Chapter 901
But before Mu Tianbo could speak, Li Ruolian greeted him with a smile and said, "The lieutenant general of the Gang Army captured a messenger of the great prince of the Mughal Empire, and said he wanted to see you in secret!"

"???" Mu Tianbo was taken aback for a moment, what's going on?
At this time, the folks already knew that the Mughal Empire was fighting for the throne. Shah Jahan was dead.
On Li Ruolian's side, as he was talking, he waved his hands back, and then saw two captains of Jinyiwei entering the lobby with a man who was obviously a Mughal, or for Daming, a Turkic man.

The Turkic man only saw Mu Tianbo's clothes, so he tentatively asked: "May I ask if the person in front of you is Duke Qian of the Ming Empire?"

His Daming official dialect is very unauthentic, with a strong accent, the kind that can barely be understood by others.

After hearing this, Mu Tianbo stood there, looked at the envoy, nodded and said, "Exactly!"

The Turkic man got the answer, and quickly demanded: "I also ask the Duke to stay away from the left and right, I represent the Mughal Empire, and I have a secret matter to discuss!"

After hearing this, Mu Tianbo glanced at Li Ruolian, thinking in his heart, what a joke, you actually want me to avoid the Commander of Jin Yiwei to talk about things?

If it's really important, even if the Commander of Jin Yiwei is not here, he has to find him before he can talk!
Thinking of this, he sneered and replied, "What are you? Say what you have to say, and let go if you have to fart. If you are annoyed, I will take your first-level sacrificial flag!"

Originally, he would not be so vulgar because he was a hereditary Duke.

However, he has led the army for a long time, especially the army under his command, which was still dominated by the fifth Gezuo Battalion, so it has become a bit reckless.More importantly, in front of Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, he has a better personality in a rougher way.

When the Turkic man heard his words, he was a little angry, but obviously, he had no choice but to turn around and leave, so his face turned green and white, and finally he had to recognize the reality, lowered his posture and said: "We His Majesty the Emperor said, I hope your army can help us put down the rebellion, and the territory occupied by your army will be the reward!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Tianbo and Li Ruolian couldn't help but glance at each other.

Although they do have news about the Mughal Empire, they certainly don't know enough about it.Upon hearing this, both of them knew that in the battle for the throne within the Mughal Empire, the first prince Dara Shuke who was in front of him probably couldn't resist the pressure from the third prince Aurangzeb, so he came to seek peace with Ming Dynasty. We have cooperated here.

After thinking about this, Mu Tianbo opened his mouth and said: "The place occupied by my Da Ming is already Da Ming's territory, and you can still say it out loud, so you actually use this to negotiate terms with me, Da Ming?"

When the Turkic man heard this, he was furious.The territory of the majestic Mughal Empire has been forcibly taken away in this way. Is it true that the Mughal Empire is those small countries of cats and dogs?
But he immediately remembered what Darashuko had said when he came over, so he could only suppress his anger and wanted to say it again.

However, before he could speak, Li Ruolian said lightly from the side: "If this is the only reason for your visit, then I can tell you clearly that when you invade Dongwu and invade my Ming Dynasty, you will not be able to choose." Yes. Those who dare to offend the Ming Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away! The Mughal Empire will only exist in history in the future!"

As for the grasp of the imperial court's state policy, or the understanding of the emperor's intentions, no foreign minister would understand better than the head of the factory guard.

When the Turkic heard it, the Ming Dynasty wanted to destroy the Mughal Empire, not the territory it occupied, nor the bottom line that Darashuko gave to divide half of the country.

In other words, there is nothing to talk about!
This was obviously not what he wanted, so he yelled sharply: "The Duke is here, what are you, you dare to ignore the Duke's words?"

Subtly, it was used to sow discord.

However, the people in the hall, including Mu Tianbo's personal guards, after hearing what the Turkic man said, they all looked at the Turkic man like a fool.

Even if it is an ordinary captain of Jinyiwei, that represents the imperial power, even if it is a Duke, he still wants to give up three points, not to mention, this is the commander of Jinyiwei!
This Turkic man didn't understand the actual situation of Ming Dynasty at all, so he dared to speak nonsense, really ignorant and fearless!
On Mu Tianbo's side, in front of Li Ruolian, he quickly expressed his attitude and said: "His words are what I mean. Go back and tell your master that if you offend Daming, the only way to survive is to surrender unconditionally. Otherwise, wash your neck and wait!"

The Turkic man didn't expect these Ming people to be so powerful, so he threatened: "Don't think that you are great after winning a few battles! Our Mughal Empire has millions of troops, how many of you are there? You really want to anger us The Mughal Empire..."

