Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 678 Want to see Zhang's family

Chapter 678 Want to go home and have a look

Therefore, Su Minggang came to the Governor's Mansion with apprehension and worry. He wondered how the Dutch would treat them Ming people in Batavia after their defeat.

As a result, what he never expected was that the governor of Batavia, Anthony, changed his previous indifferent attitude and became amiable. Several things have been resolved.

This change in attitude made Su Minggang clearly realize that the Dutch people suddenly became so easy to talk, it must be related to the new trend of the court.

However, the information he could get was limited, and he couldn't judge what happened, so he went back a little puzzled.

After the Chinese New Year, Su Minggang was suddenly called to the Governor's Mansion again. Governor Anthony of Batavia became enthusiastic. When he saw Su Minggang arrived, he stood up from his chair with a smile and said, "The executive officer is here, hurry up, Sit down!"

"???" Su Minggang heard a series of question marks in his mind.

He has been in Batavia for a long time, and he has never seen the Dutch treat him so politely!
Don't talk about sitting, you have to be respectful and respectful when you are standing, but now you are so enthusiastic when you meet each other, why do you let him sit?
"Do you want sugar in the coffee? Or one or two spoonfuls of sugar?" Anthony was smiling all over his face, and asked with a smile while pouring coffee for Su Minggang.

"???" Su Minggang just came back to his senses, when he heard this, he couldn't help but a series of question marks on his forehead?
He also invited him to drink coffee. Could it be that the sun came out from the west?

To be honest, he was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the Dutch governor.

Seeing that Su Minggang was stupid, Anthony didn't care. He directly added two spoonfuls of sugar, stirred it and sent it to the tea table on the guest's side, and then said with a smile, "I guess you are not used to the bitter taste, so you decide on your own. You added two teaspoons of sugar, did you taste it to taste?"

Anthony was here, no matter how shocked Su Minggang was, he came back to his senses and was polite and flattered.

Seeing him like this, Anthony turned back to his seat and sat down. Then seeing Su Minggang still standing there, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Sit down, sit down, we are old friends for so many years , sit down, drink coffee, and chat!"

Seeing that he has maintained such enthusiasm, Su Minggang was very surprised, and sat down obediently, but he didn't drink coffee, but just looked at Anthony and listened to him.

Anthony didn't continue to persuade him to drink coffee, but asked: "To be honest, the way you Ming came to Batavia may be a bit inappropriate, as for the rest, we Dutch have not treated you badly. you?"

Some of the Ming people in Batavia were recruited by the Dutch, and some were plundered by the Dutch. In short, they used various means to bring the Ming people to Batavia and let them build the city wall and build Batavia.

Because the Dutch found through comparison that the Ming people are the most diligent and intelligent, and their requirements are still low. One can beat at least three natives, and they are very cost-effective laborers.

At this time, Su Minggang heard Anthony's words, nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, there was no wrongdoing!"

Ming people living abroad, except for those businessmen, are actually the people of the bottom of the Ming Dynasty. It is really difficult to live in China, so they leave their hometown to make a living.They have experienced too much suffering.

To be honest, the Dutch are really not very good to them, but compared to other Western Yi, the Dutch are indeed better to the Ming.Not only let Ming people manage themselves, but sometimes they can accept some requests from Ming people.

Anthony breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his reply, and said with a smile: "We Dutchmen and Mingren are all friends, it's just a relationship between employees. But we Dutchmen have come from afar after all, and we don't know much about the customs of your Mingren. , if there is any misunderstanding, you are the executive officer, you must bring it up to me, so as not to cause misunderstanding, you know?"

"Definitely, definitely!" Su Minggang responded quickly after hearing this, but he thought in his heart that the sun must really come out from the west.

Since when did Dutchman and Mingren become friends?

He has always felt that these western barbarians have always had a sense of superiority to the oriental people, whether it is the aborigines here or their Ming people, or are they friends?This is really a big joke!
But at this time, this friendship was heard from Governor Batavia!
The change in attitude of the Dutch is really getting bigger and bigger!

To be honest, Su Minggang didn't understand.

Before that, the Dutch were beaten down by the imperial army in the city of Zeelandia in Dongfan.Logically speaking, the relationship between the two parties would be affected and become even worse. How could they treat Ming people better and better since then?
He remembered very clearly that when the Dutch from Zeelandia returned to Batavia and brought the news of the imperial army, many natives jumped up, thinking that the Ming people would be retaliated, and began to bully Ming. people.

