Chapter 867 Scam
Hearing this, the man seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then he laughed like crazy.

However, with a smile and a smile, such a big man burst into tears.

Originally speaking, when Zhu Cihong saw that he not only did not listen to his persuasion, but was so disrespectful that he laughed out loud, he was not happy, so he was about to turn around and leave.However, seeing this man bursting into tears, his sympathy could not help but arise again.

So, he opened his mouth and said: "If there is anything, maybe you can tell me, maybe I can help you!"

The boy doesn't cry easily, just because he hasn't reached the sad place!
This man is actually like this, maybe he is really in a desperate situation.

What Daming lacks now is population, this person is going to die, no matter it is morality or national policy, he is not allowed to leave him dead.

Hearing Zhu Cihong's words, the man stopped his wild laughter, wiped away his tears, looked up at Zhu Cihong seriously, then shook his head and said: "Thank you for saving my life, sir. I see that you are from a wealthy family, but my business, you There's nothing I can do, I... It's useless for me to say it, so I won't bother you!"

In other words, it seems that it is not a matter of small money.

Think about it too, this person is well dressed, small money or something, what is there to dislike?
Hearing his words, Zhu Cihong frowned and said: "That's wronged? Then you can go to the government, why are you looking for death?"

Fang Zhenghua on the side was a little impatient, but His Royal Highness was patient, so he had no choice but to accompany him.Otherwise, if this person likes to seek death so much, I will send him back to the west with a slap, and he will be fulfilled!
It's so ignorant!

Hearing Zhu Cihong's words, this person showed a wry smile and said, "If it's useful to find the government, I... I wouldn't seek death!"

As soon as Zhu Cihong heard it, he automatically made up his mind, and immediately thought, it must be corrupt officials who are causing trouble!
He couldn't tolerate this, so he immediately asked: "Why, you were framed by corrupt officials, so that you were desperate, so you committed suicide?"

Hearing this, the man was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but look at Zhu Cihong again.

Because he heard it, the noble young man in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of the government, and he talked about corrupt officials, and he didn't know why?Is it a family of officials and officials, a famous family?

Thinking this way in his heart, maybe because he talked a little too much with Zhu Cihong, his ambition to die became weaker, so he stood up, tidied up his appearance, and then saluted Zhu Cihong and said: "This is not a case of corrupt officials. Why! We have all gone to the Yamen, but we also know that the Yamen is helpless!"

When Zhu Cihong heard this, he became even more curious, even the government was helpless, so what could happen?

By the way, there seems to be another keyword.

So, he immediately asked: "We? Are you not the only one? Also, is there anything the Yamen can't do?"

The man listened, nodded and replied: "I am from Zizhou in front of me. There are many people like me in Zizhou who have been cheated out of their homes because of greed. I don't know how to live in the future? Therefore, I... ...I couldn't think about it for a while, so I thought about dying!"

"..." Zhu Cihong was speechless when he heard this.

He thought it was the local government that was oppressing the people, but he didn't expect that it was a person who was cheated out of greed and ruined his fortune.

Soon, he thought of another important point, and immediately asked again: "It's a liar cheating, why is the government powerless? If many people are involved, the matter is more serious. Why didn't the government help you? What's going on, you Talk about it carefully!"

Fang Zhenghua at the side looked at His Highness the Crown Prince, and felt in his heart that perhaps this was the first "injustice" that His Highness encountered after leaving the palace, and he was the heir of the Ming Emperor, so he wanted to deal with it fairly, punish evil and promote good Bar?

Thinking of this, he coughed and reminded Zhu Cihong: "My lord, don't forget what the master told you!"

Listening to the conversation just now, it is likely to involve the government. Although it is said that local officials have seen His Highness the Crown Prince, it is very rare, but Fang Zhenghua still has the responsibility to remind him.

As soon as Zhu Cihong heard it, he understood Fang Zhenghua's meaning, but he ignored it. Of course he remembered his father's words, and he had a sense of proportion in his heart.

The person who hanged himself could also hear that, the nobleman's servant seemed to be reminding him not to meddle in his own business.

Thinking of this, he said to Zhu Cihong: "Forget it, I won't die for now, thank you son for saving my life, but my matter involves King Ding and my vassal state of Ming Dynasty, no one can do anything about it."

Originally, when Zhu Cihong heard what he said before, he felt that he had saved someone, so that was fine.However, when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was immediately stunned. This person wanted to die, and it seemed that many people were involved in deception, and it was related to his own brother. This was something he never expected!
Therefore, Zhu Cihong's tone became more severe, and he immediately shouted: "Say!"

