Chapter 661 Rename
"Not bad, not bad, really good!" Emperor Chongzhen looked at the victory report and praised repeatedly, "This is how wars should be fought!"

Among the officials below, Sun Chuanting nodded after hearing this.

This good news is through the formal channel, that is, first to the Secretary of the General Administration, then to the cabinet, and then to the imperial court.He is the second assistant of the cabinet, so naturally he read it first.

This time, the expeditionary force took only two days to defeat Dongfan. This battle was indeed successful. In terms of specific analysis...

As he was thinking about it, he heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to say: "This battle was fought well, and there is still money to be made, well fought!"

"..." Sun Chuanting and others were speechless when they heard this.

The reason why the Emperor dared to praise this battle so repeatedly is that the imperial court will still make money after this battle is won?
This angle is really unexpected.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems true that as long as the war is profitable, the imperial court can afford to fight it for how long and how large it is!
Thinking of this, they all congratulated the emperor.Among them, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, had the loudest voice, obviously he most agreed with Emperor Chongzhen's views.

In the battle of Dongfan, the battle damage was very small, which meant that the pension payment was small.The fight ends after two days, which means that the consumption of food and grass materials will be less.It's those thousands of captives who were let go, which is a bit of a prodigal!
However, he could also see that Emperor Chongzhen was in a very good mood. If he mentioned this prodigal matter, the emperor would probably not pursue it.After all, they forced people to surrender, saved a lot of supplies, and made a lot of money for the court; taking a step back, those Dutch officers, including the highest-ranking governors, were also captured and sent to the capital alive, and they also had face.

Thinking of this, Ni Yuanlu wisely did not mention the release of the captives.

On the throne, Emperor Chongzhen was happy for a while, closed the victory report, and said to the ministers below: "The Lu Song Expeditionary Army fought beautifully in this battle, and I am very relieved. What do you think, how should I reward it?"

For Zheng Zhibao, he had a promise to be knighted in South America. Although he didn't tell anyone else, he did tell Zheng Zhilong.It was only because of the sudden outbreak of the massacre of Ming people in Luzon that the knighthood was delayed.He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to give a reward.

In terms of rewards, of course not only Zheng Zhibao and a few people were rewarded, the meritorious officers and men were all rewarded together, and there would be a large expenditure.

Ni Yuanlu, as Minister of the Household Department, had just spent a large amount of money for the reform of the education system, and her heart was hurting. When she heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, she immediately thought of the thousands of captives again, coughed, and went out to play: "Your Majesty, I think that the Luzon Expeditionary Army should have set off for Luzon now. Even if the court rewards them for their merits, they will not receive them. It's better to wait until after the Luzon war, and then discuss their merits and rewards together." ?”

Although it is impossible for Lai to let go now, but if he can delay it, he will feel better, at least then the national treasury will be filled again.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he frowned slightly, which was different from his thoughts.

Sun Chuanting saw it at the bottom and thought of something, so he followed suit and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that the great victory in the East should not be publicized. It is good to delay it for a while, so as not to affect the war in Liaodong!"

How did the great victory in the east affect the war in Liaodong?

Chief Assistant He Fengsheng and the others were a little baffled after hearing this.Even if there is an impact, it should be a positive impact.Let Jianlu and Nawa know that one of their allies, the Dutch Empire has been defeated once, can it be considered as a blow to their morale?
But how do you listen to Sun Chuanting's meaning, it seems that you can't do this?

What do you mean?
They were confused, and Emperor Chongzhen was also confused for a while, but he soon understood that Sun Chuanting was referring to Zheng Zhilong's internal response.

If word of Dongfan's great victory spread, Jianlu and Waguo would definitely ask Zheng Zhilong for an explanation, asking why his brother Zheng Zhibao went to fight Dongfan and worked so hard?
In this way, it seems that Zheng Zhilong is indeed disadvantaged.Especially if I still title Zheng Zhibao, maybe Jianlu and Wa Kingdom will still suspect that Zheng Zhilong will change his mind?
Thinking of this, he nodded, and said to Ni Yuanlu: "Ni Qing is right, so let's award them together after the war in Lu Song is over!"

Procrastinate as long as you can, try to buy time for the strategic offensive that the court is deploying, and talk about it later if you can't cover it up.

But for this matter, we still need to say hello to both Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Zhibao.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen decided to send a secret decree to both Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Zhibao to explain the situation so that there would be no problems.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen said to He Fengsheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet: "Now that Dongfan has stationed troops, it needs to be developed, not only to plant grain fields, open military ports, but also to plant tropical plants brought from South America. The cabinet Let’s make a plan here to let Fujian and Guangdong organize a group of immigrants to go there and enrich the Dongfan!”

