Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 884 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Chapter 884 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well
There is a tradition in the Mughal Empire, that is, their succession to the throne often has moths, which are not as stable as the Ming Dynasty, and belong to the eldest son inheritance system.

It often happens that the son rebelled against Lao Tzu, and the son overthrew Lao Tzu to seize the throne. Shah Jahan did this.

Today, although Shah Jahan is still in power and nothing can be seen, his three sons are naturally fighting for the throne of the emperor.

Aurangzeb led the troops to conquer the Portuguese in Goa, and by the way conquered the southern countries, the momentum would definitely be great.And Aurangzeb's reputation in the military has always been stronger than that of his two brothers.

This made the second prince, Shashuja, very afraid all the time, and he also thought of ways to enhance his strength.

This time, he happened to be in the east of the empire, and he was credited with the record of the Bengal governor's invasion of the Mughal Empire.In addition, the alliance with the Arakan Kingdom is also one of his achievements.

With this opportunity, he naturally wanted to regard the Kingdom of Arakan as his hard-core ally. Therefore, after forming an alliance, he still had the intention to win over the Kingdom of Arakan and improve his personal relationship with the Kingdom of Arakan.

Now that Aurangzeb is acting together with the Dutch to attack other countries, he will definitely win the friendship of the Dutch.The Mughal Empire was weak in naval forces, almost none; if Aurangzeb had the support of the Dutch, it would be a supplement.

The advantage of the Kingdom of Arakan lies in the navy.From this point of view, Shashuja should also try his best to win him over, so as not to be trampled by Aurangzeb in terms of the navy.

For this reason, he even stayed in Chittagong in the Arakan Kingdom, and held banquets with the people of the Arakan Kingdom every day.

The Kingdom of Arakan, as a neighboring country of the Mughal Empire, knows something about the Mughal Empire.Faced with the princes of a powerful empire, they have no right to refuse, so they can only cooperate with Shashuja.

"One look at the second prince, he has the demeanor of a king, making people willingly want to associate with His Royal Highness the second prince!"

"The second prince is wise and mighty, and you can tell he has the demeanor of Shah Jahan!"

"The second prince was strategizing and defeated Dongwu's Ming army. Maybe the news of surrender is already on the way!"

"Arakan's navy is very powerful at first glance, even the Portuguese have to serve you!"

"This bay is guarded by your Arakan navy, so you can rest assured!"


Complaints about business have existed since ancient times, between Shashuja and the important ministers of King Arakan, every time they have a banquet, they will praise each other.

At the request of Shashuja, the Arakan Kingdom is also gathering naval forces, preparing to move eastward along the coastline and enter Dongwu from Daguang to cooperate with the attack of the Mughal Empire army.

However, the Arakan Kingdom is only a small country after all. Even in this period of history, the Arakan Kingdom was in its heyday. It is still a little scary for the Arakan Kingdom to face the behemoth of the Ming Empire.

The king of Arakan also had his own little thoughts. He thought that the army of the Mughal Empire would fight the army of the Ming Empire for a while longer. pick peaches.

However, under the blowing of business, Shashuja was watching in person, no matter from which angle he looked at it, he couldn't delay it for too long.

On this day, the navy of the Arakan Kingdom, no matter how procrastinated they were, had gathered from all over the place to Chittagong, a natural deep-water port.

So, the king of Arakan invited Shashuja to inspect his navy, and then he was about to set off to fight Dongwu's Ming army.

Shashuja is of course very happy about this, which is one of his purposes here.If he wins Dongwu as soon as possible, he will be able to report victory to Sha Jahan as soon as possible, preferably before Aurangzeb takes Goa, so that the impression on Sha Jahan will be the best!
On the port side, there are about [-] ships, large and small, in the navy of the Kingdom of Arakan.Of course, most of them are actually small boats.

The sailors on the ship are not uniformed, they are of all kinds, and they can wear anything.It can also be seen that there are many red-haired and blue-eyed Xiyi among the sailors.

Shashuja naturally knew that these Xiyi were Portuguese hired by the Kingdom of Arakan.

When the Portuguese came to colonize the Bay of Bengal, they fought against the Mughal Empire and the Arakan Kingdom successively, but they failed to win.They came to ask for money, and many of them left their official identities, or worked as local pirates, or were hired by local people, anyway, they just wanted money!
It is also because of their existence that the naval strength of the Kingdom of Arakan has been strengthened, including naval warfare skills, artillery and muskets.Of course, these are still in the era when Western colonists used matchlock guns to colonize.

