Food starts with Mapo Tofu

Chapter 68 Please download the National Anti-Fraud Center app

Chapter 68 Please download the National Anti-Fraud Center app
Of course this is impossible.

As long as you don't follow their way of thinking there is nothing wrong with it.

The remaining money cannot be added each time, and the addition does not make any sense.


Chen Nian can easily answer the types of questions that have appeared before in memory rehabilitation this time, but there are still many questions that have not appeared before.

Tested over and over again.

As long as one question is wrong, these questions will reappear, and Chen Nian will be re-examined.

The purpose is to prevent old people from forming a habit of these things in their minds, so that memory rehabilitation will have no effect.

Chen Nian also knows the intention of the recipe.

But he does not resist this method, because this method is good anyway, at least it can have a positive effect on himself.

After the protests last time, the recipes are a little more measured this time.

After finally getting through all the content.

It was dark again.

"Two tigers love to dance, and the little rabbit obediently pulls carrots"

Not long after, the alarm clock rang.

Chen Nian turned off the alarm clock smoothly.

open one's eyes.

"Yu Qian's father, Mr. Wang."

The cross talk was still playing on the phone, and it was turned off as well.

After getting up, Chen Nian opened his eyes.

Lifted the quilt and took a look.

He lifted the pillow and looked.

This time I didn't bring a token out.

But thinking about it, it seems that I don't have any special tokens that I want to bring out.

I looked at the panel in my mind.

[Unlocked dishes: "Ma Po Tofu", "Braised Pork" and "Scallion Noodles"]

[Unlocking conditions for the fourth dish "Wensi Tofu": sell 5000 copies of the perfect version of "Scallion Noodles"]

"Wensi Tofu? This... seems to be Huaiyang cuisine."

The first thing Chen Nian learned was tofu, so he also heard about this dish. This is a soup dish, and it is a test of knife skills, but it is not clear how to make it delicious. This has to be looked back. It is also possible to practice exercises in advance.

But now is not the time to study this.

This time, 5000 copies of the noodles with scallion oil will be sold.

Have to work hard!

I'll go to the store and post a recruiting reminder later.

After getting up, I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, and looked in the mirror with my mouth full of foam.

"Very good, still as handsome as ever!"

Chen Nian nodded in satisfaction.

Gargle, wipe your mouth, get dressed and go out!

The small electric car was driving on a deserted street, but when Chen Nian was waiting for the red light, he suddenly heard a loud noise from behind.

It's the sound of a motorcycle.

The roaring sound seemed to burst people's eardrums.

Turning his head subconsciously, he saw a man wearing a mask, no helmet, no gloves, or even any protective gear, riding a motorcycle and parked steadily behind him.

And even after stopping, it was still coaxing the accelerator to make loud noises.

"Are you sick?"

Chen Nian thought so in his heart, this boy with ghost fire really thinks his life is too long.

At this point the light turns green.

The other party twisted the accelerator, wanting to crash Chen Nian immediately.

But at this time of aging, he didn't even turn the accelerator, and didn't even put his hands on the handlebars.

Pull out the phone, unlock it, and turn on the camera.


two consecutive photos,

Zoomed in to see, very good, the license plate number can be seen clearly.

Also got a license plate.

Unexpectedly, he was still such a law-abiding boy, otherwise he would have no way to report it.

Turn on the report function of the hand shot.

"Riding motorcycles inside the Third Ring Road, disrupting residents' rest at 05:30 in the morning, not wearing helmets, gloves, protective gear, etc."

upload photos.

Submitted successfully.

Although Chen Nian does not have motorcycles or cars now, he has a driver's license.

In the morning, he made another contribution to Harmony Street, and Chen Nian said he was very happy.

Come to the vegetable market.

In the familiar home court, Chen Nian went straight to the eldest sister's vegetable stand, only to see that this time the eldest sister's vegetable stand added a mobile phone in addition to the vegetables, and a power bank was linked below.

"Family, the booth is out this morning. Can these six friends in the live broadcast room help me to pay attention and show some love?"

When there are no guests, the eldest sister is interacting with the audience.

"Sister, how much is a catty of shallots today?"

"Four dollars."

Chen Nian gasped.

"Four yuan, it was only three and a half yuan yesterday morning, and today it has increased by a full one-seventh!"

"Hey, who told us that this business is not easy to do. It's still now. If it's before the Chinese New Year, there are ten yuan. Do you want to buy it?"

"Sister, if it's cheaper, I'll definitely take it, but it's too expensive now, what do you think?"

"Then, three eight yuan for you?"

"Three dollars and five."

"Too little, three yuan and seven."

"Three dollars and six."

"Oh, okay, I lost money again. If you didn't come here often, it would definitely not be so cheap!"

"Hahaha, then who will make you feel refreshed, sister? The dishes are fresh. By the way, sister, I want ten catties today."

"Ten catties? Then I'll give you another handful of coriander. If I had said it earlier, it would have been cheaper for you."

"Sister, why don't you give me something cheaper now?"

"That's no good, buy it and leave it, let's go!"

Speaking of this, I weighed ten catties of green onions, stuffed a lot of coriander, and then carried them into the front basket of the old electric car, and drove people away on the spot.

Then I went to buy meat, tofu, and some fruit.

There are not too many seasonings in the store, and I bought some more seasonings when I was old.

Come back fully loaded.

Then, when he went back, Chen Nian was investigated.

Feng Shui turns.

Because Chen Nian didn't wear a helmet when riding an electric bike.

However, it was the first time for the traffic police officer Shu Shunian in Chen Nian, so he only educated him for 5 minutes, and after writing down Chen Nian's name, ID number, phone number, and license plate number, he asked Chen Nian to download Traffic Management 12123 and the National Anti-Fraud Center After opening the app, I watched Chen Nian register and let Chen Nian leave.

Back at the door of the store, Chen Nian took all the dishes into the store.

The first thing I did was to order an electric bike helmet online.

Then add this to the menu:

[Scallion oil noodles: 8 yuan]

The next step is to prepare the ingredients.

After nine o'clock, Chen Nian washed his hands, ran to a printing shop not far away, and spent two yuan to print out a recruitment notice and a QR code downloaded by the National Anti-Fraud Center.

After returning, the recruitment was posted at the door.

QR codes are posted on the wall.

After all, there are many old people and office workers on this street, so Chen Nian felt that it was necessary to publicize this, so as to save everyone from being deceived.

After all, who is in the mood to eat out after being cheated.

In that way, wouldn't there be fewer people coming to eat here?

With fewer people, there will be fewer sales of their own vegetables.

And downloading does not cost money, and it does not use a few traffic.

Simply the best of both worlds.

In this way, Chen Nian had been preparing the ingredients until around 10:30, when someone suddenly pushed the door open.

 Remember to download the National Anti-Fraud Center, my friends!
(End of this chapter)

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