The five generations of Konoha Village were reserved by me

Chapter 30 Failure is the main theme (new book please collect, please recommend~!)

Chapter 30 Failure is the main theme (new book please collect, please recommend~!)
Kakashi was stunned by Xia Yan's words, but he never thought that someone would say such a sentence.

Failure is the main theme of life?

Is it really good to say that?

However, what Kakashi couldn't refute was that as long as he thought about it seriously, he did find that success was only temporary.

Even if the halo of success brought by this moment is enough to illuminate a person's life, but how many failures are hidden under the halo of success, I'm afraid only you know.

Not to mention anything else, let's take Kakashi himself as an example. Others say that he is a genius, and he has developed such a super assault ninjutsu as Rachel at a young age.

But in the development of this ninjutsu, Kakashi himself can't remember how many times he failed.

Even if it succeeded later, it was still a half-finished product, and he still lacked the most important things to make up for it.

That is Sharingan.

Kakashi's Rachel was completely completed, and actually relied on Obito's death. This incident was tantamount to a huge blow to him.

At the same time, it was also one of his biggest failures as the captain.

"Is failure the main theme of life?" Kakashi murmured, and then he fell into silence.

"Yeah, failure is the main theme of life."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, but soon he showed a gentle smile again.

"But Kakashi, how to face failure, divides people into different forms."

Kakashi didn't speak, he remained silent.

It's just that his eyes turned to Xia Yan slightly. He somewhat understood what Xia Yan said, but it seemed that he couldn't understand it at all.

But Xia Yan didn't care what Kakashi thought, he knew very well that this was an opportunity for him to perform, and he wouldn't let his performance fail.

"You know, Kakashi, failure is actually a test for a person.

Some people will be crushed by failure, and they will never recover from it. We call such people losers.

But some people can keep getting up and moving forward. No matter how many times they fail, they will sum up their experiences and understand the lessons, and then use these failed experiences to find the direction of success.

This kind of person is what we call a successful person, and the success of this kind of person will often cover up all his failures. "

Having said that, Xia Yan paused for a while, his eyes lingered on Kakashi for a while, and then continued to speak gently.

"Actually, whether it's us or others, we are constantly moving forward in the midst of success and failure.

The difference is how we choose.

Kakashi, past failures do not represent future failures, remembering those who cannot extricate themselves from failures is the one who truly desecrates the person who gave you success.

I think true maturity should not be about pursuing perfection, nor about avoiding failures.

It's about facing your own shortcomings, which is the essence of life. "

When Kakashi heard these words, his inner daze seemed to be a little turbulent. He knew what Xia Yan meant, and he knew that Xia Yan was actually comforting himself.

But such ingenuity, not talking about his own right or wrong at all, but discussing the comfort of success and failure, seems to be more acceptable to Kakashi.

As long as he changed his mind a little, Kakashi could get more answers he wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi looked at Xia Yan, he opened his mouth to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he found that he didn't know how to speak again.

He could only keep his mouth shut, then lowered his head and looked at the two tombstones silently, but his eyes seemed to have changed a bit.

The original guilt, entanglement, and even a special desire to die have begun to dissipate. He is more thoughtful and more confused.

Xia Yan knew that this was the end of the story, he put the mask on his face again, then turned and left.

It's just that when he left, he still said: "I like a saying very much, there is only one kind of true heroism in this world, and that is to recognize the truth of life, but still love it.

This sentence is also for you, Kakashi.

What happened to Lin and Obito is regrettable, but one cannot indulge in past failures.

If you really want to live up to their efforts, you want to fully make up for your failures.

Then live with their will, although it is very difficult and painful, but at least when we see them after entering the pure land, we can happily tell them that we have not let them down. "

"and also."

Xia Yan's voice suddenly became extremely low, as if he couldn't hear it if he didn't listen carefully.

"The situation of those people, you can ask the Fourth Hokage-sama."

After saying this, Xia Yan didn't stop there, and completely disappeared into the night, leaving only Kakashi standing where the moon was shining and the breeze was blowing.

Standing quietly on the spot, Kakashi's gaze was locked on the two tombstones in front of him, but Xia Yan's last words echoed in his mind.

Kakashi doesn't feel that he is a real hero, never has, but Xia Yan's words let him know that even if he is not a hero, he seems to love his life.

To live up to those who gave their lives for him?

In order to carry their will continue to move forward?

In order to be able to proudly tell them after I entered the Pure Land that I bear their will and live up to their efforts?

Thinking of this, Kakashi's eyes seemed to become much clearer.

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, he seemed to see a boy in a blue and black jacket and goggles giving him a thumbs up.

He also seemed to see a girl with short brown hair and purple paint on her face smiling at him.

"Obito, Rin"

Kakashi pondered silently, and his eyes seemed to become more and more firm and clear.

"I will not let you down, I will definitely bear your will and live bravely!"

The will of Lin and Obito is for Konoha, to protect the homeland, and to protect all the cherished people.

Obito gave his life for this, and Lin also gave his life. Although Kakashi, who carries the will of the two of them, is still alive, he still wants to work hard for Konoha!
He absolutely cannot live up to all this, and he will never let what he cherishes be destroyed again.

"Come on, bastard!"

"Come on, Kakashi!"

When Kakashi's heart was completely determined, the two people in front of him whispered to him as if they were whispering.

Under Kakashi's firm eyes, they slowly flew into the sky, and slowly disappeared into his starry sky with that encouraging smile
 PS: It's really hard to write about mouth escape

(End of this chapter)

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