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Chapter 52 Thunder Fire Sword

Chapter 52 Thunder Fire Sword

Naruto admits that he is an LSP, oh no, he is not old, he is an SP.

Walking on the street, I can't help but look at the beautiful ladies and sisters.

Even in the previous life, I followed many teachers through the computer, such as Qiao, Feng, Shen, You, etc., and learned various knowledge.

But reality and theory are different.

What's more, it is a technical job to know a woman by smelling her fragrance and distinguish her figure by looking at a person.

He hasn't done that yet.

Adding up the two lives, he has only been in love with Hinata, and at most they have held hands.

It can be called a polite and innocent boy.

Naruto thought for a while, and came up with a solution.

Leave the grove, go back to the street of Konoha, and find a large tailor shop.

After using the transformation, he opened the door and entered, and saw the boss in awe.

Bald head.

At first glance, he is not an easy character.

"Boss, I have a question."

After Naruto greeted the boss, he asked directly, "If some people don't like being touched by others, can you see the physical data of the guests remotely?"

"Of course we can. We are all professional and trained."

The boss said of course, "I just need to look at it, and within three seconds, I can know his size."


Naruto couldn't help but sigh, is this the strong man?

Sure enough, the more bald the stronger.

"Then can the boss teach me?"

"teach you?"

The boss's amiable smile disappeared immediately, and he asked vigilantly, "Going together?"

"Boss, you misunderstood. I just want to give my girlfriend a piece of clothing, but it's not easy to ask her the size directly, so..."

Naruto waved his hand quickly.

"That's how it is. But if that's the case, there's no need to learn."

The boss reluctantly believed his words and said, "You can bring your girlfriend passing by here or give me her photo."

Naruto also thinks this is a good idea.

But the problem is that Hinata is only ten years old.

If the boss sees it, I'm afraid he will call the police directly.

"It's like this, boss, my girlfriend is quite special, you should teach me how to read the size."

Naruto thought for a while and said.

After all, Hinata's figure has not yet reached maturity.

Definitely going to have to change the armor in the future.

If you learn it by yourself, you don't need to go to the tailor shop anymore.

Besides, there are so many skills that you don't overwhelm yourself. If you learn it, you may come in handy in the future.

"Special status?"

The boss was slightly taken aback, his eyes rolled, and he activated his extremely clever brain, "Could it be..."

"No, no, boss, don't think too much."

Naruto quickly stopped his Dihua, for fear of causing trouble to him, "Just tell me what conditions you can teach me?"

"What conditions..."

The boss looked him up and down, hesitantly, "This is our secret."

"So you have to pay more?"

Naruto blinked and raised three fingers, "How about 3 taels?"

"Hahaha, it's really not about money, let's make friends."

The boss's expression suddenly became extremely bright, and he said enthusiastically, "Come on, let me tell you."

So Naruto spent half a day learning this unspoken secret.

The next step is to create the ninja.

There are not many ninja shops with chakra metal, even Konoha, there are only two or three.

"Then let's go home every day and go for a while."

Naruto went directly to Tenten's ninja shop.

Of course she is in class.

"Hello, uncle."

Naruto greeted a shirtless man in his 30s.

He didn't use transfiguration.

"Oh, it's Naruto, what's the matter?"

"I want to create four Chakra weapons, a katana sword, two fist gloves, and an inner armor."

Naruto gave him the data of the three people.

"Chakra weapon?"

The man was a little surprised, glanced at it, and said, "Naruto is very expensive."

"I know, uncle, can you help me figure out how much it will cost?"

Naruto said with a smile.

The reason why he used his original face was because he wanted to get some discounts for acquaintances.

As for the money issue, it's easy to explain.

Whether it's his dog food industry, or the three rich men Hinata, Neji, and Sasuke.

"Well, the samurai sword is a normal size, and the gloves and inner armor should be used by children. I will give you a discount and charge you 3000 million."


Naruto was not surprised either.

Expensive must be expensive for a reason.

But the 3000 million made him want to ask Asma for money.

"Uncle, wait a moment, I'll get the money."

Naruto disappeared directly in front of him.

"Ningji, come here."

He came to the grove.

"what's up?"

Ning Ci opened his eyes, stopped refining the celestial chakra, and walked in front of him.

"Borrow you some money."

"How many?"

Ning Ci said indifferently.



Ning Ci looked at him in surprise, thinking he only borrowed ten or twenty thousand.

But 2000 million is definitely not a small amount, even if he wanted to take it out, it would not be easy.

He frowned and asked, "What are you doing with so much money? Paying for murder?"

Naruto thought about it, anyway, it was enough to surprise Hinata, so he told him the purpose.


Ning Ci looked strange, "You said you used my money to make weapons and gave them to me as gifts? Then what did you pay for?"

"I paid my sincerity. Besides, it's not that I won't return it to you."

Naruto wondered what kind of image he had in his mind.

He has always borrowed and repaid.

How come it looks like I want to embezzle your 2000 million.

"Okay, at worst, I'll ask Hinata for money."


You've learned badly, Neji.

Who did you learn from.

But no matter what, the money is in hand.

Naruto paid 3000 million directly to Tiantian's father.

Don't worry about him breaking his promise.

After all, his identity is not ordinary.

Except for a few people, no one in the ninja world can pigeon him.

But Naruto didn't expect to make weapons so slowly.

Almost three months later, when he and Hinata had already started fifth grade, they received the news.

"Thank you uncle."

Naruto inspected four weapons, all well made and quite good looking.

Especially the inner armor, which is thin and close to the body, and is carved with cherry blossom patterns.

"Then give it to Neji and Sasuke first, anyway, you don't need to prepare anything, just throw it to them."

Since Ning Ci knew it a long time ago, he was not surprised and accepted it with peace of mind.

After all, it is their own money.


Naruto threw the samurai sword to him and said, "It's made of chakra metal, better than the one on your body, and I give it to you."

"give me?"

Sasuke was obviously taken aback, "I..."

"Don't be hypocritical, take it for you."

Naruto waved his hand.

Don't BB again, so as not to delay my seeing Hinata.

This guy looks cold, but he is actually very kind to his friends.

"Thank you."

Sasuke pulled out his samurai sword, which shone with a metallic luster in the sunlight. He was very satisfied, "What's the name of this sword?"

"There is no name yet, you can choose one."

"It was given by you, you can give it a name."

Sasuke is also a bad name, so he didn't hesitate to throw the blame on him.


I'm in a hurry.

Naruto said directly: "Anyway, you have dual attributes of thunder and fire, so let's call it Thunder Fire Sword."

(End of this chapter)

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