Mu Tianbo didn't bother to talk to him anymore, and when he heard that he was going to talk nonsense, he waved his hand and said: "Put him down, cut off his ears and drive him away!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers on the side rushed over like wolves like tigers, and dragged the Turk away regardless of his begging and howling.

In the lobby, it immediately became quiet.

Mu Tianbo turned around and said to Li Ruolian: "It seems that the eldest prince of the Mughal Empire can't stand it anymore, maybe our real opponent will be the third prince who is very capable in the legend!"

After hearing this, Li Ruolian smiled and said, "This is what was expected. Then Aurangzeb can only be king here. It takes so much effort to fight Persia, and he is praised for showing certainty in defeating the battle." talent, hehe!"

The war against the Mughal Empire is proceeding according to plan.It can even be said that because of the civil strife in the Mughal Empire, the Ming army went much smoother than planned.

When he said this, Li Ruolian even turned his head and looked in the northeast direction.In that place, there is another army hiding there, waiting to cooperate according to the planned time.No matter which prince of the Mughal Empire finally won the victory against the Ming Expeditionary Army, it would end up the same in the end.

However, at present, only he and the army commander Mu Tianbo know about this news.

At this time, Mu Tianbo echoed his comments, and then said with a little emotion: "The land here is really fertile! It is estimated that from next year, our army's food and grass will not have to be transported from Dongwu!"

At the beginning, the army hoarded on the border of Yunnan to threaten Dongwu. At that time, food and grass still needed the support of provinces outside Yunnan.Then when Dhaka was attacked, Dongwu's output was not enough to support the army.

However, after the army occupied the Dhaka area, as well as the area around the Ganges Plain, because the Ming army was able to quickly pacify this area and stabilize the place, judging from the current situation, the large army can already return from Dongwu, Dhaka, and the Ganges River. The collection in the plain area is also enough.

It can even be said that according to the number of conscripts collected by the Ming army, the local aborigines will be better than the local conscripts collected by the Mughal Empire. Therefore, it is a good thing that the Ming Dynasty ruled here.

When Li Ruolian heard this, he was also emotional. It could even be said that he was far more emotional than Mu Tianbo.

After all, Mu Tianbo was the hereditary Duke and stayed in Yunnan, and he experienced the troubled times of Chongzhen.

At that time, droughts and floods continued throughout the country, and the people rose up because of hunger. The imperial court worked hard to quell the rebellion, and recruited wave after wave of thieves, but because there was no food to settle down, they either killed these recruiters, or these recruiters rebelled .

All of these, in the final analysis, are due to lack of food.

If the Ming Dynasty had land like this and enough food, then there would be no chaos in Chongzhen, and many people would die less!
Li Ruolian also stayed in the expeditionary force for a long time, and was responsible for collecting intelligence. He knew the Mughal Empire best.

If it weren't for the fertile land and rich products in this land, with the military and military construction of the Mughal Empire, there would have been chaos!
At this moment, after the two had finished expressing their emotions, they each did their own business. One was in charge of the army's thinking and kept abreast of the internal news of the Mughal Empire; the other was in charge of the military, dispatched troops, and continued to mobilize troops to Bagalpur , hoarding grain and grass, preparing to use this as a base to continue the offensive westward.

Of course, for the Ming Expeditionary Army, the New Year is coming, and large-scale battles, if there are no accidents, will have to wait until after the New Year.


Compared with the Ming army, although Dara Shuke, the eldest prince of the Mughal Empire, has ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he is sad and miserable every day.

Aurangzeb proclaimed himself emperor in Agneski, took the courtiers who belonged to him as hostages, and ordered them to surrender, which made people panic on his side. Even he himself didn't know who to believe and who not to The letter?
In addition, Aurangzeb's troops are all elite divisions, and those who return victorious are far inferior to his defeated troops.

The only advantage Darashuko has is that he is the nominal prince of the Mughal Empire. It is more legitimate for him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

However, the tradition of the Mughal Empire is to be stronger than anyone else's fist!

This made Dara Shuke very uneasy, and finally decided that he would rather cede half of the country to the Ming Empire, and let the Ming Empire help him destroy Aurangzeb, and he accepted it.

At least in this case, he still has half of the country to be emperor, but if Aurangzeb wins, he knows that his end will definitely not be good!

However, what he never expected was that the envoy he sent secretly came back without two ears, and brought him back a sentence: When the Mughal Empire first invaded Ming Dynasty, it was already doomed. The country is going to perish!
(End of this chapter)

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