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Chapter 35 My chapter is combined, draw cards

Chapter 35 My turn, draw cards

Under Naruto's provocation, and under Kai's scorching gaze, Kakashi reluctantly agreed to Youth's request for a duel.

Although his youth is long gone.

Naruto patted Sasuke's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Look hard, learn hard."

He knew Kakashi's strength, but Sasuke didn't.

Just took this opportunity to take a look.

After Kakashi and Kai received the seal of confrontation, they immediately started fighting.

Neither of them used ninjutsu.

The speed is dizzying.

But Naruto could see that Kakashi was at a disadvantage.

Based on physical skills alone, Kai is one of the best in the ninja world.

As Kakashi uses ninjutsu, his advantage becomes apparent.

After all, it is impossible for Kai to use the eight-door dunjia in the sparring.

Naruto turned to look at Sasuke.

He didn't know when he opened Sharingan.

It’s weird.

Without my understanding, I can open it freely.

Could it be that Chubby instilled some great concept in him?

A pleasant voice sounded.

Sasuke's Sharingan mirrors Kakashi's Chidori.

His first reaction was that he was so handsome and suited him.

He has made an appointment with this teacher!

After a 10-minute fight, Kakashi won.

Just looking at his panting appearance, I thought he had been fighting for days and nights.

Kay left on his head.

He planned to run 500 laps outside Konoha.

"Teacher, you are really growing old and strong."

Naruto gave a thumbs up.


Kakashi wiped the sweat from his brow.

I always feel that this sentence is not to praise him, but to be weird.

But Minato-sensei's son shouldn't be so black-bellied, right?

"What do you want me to do today?"

Kakashi glanced at Sasuke, his Sharingan has disappeared at the moment.

But he had sensed that familiar fluctuation in the battle before.

One hundred percent is Sharingan.

He didn't expect Sasuke to be such a genius, rivaling his brother Uchiha Itachi.

Kakashi sighed inwardly.

He naturally knew about the tragedy of the Uchiha extermination.

After all, these two days are the headlines in the ninja world.

Unless there is an explosive news about Sarutobi Hiruzen of the Third Hokage or Shimura Danzo taking care of a mistress, there is nothing that can overtake the hot spots.

When Kakashi was in Anbu, he also knew Uchiha Itachi.

But until now, it was hard for him to believe that he would do such a horrific act.

"I want to ask the teacher to teach Sasuke Lei Dun."

Naruto said straight to the point.

"Let me teach him?"

Kakashi pondered slightly, "According to Konoha's regulations, there will be no Jonin teacher to lead the team until after the ninja school graduates."

"For a good boy like Sasuke, I believe the grandpa of the third generation will be accommodating."

Naruto said with a sure face.

He doesn't think that the Uchiha Genocide had no acquiescence or participation by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The dignified Hokage doesn't know?is it possible?
In a sense it's a deal.

All got the desired results.

Only Sasuke is injured in the world.

Not only will Sarutobi Hiruzen not target him, on the contrary, he will be as friendly as possible to him.

It would be better for him to realize the great will of fire and make Uchiha's final contribution to Konoha.

"Sasuke will come with me to meet Hokage-sama."

Kakashi thought about it and said.

He doesn't feel bad about Sasuke.

One is that he is talented enough to have Sharingan.

Second, he was brought over by Naruto.

"Thank you."

Sasuke whispered as he passed by Naruto's side.

Immediately followed Kakashi to leave.

Naruto glanced at the sky, the sun didn't come out from the west.

I actually heard Sasuke say thank you.

See you soon.

Naruto sighed, returned to the tree house, and continued the boring chakra refining.

Two months passed quickly.

It's time to release the Flying Shadow clone.

He is still looking forward to it.

Naruto made seals with both hands, and used the ultimate version of the shadow clone technique given by the system.


A shadow clone exactly like him appeared.

By the standards of last time, Naruto threw him a big backpack.

It's full of kunai, shurikens, detonating charms, and more.

The only difference is that the ninja tools used this time are all kinds of brands.

He visited Konoha's famous ninja shop.

"Ask me not to say it again."

Naruto looked at the shadow clone and said, "The main task is still to accumulate combat experience, try not to do other things."


The shadow clone nodded obediently.

"Last time, I was noticed by the Fire Nation and Konoha. This time, you will leave the Fire Nation directly and go to a country farther away."

Naruto's meaning is very simple, get out of the way, love whatever.

"Oh, don't go to the Land of Rain."

He added.

Even if he is the main body, he can't stand up to his brother who likes to carry a few bags of rice.

"Any more?"

Shadow clone asked.

"No, take care of the rest and try to live as long as possible."

Naruto waved his hand.

The shadow clone nodded and disappeared in place.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Naruto heard a line of lyrics.

"Goodbye mom, I'm going on a long voyage tonight..."

The shadow clone has already left, and it is impossible for him to ask him.

Naruto shook his head and entered his sealed space.

Kyuubi is still sleeping.

It is simply happier than a pig.

At least the pigs are still alive.

Naruto sighed, and after Sasuke left, Kyuubi finally returned to normal.

But every day he pestered him to fight the landlord.

The problem is that he is a little tired.

Besides, there is another reason.

He couldn't beat a fox at cards.

In the beginning, he basically won.

But now it has infinitely approached [-]-[-].

Coupled with the backstab of the shadow clone, he lost more than he won.

What the hell.

Other people's shadow avatars are too well-behaved, but Naruto's shadow avatars all want to rebel.

So after learning from his painful experience, he decided to adopt a new way of entertainment.

The same is playing cards.

But not playing cards, but Yu-Gi-Oh.

Due to a long time, Naruto doesn't remember the original cards, so he is going to make a set of ninja cards.

The character card replaces the monster card, and the ninjutsu card replaces the magic card and trap card, which increases the sense of substitution of the nine tails by the way.

"Big fox, get up and help me make cards."

Naruto roared loudly.

Kyuubi has nothing but Chakrado.

Use its chakra to condense into a card, which can be used for a long time.

Kyuubi heard his voice and opened his eyes.

As early as a week ago, it knew about this from Naruto.

It is not very interested in other things now, but when Naruto mentions challenging it, it gets excited.

"The first set of cards, I plan to use the nine-tailed beast as the prototype..."

Just as Naruto was halfway through speaking, Kyuubi suddenly woke up, and his head hit the iron door directly, making a deafening sound.

He told it about the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh, but it's actually not particularly complicated, what's more complicated is the various decks and routines.

"This old man must be the strongest, with the highest attack power and unparalleled destructive power."

"Okay, then you are the blue-eyed white dragon. Nine tailed beasts and nine cards can just evolve and merge with ten tails."

"What is Blue-Eyes White Dragon? And how do you know about Ten-Tails?"

"Ten-tails is what my father told me."

A moment later, Nine Tails' furious voice sounded in the sealed space.

"Why is the effect of Qianshou Zhujian so strong? As long as it is summoned, the tailed beasts on the field and in the hand can be sent directly to the graveyard? Little ghost, do you look down on the old man? Back then, the old man was also able to fight with Qianshouzhu How about a few days and nights?"

"You were pressed to the ground, watching Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara fight?"

"How can you insult the old man's innocence out of thin air?" Jiuwei was completely anxious, "You're not here!"

"My dad told me."

"Fart! How could Minato know?!"

"Just say you want to play or not?"


(End of this chapter)

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