounding situation, he directly summoned Namikaze Minato using the Flying Thunder God's curse mark left behind.

He wouldn't go to Hokage's office to find Minato Namikaze, and apparently Minato Namikaze had no such plan.

Therefore, Xia Yan decides the time by himself, and summoning Namikaze Minato by himself is the best choice!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Namikaze Minato to quietly appear in front of him just like that night.

Facing Namikaze Minato, Xia Yan still maintained his gentleness and greeted him with a harmless smile.

And Namikaze Minato also maintained a gentle smile, but he was also looking Xia Yan up and down.

It has to be said that even if the genes of the Senju Clan cannot be compared with Uchiha, it is still possible.

In particular, Xia Yan has white hair and a handsome face after taking over the line of the second generation of Naruto Senju Tobema.

However, Xia Yan himself knew that, strictly speaking, his situation could be regarded as an outlier of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Because the typical Qianshou people should have brown hair, but once the hair color is mutated, the appearance will definitely not be bad.

Look at the Thousand Hands, look at Tsunade, and look at Xia Yan, and it will be clear.

But for Xia Yan, he actually prefers black hair, because he had black hair in his previous life, and he thinks white hair is too conspicuous.

"Especially in the dark stealth mission, the white hair on one head is like the bright moon in the dark night."

It's a pity that things like genes can't be changed, and he has gotten used to it after so many years, so he didn't think about dyeing his hair back.

"It seems that Xia Yanjun is ready." Namikaze Minato looked at Xia Yan for a while, and then he smiled and said: "Then let's start directly."

"Master Hokage, before we start again, I think you should read this." Xia Yan shook his head lightly, and then he delivered a scroll to Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato raised his eyebrows, he took the scroll and opened it directly.

He thought that Xia Yan would let him teach first, and he would give him information when it was over.

Looking at it now, Xia Yan is really interesting.

But Namikaze Minato didn't care too much, he was really curious about what Xia Yan recorded for him.

However, when he began to read seriously, his complexion changed slightly, and then his complexion became even more ugly.

The content recorded in Xia Yan's scroll is only for what he has learned and what he has guessed, the information about Anbu and Genbu.

Namikaze Minato had actually been psychologically prepared for these contents, but when he actually saw these records, he still couldn't help being a little shocked.

Minato knows exactly how many departments there are in the Anbu system, and these small departments have perfected the Anbu's operating mechanism.

However, in these departments, Namikaze Minato was shocked to find that the key personnel of each department were clearly marked by Xia Yan as people who followed the Third Hokage!
The squad leader of the Anbu torture squad, the squad leader of the Anbu intelligence squad, the two captains of the action force, and the head of the Anbu are all included in this list.

With these people around, it is completely conceivable who the Anbu will be loyal to after all the training and ideological influence that enters it!
And the only captain who was not marked as belonging to the third Hokage was marked by Xia Yan as being loyal to a mysterious person.

This label made Namikaze Minato frown a little. Could it be that there are other people who want to reach into Anbu?
"Captain Xia Yan." After a long time, after Minato had read the scroll thoroughly, his expression became extremely serious: "Are you responsible for the authenticity of this report?"

"Sorry, Hokage-sama, apart from what I saw with my own eyes, there are some guesses in this report."

Xia Yan shook his head decisively, he would never admit these things.

"Actually, Hokage-sama also knows that no matter whether this information is true or not, I will deny its existence, right?"

Namikaze Minato was a little silent, indeed, he dared not admit this kind of thing to his current identity as Hokage, not to mention that Xia Yan was also a member of the Senshou Clan, and also a small captain of Anbu!

It's just that Namikaze Minato is a little curious. As a small captain, why did Xia Yan come into contact with so many things?
"Are you a little curious, why did I come into contact with this kind of information?"

There was no need for Namikaze Minato to ask, Xia Yan guessed what he was thinking, Xia Yan smiled slightly, and then said calmly.

"Master Hokage, as a member of the Senju Clan, I have been in Anbu for so long, do you think I am simply working for Konoha?
Even if I have such an idea, my family doesn't want it, so."

"So you still shoulder the task of investigating the internal situation of the Anbu and reporting to the family, right?" Xia Yan didn't need to finish speaking completely, Namikaze Minato immediately understood what Xia Yan meant.

It's just that his eyes are a little weird. Although he has come into contact with such information, but information is information, which is completely different from a real person admitting it.

However, Xia Yan was not burdened in this regard at all, he nodded directly, as if he didn't care that his secret was exposed at all.

"Actually, I think Hokage-sama should have read similar information, right?" Xia Yan asked with a slight smile, but his tone seemed more affirmative.

"Yes, I've seen similar ones, but they were stopped without being confirmed." Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, then nodded seriously.

"This is not surprising. After all, Anbu was founded by the ancestor Togama-sama, and there are still many influences from the Senju Clan in it."

Xia Yan said with a slight sigh: "Although such influence has disappeared with the Qianshou clan, Master Tsunade has basically dissipated after leaving the village.

But there are still some people, some families choose to get close to us, so we can also get a lot of information.

In addition, I have been in the Anbu, so I can naturally ascertain a lot of information.

Therefore, in the hands of Hokage-sama, this information can be regarded as confirmed by me personally. "

"Did you personally confirm the information about the family?" Minato Namikaze opened his mouth slightly, but he remained silent in the end.

Just like what Xia Yan said, the final complete desolation of the Senshou clan was accompanied by Tsunade leaving the village, but there are still some people and some families who have hope for Senshou.

In addition, even if Senshou is weak, he probably has his own unique power. With the help of such family power, it is not surprising to obtain some information about Konoha's core.

Anbe was created by Senshou Feijian!

And the information Xia Yan provided to him now is obviously family information.
(End of this chapter)

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