Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 825 People's Hearts Are Available

Chapter 825 People's Hearts Are Available
In the final analysis, the imperial court did not expect that the allied forces of the western tribes would set their main attack target on Guihua City.

It stands to reason that the enemies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau should target their neighboring areas.To go so far to attack Guihua City!

That Gushi Khan really underestimated him!

Although Sun Chuanting felt a little regretful in his heart, he also knew that it was too late to say anything at this time, and he could only take measures according to the new situation.

In order to prevent the worst from happening, Sun Chuanting took decisive measures.

In addition to all the troops moving westward and relying on the fortifications in Baotou, all the people on the Hetao Plain either entered Guihua City, or moved into the pass, and some moved eastward, and returned to the Hetao Plain after the war was over. .

For Daming at this time, population is especially important, and there can be no losses.

If it was Li Dingguo who ordered this kind of large retreat, it would be difficult to issue this order.After all, his duty is to defend Guihua City and manage the army.However, this matter involves both military and political aspects, and it is also related to neighboring areas.Other places have to accept the people from Guihua City, provide food and grass, settle down and so on.

It would be different with Sun Chuanting here. His status as the cabinet assistant was enough for him to coordinate all of this.

The red lady who came with him, in charge of the female soldiers in the army, not only the medical soldiers, but also the art soldiers, immediately took action, urgently mobilized and publicized.There is no way, time is urgent, and it is not easy to complete the transfer of personnel in such a short period of time.

As Sun Chuanting's military orders were handed down one after another, the Hetao Plain became lively immediately.

A branch of the army immediately set off to the west.

The female soldiers in the army, on the way of marching, publicized loudly.

"The jackals have invaded our home, we must drive them out!"

"Defend the home and defend the country, right now!"

"Our fortress in the south of the Yangtze River will never allow the enemy to destroy it. We must let them taste our power!"


The court officers and soldiers on the march, listening to the propaganda of those female soldiers, are obviously a little different.

If, in the past, they believed that fighting was a meritorious service, honoring their ancestors, at this moment, they have an additional understanding, that is, to defend their homeland.

About [-] of the cavalry troops on the Guihua City side were Han troops mobilized from the pass, and the rest were all soldiers from the grassland tribes.

In fact, whether it is the soldiers of the grassland tribe or the Han army, they all put their homes on the Hetao Plain.Every soldier is assigned to a herd or a grain field, or both.

Especially as they watched Guihua City prosper at a speed visible to the naked eye, they also yearned for a better life in the future, but now, the western tribal allied forces were coming here.

Although in terms of military strength, it is true that the imperial army has the upper hand; even in their hearts, they despise the combat power of the allied forces of the western tribes; however, the grassland is too big, if the enemy insists on destroying the Hetao Plain, they will definitely be able to jump up Those who come here, then, the prosperous south of the Yangtze River, the better and better hometown, will inevitably be destroyed by the enemy!

Can this be promised?Can you watch your hometown being destroyed by the enemy?
Even if Master Sun has ordered the transfer of their family and the people on the Hetao Plain, many things cannot be transferred, so why not just watch the enemy destroy them?
Do not!Never promise, never let this happen!

All the officers and soldiers of the imperial court showed their determination, their daring to fight and their daring to die, all raised to the highest level in one fell swoop!
This is the case in the military, and it is similar in the civilian side.

Under the orders of Sun Chuanting, the court officials hurried to the settlements, fields, and pastures in the Hetao Plain, and asked the people everywhere to pack their bags immediately and start moving as soon as possible.

This sudden order made all the people on the Hetao Plain a little confused.

The imperial army is stationed here, why are they running away?

But they soon understood that their enemies numbered as many as one hundred thousand, including the army of the Heshuote Khanate to which Gushri Khan belonged, the army of the Zhungeer tribe, the army of Tsarist Russia, and the army of the Yarkand Khanate, etc. Wait.

Many of these tribal armies are notorious, such as the Tsarist Russian army.The imperial court had said before that they burned, killed and looted from the extreme west to the east.This point, all those who belonged to the Wacha tribe have witnessed it, and those who came from the three tribes in Mobei have also heard of it.

The imperial army is indeed sure to win this battle, but because of the vastness of the grassland, there is no guarantee that they will break through the blockade of the imperial army, and the enemies who come to the rear to make trouble will not cause harm to them!

The imperial court made the decision to relocate in order to avoid casualties among the people of Ming Dynasty and to protect them.