At this time, Shashuja was very happy to see so many fleets, at least the most fleet he had ever seen. He praised again, and then watched the king of Arakan give the order: "The whole army will attack and defeat Dongwu's fleet." Ming army, destroy Dongwu's Ming army!"

When his sailors heard the order, they all shouted under the leadership of the leader: "Defeat Dongwu's Ming army, destroy Dongwu's Ming army..."

This was ordered in advance, so many people shouted together, and the Arakanese on the shore also shouted together, this is very powerful.

"Defeat Dongwu's Ming army, destroy Dongwu's Ming army..."

This voice spread far and wide, satisfying King Arakan and Shashuja as well!

Subsequently, the Arakan navy began to leave the port one by one, sailing along the Kalatan River to the Bay of Bengal.

"I believe that the Ming army, which has been defeated by our Mughal army, will definitely be defeated when they see such a huge navy!" Seeing the navy slowly disappearing from sight, Shashuja said to King Arakan with a smile.

After hearing this, the King of Arakan was proud of himself, and he responded: "It's not that I'm bragging, but among all the surrounding countries, my navy is the largest and has the strongest combat effectiveness. The Portuguese came to serve me, and the Dutch passed by. Don't even dare to provoke!"

Here in Chittagong, since hundreds of years ago, it has gradually become a transit point for sea trade between the East and the West, gathering Arab merchants, Persian merchants and so on.The same is true, there have been many wars around Chittagong.The Portuguese also coveted it, but in the end it was the Kingdom of Arakan that took control of it.

When Shashuja heard this, he smiled on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart: When I ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor, I will send a large army to occupy this place!

He has been here for many days, and he can see the prosperity of Chittagong.

If in the original history, after his younger brother Aurangzeb became emperor, he sent troops to capture Chittagong and took it for himself.

But at this time, at least on the surface, both parties are hello and me, as if wearing a pair of pants!
Seeing that the last ship disappeared from sight, the king of Arakan turned around and invited Shashuja to continue to the banquet. When he was waiting for the good news, he suddenly heard the sound of "boom, boom, boom" from the open sea.

The sound was obvious as soon as it was heard, it must be the sound of heavy artillery.In the Arakan Navy, there are very few heavy artillery.

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned immediately, and turned their heads involuntarily to look towards the direction of the sea.

Where the hell is going on?

Is it because the sailor who just went to sea encountered an enemy?

What kind of enemy would that be?
The Portuguese should not come again. The Dutch have a good relationship with the Mughal Empire and the Kingdom of Arakan, and they will definitely not fire!
Then why did it fire, it was still a heavy artillery!
Ming army?how can that be?They were all beaten by the army of the Mughal Empire on Dongwu's side, and they were powerless to fight back!


One question after another popped up in the minds of everyone in Chittagong, but no convincing answer could be found!
No matter what happened, it must have something to do with the navy of the Kingdom of Arakan!
The king of Arakan immediately became nervous, that was all his warships, nothing could happen!
So, he immediately turned around and ordered the generals beside him: "Quick, send someone over there immediately to see what's going on?"

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of the rumbling guns has never stopped, and it can be heard that the sound of the artillery seems to be getting closer and closer, approaching the mouth of the Galadan River.

The face of the King of Arakan changed, because he could tell that the dense sound of the heavy artillery was obviously telling him that the artillery was definitely not from his fleet.

Because there are not so many heavy artillery that his navy can have!

Or it can be said that it was the first time in his life that he heard so many heavy artillery sounds!

On the Chittagong side, everyone's expressions were a little flustered.Even if they couldn't distinguish the sound of the heavy artillery, they were still scared when they heard the sound of those artillery.

Some people have already started to flee the port, but more people are still looking around at the port, trying to see what's going on?

Before the generals around the king of Arakan could send out their people, they saw a fast horse galloping towards the official road beside the river.

All eyes were attracted by the fast horse.They knew that the ride must have brought back news of what was happening off the coast!

Shashuja also stared at the fast horse, with some doubts in his heart: Subconsciously, he felt that the Ming army might have killed it.However, thinking rationally, it seems unlikely.After all, the army of the Governor of Bangladesh is attacking Ava City. How could the Ming army abandon Ava City and come to attack Chittagong?
At this moment when they were all wondering, amidst the sound of rumbling artillery, Kuaiqi finally arrived at Chittagong. The messenger, who got off his horse, was sweaty and pale, and walked towards the king of Arakan out of breath. While running, he shouted loudly: "It's not good, the navy of the Ming Dynasty is calling! It's not good, the navy of the Ming Dynasty is calling..."

This news, to be honest, is not surprising!

However, this news is actually very unexpected!
(End of this chapter)

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