He Fengsheng will naturally not object, and he replied: "In this case, please give me a name from your majesty, how about going to Dongfan instead?"

"Then call it Taiwan Frog!" Emperor Chongzhen said without thinking about it.

This Taiwan frog once came from Liu Weichao.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao mentioning Dongfan, he often said Taiwan frog, which was probably the name of later generations, so he used it directly.

He Fengsheng was a little surprised when he heard that, what's the name?
After thinking for a while, he asked for advice: "Your Majesty, but the special product of Dongfan is Taiwan frog, so it is named?"

Emperor Chongzhen knew about this, but thinking that there are many frogs in the south, it should be correct, so he nodded and said, "Almost!"

After hearing the explanation, He Fengsheng accepted the order.

Just like that, under the butterfly effect, Dongfan changed its name.

Later, Liu Weichao learned about this by accident, and was dumbfounded. When he came back to his senses, he saw that Emperor Chongzhen's expression seemed a little wrong, so he quickly explained, boasting that the name is a good name, and the frog is a beneficial insect. This is definitely a good name!
Having said that, the Wenhua Palace did not make a judgment on the captives who were escorted to the capital. We will wait until they arrive in the capital.

After the meeting, Emperor Chongzhen sent Song Yingxing the content of the actual combat evaluation of the steam iron-clad warship, and Sun Chuanting followed him to discuss the combat situation of the steam iron-clad warship with Song Yingxing. The final result of the discussion was to form a mixed formation , All kinds of warships must have some.


While they were busy with this, the Luzon Expeditionary Army had already arrived in Luzon.

The Governor of Spain in Luzon, Diego Fajardo Chakun, is checking supplies at the Governor's Mansion, and he is planning to send a ship next year to send the wealth gained this year to New Mexico in the Americas, and then to Spain.

This Chakun was born in the military. He has only been in office for more than a year. He is really good at fighting.

It was also he who heard the report from his subordinates that the presence of the Zheng family's fleet was probably a precursor to the Zheng family's conspiracy against Luzon.

Therefore, he decisively ordered the massacre of Lusong Ming people, so that these Lusong Mings would not become the internal response of the Zheng family to attack Lusong.

Although almost half a year had passed since the massacre of the Ming people, there was no reaction from the Ming country, or in other words, the situation on the Ming side was also within his expectations.

They already have experience, as long as the internal response is cleared, no matter whether it is the Zheng family or the Ming country's plot against Luzon, it will be wiped out without any consequences.

But it seems that this is not true, no, the boxes of wealth in front of me are the benefits brought by the elimination of Luzon Ming people!
The wealth turned over to the home country early next year should be outstanding, and should be rewarded by the home country, maybe even a title or something.

Thinking of this in his heart, Cha Kun felt very proud.

That's right, those Ming people in Lu Song Dynasty are really a treasure trove. They kill them once every few years, which is a bit like raising pigs to kill them. It's really good!
It's a pity that the aborigines here are too lazy, otherwise they can cut off a wave of aborigines!

He was thinking about it, when suddenly, he heard hurried footsteps coming from outside.

Before Chakun turned around, the hurried footsteps came to the door, without even calling for a report, he pushed the door hard and rushed in, making a loud "snap" sound, it was the door being pushed open and touched Sounds on the wall.

"Your Excellency, something is wrong, outside..."

Seeing such a salute from his subordinates, he was almost startled, and Cha Kun became angry, and immediately shouted: "Get out!"

The subordinate was taken aback for a while, but the situation was urgent, so he didn't listen to this, and hurriedly continued to report: "...Your Excellency Governor, outside the sea..."

"Get out!" Seeing that he didn't obey his order, Cha Kun immediately became very angry, pointed at his subordinate's nose and shouted, "How dare you disobey my order?"

Those who were born in the military are the ones who can't see the subordinates disobeying orders the most.

No matter the sky is falling, his orders must be carried out!
His subordinates obviously also knew his temper, and it is estimated that his Excellency Governor would draw his sword if he spoke so forcefully.

In desperation, but there was nothing he could do, his subordinate hurriedly retreated, and at the same time closed the door, and shouted loudly at the door: "Report, there is an urgent military situation!"

When Chakun heard this, he was not particularly anxious. He thought that this urgent military situation might be related to the Dutch.Because in the past, the Dutch had conflicts with Luzon, coveted Luzon, and were repelled by him.

At this moment, he covered the boxes containing wealth, walked back to his seat and sat down unhurriedly, and then said coldly, "Come in!"

After hearing this, his men immediately entered the door.But this time, he didn't dare to push the door hard.

After entering the door, he immediately reported: "Your Excellency, a large number of lucky boats have been found in Manila Bay!"

(End of this chapter)

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