Chapter 754


There was a loud noise, and then Du Yinxi and others could see the package that had been stuffed into the cannon barrel fly out with the naked eye.

This speed is a bit slow!
At least when ordinary artillery fires iron bullets, it is almost impossible to see the flight of the iron bullets. In the blink of an eye, a bloody ditch has already been plowed.

Thinking this way in his heart, Du Yinxi is fine, but Zhou Yuji, Yan Yingyuan and others are still a little disappointed as the generals leading the army.

When they were thinking about it, they saw the package fell to the ground, and then there was no movement!
A little dizzy, is this hitting someone?But it can't kill people, right?

It seems that before the cannon was fired, the fuse was lit, wouldn't it explode?

They were thinking about it, when suddenly, they heard another "boom", and at the same time, they saw gunpowder smoke, soil, and stones all soaring up, covering a large area.

If there were enemies standing there, it was just the explosion just now, probably a lot of people would die, right?
With this understanding, Zhou Yuji and the others were shocked: How is it possible?Even if it is full of gunpowder, it is impossible to explode with such great power!
Thinking of this, Zhou Yuji was the first to confirm the safety of the artillery, and then hurried over to have a look.

Liu Wenxiu and Yan Yingyuan were not behind either, but they still remembered to salute Du Yinxi, and then ran behind Zhou Yuji.

In fact, Du Yinxi was also surprised, and wanted to see how powerful the explosion was just now!
Anyway, just this movement just now, it is estimated that the power will not be small, it can frighten many people just by scaring it, and it will probably make a "buzzing" sound in the ears!

Thinking of this, Du Yinxi maintained his demeanor of a literati, and instead of running over to look at it, he walked forward.Those who are familiar with him can find that his pace is slightly larger than usual.

When he reached the explosion point, he saw that the explosion point was already a pit.Then around the pit, there are a lot of broken iron and the like, smashing this large area into a hornet's nest.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but gasp: From the situation in front of him, it can be imagined that if the big package fell into the enemy group just now, a large number of people would definitely die!Even if you don't die, you will definitely lose your fighting power!

Not to mention him, even Zhou Yuji and the others, who would never frown in a fight on the battlefield, looked a little ugly looking at the situation in front of them.

Because they saw very clearly that the explosion just now was definitely not something ordinary people could stop.If they shot at them, even if they were surrounded by personal guards, they would probably be injured or even killed!
At the edge of the gun pit, several people stood there looking down, and for a while, no one spoke.

After a while, Zhou Yuji suddenly said with a serious expression: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

While talking, he turned his head to look at Du Yinxi, and asked: "My lord, is the gunpowder inside here ordinary gunpowder?"

After fighting for so many years, how could Zhou Yuji not know that ordinary gunpowder, with such a large amount, is absolutely impossible to have such a great power!
After hearing this, Du Yinxi suddenly laughed, nodded immediately and said, "That's right, Your Majesty said that this is the latest invention of gunpowder, but the output is still very low now!"

The greater the power, the stronger the imperial army's combat power, so he is naturally happy!
When he said this, he thought about it, and then continued: "Your Majesty also said that this is three times as powerful as the black powder we used before, and now it seems that it is really true!"

If this kind of unscrupulous gun fires explosives, if it is black powder, the effect will not be ideal.That is to say, with better gunpowder, Emperor Chongzhen launched this heartless gun according to Liu Weichao's proposal!

Hearing Du Yinxi's words, Yan Yingyuan suddenly said with emotion: "I know why this is called heartless cannon!"

Hearing his words, several people turned to look at him.

I just heard Yan Yingyuan pointing to the crater on the ground and said: "If there are many unconscionable artillery bombarding a place together, looking at the power, I don't think anyone can survive. No grass will grow, and even ants will not be able to survive. That's why, no Conscience too!"

Speaking of this, he was afraid that he was not clear enough, so he added: "If the cannon just exploded when it was in the air, it would only kill more enemies!"

Hearing Yan Yingyuan's description, several people's minds flashed in unison that many packages were used as shells, thrown into the enemy's formation, or exploded in the air, or exploded after landing, and then those pieces of iron blasted...

Thinking of this, the few of them nodded almost unanimously and said, "You have no conscience!"

After finishing speaking, several people suddenly showed happy smiles again!

Needless to say, with this unconscionable cannon, it was as if they saw victory beckoning to them!

After being happy for a while, Du Yinxi went on to say: "There is another weapon, Your Majesty calls it a hand grenade, and it should be used by the strongest in the army!"

Having said that, he pointed to the bomb crater on the ground and said with a smile, "Hehe, it's just a small heartless shell!"