The officials also tried their best to persuade them not to care about pots and pans. People are the most important thing. As long as people are still there, after defeating the enemy, they can return to their hometowns, and the destroyed homes can be rebuilt.

The court's intentions, and the people on the Hetao Plain, really felt it.It can even be said that they have never felt this way before: the officials and lords actually value them so much and cherish them!
At this moment, they were all very touched!It made them proud of being the common people of Ming Dynasty!
However, everything in front of them was built step by step from scratch by the vast majority of their people.Looking at the allocated houses, grain fields, herds, etc., it is impossible to say that they can really do it and let go of it.

In particular, most of them were originally low-level herdsmen on the grasslands. They had never owned such wealth of their own, so they cherished it very much.

Such a beautiful home may be destroyed by the enemy, no one really wants to see it!Thinking of the possible scenarios, everyone's heart is pierced!
But at this time, no one can take their feelings into consideration.The coalition forces of the western tribes are coming soon, and there are too many things to do!

On Sun Chuanting's side, he was not polite either, and immediately sent a fast-horse messenger to the west of Daming to pass on his military orders to counterattack across the board.

When he was still in the capital before, that is, after Emperor Chongzhen learned the news from Zhu Chechen, he discussed the countermeasures, that is, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is really not suitable for becoming a battlefield for Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the established strategy is to lure the enemy to go deep, let go of some borders, show the enemy's weakness, attract the enemy to attack, and then launch a counterattack, try to wipe out the main force of the enemy, and then counterattack to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A lot of.

It is also for this reason that the false soldiers of the western tribal coalition can break into the territory of the Ming Dynasty, which is also the reason why Gushi Khan is so strange.

Now, it has been found that the main force of the allied forces of the western tribes is on the grassland, on the side of Guihua City, so there is no need to be polite on the other lines.

After finishing these tasks, Sun Chuanting also sent a messenger to the capital to explain the situation on the front line, and then hurried to the front line in Baotou in the west.

However, before he left, an unexpected scene happened.

As soon as Sun Chuanting left the city, before he had time to leave, he saw groups of people riding horses, carrying bows and arrows, and holding spears in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Sun Chuanting's personal guard immediately stepped forward, stopped those people, and asked loudly.

Most of these people are older, and there are also younger ones. Only a few are young and strong, but all of them have weapons, but they are a little crude. They are not military standard, let alone firearms.

The leader was an old man whose beard and hair were half gray. He dismounted and looked at Sun Chuanting, and shouted loudly: "My lord, the grassroots volunteer to go to the battlefield, defend their hometown, and do their part!"

Hearing his words, the people behind him also got off their horses one after another and shouted loudly towards Sun Chuanting.

"Yes, my lord, we will not leave, we must defend our hometown!"

"Don't worry, my lord, we won't make trouble for the court officials!"

"My lord, we are born with the ability to ride horses and shoot arrows. As long as those jackals dare to come, we will kill them!"

"Yes, we don't want to go, we can do it, we will never let them destroy our place!"


Sun Chuanting was a little shocked, he didn't expect these people to go to the battlefield spontaneously!

And he also saw that more and more people came here on horseback.Men and women, young and old.

In the distance, there seemed to be more!

While he was watching, he saw the old man at the head knelt down and begged him loudly: "My lord, please allow us, we won't cause any trouble, we also want to protect our hometown!"

The others followed him and knelt down, and quickly fell to the ground.Even the war horses they brought seemed to sense the atmosphere, snorting and making noises from time to time, as if responding to their master's eagerness to fight.

The people who arrived later also knelt down and begged Sun Chuanting to agree to their request to fight.

Seeing this scene, Sun Chuanting was a little shocked.

As far as he could see, there were at least tens of thousands of people coming from afar, or maybe more.

If nothing else, these Ming people on the Hetao Plain, the original herdsmen, were unwilling to leave their hometown, and they did not want their hometown to be destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, regardless of their age or gender, they took up Simple bows, arrows, knives and guns, leading their old horses, to defend their homeland!
People's hearts are available!

These four words flashed through Sun Chuanting's mind, and he made a decision.

In fact, time was pressing and there was no room for him to hesitate.

Seeing Sun Chuanting's legs slightly clamped, he drove his horse forward, came to the head of the old man, condescended, and said loudly: "Okay, there are court officers and troops in front, and you each form a team according to the Lijia, and stand behind the court officers and troops. A fish that slipped through the net. In this battle, Daming will win!"

(End of this chapter)

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