He is the prince, truly under one person, above ten thousand people, and in the future, the whole country will be his.Once it becomes strict, it will have an overwhelming aura!

The hanged man heard this, felt the aura, and suddenly didn't know why, and felt a little scared, so he quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I say, I say!"

Then, the man started talking.

It turned out that someone in Zizhou released news that an investment company would be set up to invest in Jingshi's stock issuance.In other words, it is specially used to purchase the original shares issued by Jingshi Stock Exchange.

For more than a year, it has been proven that as long as you buy the original stock and trade it in the market, you can at least double your profit.

Therefore, many people in Zizhou were tempted, including the man who hanged himself, and they raised money to this investment company one after another. Those who were a little greedy tried their best to raise more money, thinking that they could earn more in the future. money.

The person who hanged himself was the patriarch of the Li Family Village below Zizhou. Not only did he take out all his own money, he even took away the money from the clan.According to his words, ordinary people are short of money, and he wants to use this opportunity to make some money for the clansmen!
Unexpectedly, when he met a liar, they only knew about it, and he lost all his money. He felt that he could not explain to his family and clansmen when he went back, so he couldn't think about it for a while, and wanted to hang himself.

This matter is really caused by greed.

After hearing this, Zhu Cihong couldn't help saying with a bit of resentment: "How naive you are, are the original shares of the stock so easy to buy? They will be auctioned, and rely on strength to speak."

At this time, a captain of Jinyiwei took a folding chair from the horseback outside the door, went into the temple, opened it, and invited His Royal Highness to sit on it.

Originally, if I just stood for a while, I didn't need a chair, but looking at it like this, it was obvious that there was still some conversation, so this chair was necessary.

"No!" The man heard Zhu Cihong's words, saw his style, and didn't want to be misunderstood, so he quickly explained, "It's related, we can get the original stock through internal means, we believe it, and think we can make a lot of money. I thought... I didn't expect... Alas!"

"..." Zhu Cihong was even more speechless when he heard that, and got the original shares internally?He is a majestic prince of the Ming Dynasty, and he doesn't even have an insider to speak of, so where do the people in this mere district of Zizhou come from?
If there were to be internal ones, East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, would they arrest them?

Thinking of this, Zhu Cihong shook his head and sighed: "You guys are really naive, liars will do whatever they say!"

Hearing this, the man seemed unconvinced by this comment, and quickly explained: "No, this liar belongs to our Sun family in Zizhou, a family of officials and eunuchs. , we thought, maybe such a family has something to do with being in the capital, so... that's why we believed it!"

The Sun family in Zizhou?Official family?
With these question marks in Zhu Cihong's mind, he turned to Fang Zhenghua and asked, "Who are the Sun family in Zizhou?"

Fang Zhenghua thought about it, and he really remembered it, so he told Zhu Cihong.

This Zizhou Sun family is actually very famous in later generations, and one of them is the famous Sun Zhixie.

For several generations of ancestors, they were all selected as Jinshi officials, that is, the generation of Sun Zhixie's son, in the Ming Dynasty, they were just raising people.

According to the original historical development, after the Manchus entered the customs, they still entered the court and became officials.

Of course, if the original historical development is also followed, this Sun Zhixie will be infamous for thousands of years!

It was he who, in order to please the Qing Dynasty, suggested to Dorgon that shaving hair and changing clothes must be implemented, otherwise, he would use the hat that Dorgon could not compete with to suppress him, that is, when the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, did the Qing Dynasty follow it? Han, or the problem of Han Cong Man Qing!

It was also because of this that China set off a bloodbath. I don't know how many people lost their families because of shaving their hair and making clothes easier.

This Sun Zhixie was finally caught by the rebel army when they captured Zizhou. He hated the idea he gave Man Qing, punched holes in his body and inserted pig hairs, and finally executed him Ling Chi.

At this time, when Fang Zhenghua introduced the background of Sun's family in Zizhou, the hanged man nodded repeatedly, and quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, it is his family. Think about it, young master, how can such a family deceive you?" Us? With his family's relationship in the capital, how can we not believe that we can buy the original stock?"

Zhu Cihong frowned upon hearing this.

From his point of view, he definitely doesn't believe it.However, here in Zizhou is Shandong. It is not close to the capital, nor far away. These people are not in the officialdom and have little knowledge.

Thinking of this, he asked again with some doubts: "Since you already know that the Sun family has deceived you and reported it directly to the government, don't you dare to make decisions for you and go to work with the Sun family?"

If this is really the case, the local officials in Zizhou should die!

At the same time, he still had a question in his mind. This person said earlier that he had something to do with his younger brother King Ding, but after hearing this, it seemed that it didn't matter at all?
 It's the last day, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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