However, this kind of thing was quickly punished by the Dutch, and then, the previous requirements were agreed one after another. It is obviously better than before, and now it is even connected to the Governor's Mansion, and you can enjoy the Governor's Made coffee myself!
I really don't understand!
Can't figure it out!
Amid Su Minggang's confusion, Anthony enthusiastically expressed again that the Dutchman and Mingren are friends. If Mingren has any difficulties, as long as it is reasonable, just ask him. He can do it, and he will do it. of!
However, only the request to leave Batavia was still not allowed.

Su Minggang went back with a bewilderment, and the fellow villagers who had been worried all the time were also puzzled.Especially those Ming people who escaped from Luzon were even more surprised.

The Dutch are so different from the Spaniards?What a strange thing!
However, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. Anyway, the living conditions are much better than before, which is a good thing after all!
About half a month later, another news came, and finally let them understand why the attitude of the Dutch has become better and better!
"What? The imperial army took down Luzon?"

"That's right, all the Spaniards were killed, and all the natives who participated in the massacre of our Ming people were also killed!"

"Really? Is the court really going to avenge us?"

"That's not true! They were all escorted to the graves of those murdered Ming people, one by one, and thousands of people were killed, and a Beijing temple was also built to sacrifice blood to those compatriots who died in vain!"


Listening to the comments of his compatriots, Su Minggang understands why the attitude of the Dutch towards them is getting better and better.

He could guess that although the Dutch in Zeelandia were driven away by the imperial army, they had already experienced the strength of the imperial army, so they did not take their anger out on them, and their attitude was better.

Later, the Dutch knew that the massacre of the Ming people by Spain in Luzon finally provoked the imperial army, destroyed the Spaniards, and killed all the Spaniards and natives who participated in the massacre of the Ming people, which shocked the Dutch even more. , their attitude towards the Ming people in Batavia is even better.

After thinking about this, Su Minggang couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

In the past, these overseas Ming people didn't feel that they had anything to be proud of being Daming people.

If you come to Nanyang to beg for a living, you have to be angry with the locals and follow their rules. Even if you are bullied by them, there is nothing you can do.

Whether Daming is strong or not has little to do with these overseas Ming people.Not to mention, in his experience, Daming is also in chaos.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that it absolutely does not matter.At least when Ming Dynasty was still strong, the natives of Nanyang were more polite to them, so as not to oppress them too much.

But that's all!
However, this time, I really didn't expect that the imperial court actually sent a large army to attack the Spaniards in Luzon, and killed a lot of people to avenge those Luzon Ming people!
As soon as the news spread, they immediately felt the benefits on Batavia's side!

This made Su Minggang look forward to it very much. If overseas Ming people were massacred again in the future, would the imperial court still send troops?

He was thinking about it when he suddenly noticed that the surrounding area was quiet, so he came back to take a look, and saw that everyone was looking at the compatriot who brought the news from Luzon, as if he was about to say something very important.

So he listened too.

I heard this man with a very excited expression, trying to suppress it, and said loudly: "It is said that the current emperor swears in front of all civil and military officials that we overseas Ming people are also the people of the Ming Dynasty. Whoever dares to bully the people of the Ming Dynasty, We must first ask him whether the emperor agrees or not. Anyone who dares to bully the people of Ming Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!"

When he said this, he said it louder and louder, and the more powerful he said it, when he finally said the four words "even though it is far away", he was even more powerful and his voice was extremely loud!
After he finished speaking, although there were many people in the Batavia Ming people's meeting hall, it was very quiet.

Everyone stared blankly at the compatriot who reported the letter, all of them looked excited. Slowly, after a while, suddenly, someone started to cry.

Some cried aloud, some cried silently!
At this moment, they seemed to think that they were orphans all along. Suddenly, someone told them that they actually had parents, and that their parents were looking for them and caring about them.

Although Su Minggang is old and has experienced too many ups and downs, but at this moment, he also shed tears, silently.

Suddenly, he wanted very much to go back to his motherland, to go back to his hometown to see.

He believes that with such a good emperor in Ming Dynasty, his hometown will definitely become better!

He wants to go home!

However, it is a pity that the Governor of Batavia in the Netherlands still clearly stated that they cannot leave Batavia yet!

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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