Zhou Yuji and others were delighted when they heard this.These new weapons are emerging one after another, and they are still powerful. The imperial court is really powerful!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuji, Yan Yingyuan and the others personally tried the grenade weapon.

Their strength is enough. Although the grenade thrown after igniting the fuse is not as far as the unconscionable cannon, the distance is still considerable.

As far as the explosive power is concerned, they also have expectations. It is definitely not as good as the unconscionable cannon, but as a weapon with explosive damage, it is definitely very lethal.

They can all imagine that in the future, in the face of the enemy's attack, if the distance is still far away, they will use unconscionable bombardment; when the surviving place rushes over, then throw this kind of grenade, and it is estimated that there will not be many left. Enemy?
By the way, there is also Shenwei rifle shooting, hehe, this style of play will definitely make the enemy regret making enemies with the court!
At this moment, they were thinking about those Jianlu and Japanese pirates, hey, chickens and dogs!
Thinking of this, Zhou Yuji quickly said to Du Yinxi: "My lord, for such a good thing, the imperial court must increase production and make more!"

Du Yinxi laughed as soon as he heard it, isn't this nonsense, the court must also think about it!
So, he replied: "Your Majesty has a lot of good things, but it takes time and talent to make those things!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuji deeply felt the same way: That's right, His Majesty's good things, even unheard of good things, don't know how many there are, there are all kinds of them;

Thinking of this, he said with a little emotion: "The last thing to say is, simply, stipulate that everyone in the Ming Dynasty should learn Gewu, and it will be popularized in the army, so that there will be no worries about the talents of Gewu!"

After hearing this, Yan Yingyuan and Liu Wenxiu glanced at each other, but said nothing.

In fact, under the vigorous promotion of the current emperor, many people actually went to read Gewuxue in private, just wanting to see how Gewuxue is?
However, Nage Physics is too difficult!

Not to mention anything else, just writing habits, and some code names, I am not used to it.

If there is no teacher to teach, that stuff is hard to understand.

At this time, when Du Yinxi heard Zhou Yuji's words, he just smiled, and then said: "Your Majesty and the imperial court are worried about the matter of Gewu scholars. For us, it is to fight the next battle well."

Speaking of this, after he paused, his expression returned to seriousness, and he said immediately: "Let's go, I will distribute the newly arrived firearms, gunpowder and artillery to you first. If there are any more in the future, I will also send them to you." Go. For the upcoming war, the imperial court has a new plan, go back to the Governor's Mansion!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuji and the others immediately put away their emotions, and immediately responded in a serious and loud voice: "The last general obeys orders!"

There seemed to be anticipation and excitement in the words.

After returning to the Governor's Mansion to hold a military meeting, Zhou Yuji and others learned about the latest deployment of the imperial court.

In fact, at this time, there were already large-scale troops assembled in front of Shanhaiguan.However, Shanhaiguan is stuck, which can effectively block the news.Therefore, no one outside Shanhaiguan knew that the army had already begun to gather.Now, only the highest ranking generals like Zhou Yuji, Yan Yingyuan and Liu Wenxiu know about this situation.

In addition, on the side of Tianjin Port, the imperial court has begun to register the ships in the port, so that it can be calculated how many ships can be requisitioned and how many troops can be transported from the sea when there is a need.


Far away in Guihua City, the rotation training of various cavalry troops is still going on.Just as the detectives from the Mongolian tribe in the east could capture the soldiers of the Ming army and ask about their situation, the Ming army would also capture people from various tribes and ask about their situation if they did not take over at night.Soon, the news was gathered to Guihua City.

Li Dingguo was keenly aware of some problems with Jianlu's practice of sending people at the county king level to rule the various ethnic groups in eastern Mongolia and twist them into one rope.

Although it can also be considered that this is Jianlu's military training in response to the imperial court's army, it is impossible for the eastern Mongolian ministries to be integrated in this way without paying a heavy price.

The most important thing is that the response methods of the eastern Mongolian ministries are indeed effective. If the ministries rotate to the eastern grasslands to train troops, the gains will not be great.

After assessing the current situation, Li Dingguo asked the imperial court for a battle, preparing to mobilize a large number of troops to fight once, destroying the countermeasures of the eastern Mongolian ministries.Anyway, the imperial court originally had this intention. The cavalry troops from the Qin and Jin Dynasties had already arrived in Guihua City;

The total number of cavalry is at least [-].This is a powerful military force at any time.Li Dingguo didn't believe it. With so many troops, he would not be able to crush the coalition forces of the Mongolian tribes in the east.

(End of this chapter)

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