Food starts with Mapo Tofu

Chapter 82 Why is there still 0?

Chapter 82 How come there are still zeros and wholes?

Happy 72nd birthday to the mother of the motherland~——
Facts have proved that Chen Nian's understanding of himself is still very clear, saying that three bowls are three bowls.

It's just that the last meal was really full.

This is something that can't be helped, although when Chen Nian himself was cooking, he tried not to overcook as much as possible, and probably used less than two-thirds of the remaining pound of meat.

But because it was so delicious, Chen Nian ate three bowls of rice.

Although this rice is carbohydrates, it will also bloat your stomach.

The carbohydrate content in rice is about 75%, the water content is about 15%, and the rest is some fat, protein, vitamins, etc.
And thanks to this dish, Chen Nian directly finished all the rice left in the store tonight.

Cooker, cooker soul!
It was only after he finished eating that he realized that the reason why he made twice-cooked pork tonight was something serious, so he hurriedly checked the recipe in his mind.

I saw that this is the meat dish in the recipe. Sure enough, there is an extra twice-cooked pork in the category, but this time the font color of the twice-cooked pork is gray, which is somewhat different from the signature dishes above.

And there is a percentage of 73.222% behind the twice-cooked pork.

"What does this mean? It means that I have so many degrees of completion?" Chen Nian guessed in his heart, but he felt that his guess was basically close to ten. After all, the percentages behind this kind of self-developed dishes are basically That's what it means.

Otherwise, it's impossible for this percentage to mean the amount of food you eat, right?

There is basically no need to think too much about the deduction item for aging, it must be because the meat is not suitable, at most it is not skilled enough, and the seasoning may not be perfect.

Because the aging of other ingredients is very particular. For example, the bean paste is at least two years old, the garlic sprouts are green garlic sprouts, and the rice wine is also bought for five years.

But think about it, it's pretty good that I can do more than 70% for the first time.

It's the odds and wholes that make Chen Nian wonder how the number was obtained.

Moreover, the shortcomings of the twice-cooked pork that were tried this time are also basically clear.

The main reason is that the choice of meat is not suitable. Although pork belly and two-knife pork are both pork, there are still differences in the actual cooking.

If it is said that making braised pork requires fineness and delicacy, then what is required for stir-fried pork is extensive.

There are not so many steps, and it is basically a stir-fry from beginning to end.

Just like facing an older sister, she has been honed over the years and knows everything she should know, so as long as she has the right personality, she can be more direct.

Because what they want is actually very simple.

Finally, after packing up all the things, Chen Nian closed the store and headed towards home.

It was past eleven o'clock at this time, and occasionally pedestrians in twos and threes could be seen on the street.

But whether they just got off work or just came back from shopping outside, the old age can basically be observed from their clothes and the expressions on their faces.

After all, I look at all kinds of people in the store every day.

Of course, old age can only do this.

It is obviously more difficult to make him look like a certain elementary school student of death, who can guess that someone is a gymnast just by looking at his hand.

However, if he is given some equipment, he can use these equipment to see what kind of bacteria the bacteria under the microscope belong to.

After all, this is the major I have studied for four years.

If you can't even see this, then the past four years can be regarded as useless.

Listening to An Hongdou's new song Scallion Fried Noodles in my ears, I set it as a single loop, and went all the way back home.

When I got home, I heard familiar music coming from my mother's bedroom. Don't think about it, it must be my mother watching short videos again.

Feng Honghong's habit is to read novels during the day and short videos at night.

Because she thinks that reading novels at night will waste her eyes.

Sometimes when Chen Nian gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he can even hear the sound of a short video from his mother's room, and often when Chen Nian goes in, he hears a piece of music, and when he comes out, he hears It's still the same music, obviously just watching Wangguan and falling asleep.

So Chen Nian knocked on his mother's bedroom door: "Mom, it's getting late, don't look at it, you must be playing with your phone while charging again, I heard that the phone will explode!"

Then Chen Nian heard the music inside stop abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, there were intermittent: "You can say it. I didn't control you like this when I was a child" and the like.

Only then did Chen Nian return to his bedroom satisfied.

Of course, Chen Nian knew that this kind of statement was actually unreliable.

Because the mobile phone exploded, except for a certain brand with a number, the charger was not compatible with the mobile phone, that is, the use of a so-called pirated charger would cause such consequences.

And that was before, after all, now Huaqiangbei is also a force that cannot be underestimated. Even if it is a pirated version, it needs to be updated and stockpiled.
Of course, this is just an example. If you can support the genuine version, you must still support the genuine version.

There is no doubt about that.

Now Chen Nian sleeps very well every day, so basically after doing stretching and soft exercises on the bed every day, he lays down and puts on the earphones, and the cross talk starts.

Fall asleep in the next second.

After all, if you don't sleep now, you won't have the energy to do work the next day.

Got up at 5:30.

Then start preparing the ingredients.

After 2 o'clock at noon, I can rest for more than an hour.

After that, we will continue to prepare the ingredients for the evening.

And after closing at night, Chen Nian still has to practice new dishes, so it is necessary to make a good plan.

Never carry the stress of today to the next day.

At the same time, in an old community, a woman was coaxing a child who didn't look too old.

The main reason is because the other party refuses to sleep when it is time.

"Go to bed, Yueyue, it's getting late today, if you continue like this, you will have dark circles under your eyes."

That being said, Yueyue kept wiping her tears and crying, but she didn't cry too loudly.

"I don't sleep, I don't sleep"

"Is there something wrong with my mother during the day? Or have you been wronged because of something?"

"I want to eat meat. I want to eat every year!" Chen Yue said suddenly.

After hearing this, the woman was obviously taken aback. Eating meat is easy to say, but every year.

What is every year?

It made him a little puzzled, seeing his daughter's crying face, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind!
"You mean the big brother who was in the restaurant that day?"

I saw Chen Yue holding her small mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she nodded aggrievedly: "En!"

"So that's how it is. If you don't cry that month, tomorrow mom will take you to the store to eat meat and go play with that big brother!"

Hearing this, Chen Yue stopped crying immediately.

It's like a little kid about to get his favorite gift.

A smile bloomed.

(It's a new month, everyone must have a monthly pass again:)

 Thanks to the bonfire dealers, the 500 starting point rewards that have arrived at that place, the two spent money, thank you very much~

(End of this chapter)

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