Chapter 30 Magical Girl
Naruto propped his head on his hands and stared at the blackboard, seemingly serious, but in fact his eyes were dull and he was not listening to the lecture at all.

This shadow avatar can really cause trouble.

Destiny?Why don't you get an anti-entropy?
In addition, he did not expect to meet Sarutobi Asma.

Bajiquan has been exposed.

You have to tell Ningci and Hinata not to use Bajiquan until the last moment.

If Asma saw it, he would definitely associate it.

In a short time, there shouldn't be any problems.

After all, there was no obvious clue to find him.

After a few more years, he doesn't need to be afraid.

The big deal is to help Ning Ci take the stage.

Naruto smiled.

Uncle, the organization has decided to let you be a member of Destiny, so you should follow.

After preparing for the worst, he prepared to accept the results of the shadow clone.

The picture of the battle in his mind was clearly visible, as if he had personally experienced it.

Many previous doubts about Bajiquan have been answered.

Sure enough, it's too shallow on paper.

One morning passed.

Naruto's strength has increased a bit.

Because it's the first day of school.

Both he and Hinata are taking ontology classes.

But in the afternoon, I plan to use the shadow clone.

Naruto suddenly remembered the vicious curse of the shadow clone who went out.

He actually cursed him that he wouldn't grow taller if he didn't take classes.

In this regard, he chose to fight poison with fire.

Create a shadow clone and transfer the curse with sincere words.

And he himself yelled: "Bounce!"


Hinata, who was following him, raised her head and looked at him curiously with her big eyes.

"Oh, nothing."

Naruto smiled and said, "I met a rather annoying guy."

"who is it?"

Hinata then asked.

If it's really bad, she plans to tell her father.

"you do not know."

Hinata must not be able to see this troublesome shadow clone.

Oh no, he's already cold.

Naruto thought of this, feeling happy.

Hinata was slightly taken aback.

Why is Naruto-kun so happy?
Obviously said that he met an annoying guy.

Are you unwilling to make me worry?
Naruto-kun, you are really gentle.

"Hinata, you go home for lunch, or..."

"I accompany Naruto-kun."

Hinata nodded vigorously.


Naruto was a little puzzled.

Isn't it just to eat?

How did you make the atmosphere so weird?

It was not easy for him to ask, so he took Hinata to Yile Ramen.

The two are already regular customers.

You don't need to say it by hand, you know what they like to eat.

After finishing twelve bowls, Naruto and Hinata finished their lunch.

Well, he ate two bowls.

When he came to the grove, Naruto saw Neji hammering the tree with Bajiquan.

He thought of Mapo Kotomine Kirei.

Suddenly, I couldn't look directly at this scene.

"Ningji, let this tree go first."

"what's up?"

Ning Ci stopped what he was doing when he heard the words.

The tree in front of him had a concave surface due to the continuous impact.

"It's not an important matter. Because of the origin of Bajiquan, I hope you don't let others find out."

"I know this."

Ning Ci was not surprised.

He has never believed the story Naruto told about the old beggar passing on exercises in his dream.

Bajiquan must have had a very troublesome past.

But Naruto didn't tell, and he didn't ask.

"Me too!"

Hinata Jian seemed to be ignoring her, and jumped out quickly, raising her small hands high.

Naruto held her pink and tender right hand and said with a smile, "I heard that."

Hinata trembled and lowered her head, but didn't pull out her hand.

"I'm going to train."

Ning Ci glanced at them, always feeling that he shouldn't be here, turned around and went to the tree again.

There was a crackling sound.

There was a smile on his face, and the hammer tree really made people feel happy.


Naruto twitched the corners of his mouth.

Could something be wrong with this guy?
Hammer tree so happy?
"Ning Ci, don't forget your scientific research."

he reminded.

Let him change jobs quickly.

"I haven't forgotten."

Ning Ci said without looking back.

"Hinata, you can continue training too, I'll go to Sasuke to take a look first."

Naruto let go of her hand.

Some reluctance.

After all, it's soft, like cotton candy, making people want to pinch... lick it.


Hinata admits to being a little lost.

Since Sasuke came, she spent less time alone with Naruto.

As for the shadow clone, after all, it cannot replace the main body.

Naruto came to the tree house.

Sasuke has already regarded this place as a second training ground.

After all, there is an unlimited supply of dog food.

And Naruto doesn't care.

Sasuke is very worry-free, and can help him guard the crystal in case someone steals the house.

Treat dog food as a reward.

He also saved a shadow clone.

Go out and brag in the future, the reincarnation of Indra Chakra once showed me the door, this force is second only to Senshou Hashirama suppressing Kyuubi with one hand, and telling it that you are too strong and need to be sealed with the other hand.

Naruto greeted him, and immediately checked his peach forest.

There was no movement, and no wild beasts attacked.

He condenses chakra and waters it.

Sasuke, who was resting while eating dog food, stared intently.

He estimated that Naruto used nearly ten of his chakras to water the peach trees.

This guy is hardly human.

More like some psychic beast.

Speaking of this, he plans to use crows as psychic beasts like his brother.

Naruto rubbed his chin in thought.

He felt that the production capacity should be expanded, and the entire forest should be contracted to give full play to the role of the golden shovel.

Well, find some time and talk about this with the three-generation old man.

After all, the Death Forest belongs to Konoha in name.

Naruto went to the stream to wash his hands, and was about to start drawing cards.

Although his shadow clone did a lot of things, the rewards he got were not bad.

According to the standard of the system, directional card drawing is far more precious than ordinary card drawing.

If it is calculated by rating, directional drawing card belongs to SSR.

[Please host to specify the keywords for drawing cards. 】

Naruto fell into thought when he saw this line of prompts.

His original plan was to come up with some physical skills.

But Bajiquan has made up for this shortcoming.

Ninjutsu also has the wind escape sent by Kakashi.

No matter how much, his age group may not be able to afford it.

"Transfiguration type."

Naruto touched his knight belt, and said, "Come any Kamen Rider, if not, a 3-minute Ultraman is also acceptable. No matter how bad it is, a Saiyan?"

[Keyword detection, card drawing... Congratulations to the host for getting a character card. 】

Character card?
Naruto couldn't help but smile.

Steady steady.

And it's golden.

This is not going to be a time when the devil can't justify it, right?

[Character card: Magical girl Madoka Kamu (non-god state). 】

[Description: A permanent special character card that enables the wearer to possess the ability of the magical girl Madoka Kame, the specific power depends on the wearer's chakra. 】

[Note: Due to the special nature of this character card, it must be 60% compatible before it can be worn. 】

[Currently, the compatibility of the host is minus 18%, so it cannot be worn.It can be transferred to others to obtain corresponding compensation rewards. 】


(End of this chapter)

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