Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 633 The Emperor's Oath

Chapter 633 The Emperor's Oath
In fact, don't look at the lack of Dutch or Spaniards. In the original history, if Daming wanted to deal with them, it still had to rely on the superiority in numbers.

After all, in the original history, the quality of guns and artillery, as well as the use of firearms, was not as good as these Xiyi, and the warships were even more incomparable with Xiyi's warships.

The quality of the Ming army itself is actually a bit worrying, and it cannot be described as elite at all.

Under such circumstances, just like Zheng Chenggong's battle to restore the chicken coop, it really relied on a large number of people, and it was still a siege that finally won the Dutch.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen had been reminded by Liu Weichao, and after he had confidence in the strength of Xiyi, he said with a smile: "Then I still don't know that Xiyi only has such a small number of troops, so let's praise it seriously. Well, continue to draw from the provinces."

"That's right!" Liu Weichao nodded and said after listening, "Speak urgently, the propaganda machine must be used well!"

Emperor Chongzhen agreed on the spot, and after discussing with Liu Weichao for a while, he hung up the phone and began to think about this rare opportunity.

It was not until the next day that Fujian governor Wu Zhiping's memorial was sent to the capital, and it was transferred from the Secretary of General Administration to the cabinet.The news naturally spread, at least the court knew that the Xiyi in Luzon slaughtered the Ming people there again.

Based on the previous few examples, this matter did not actually cause much waves.In the final analysis, the officials at that time had a natural disdain for those Ming people who went to sea to beg for a living.The result of Emperor Wanli's disposal must have been discussed with the officials, which represents the opinions of the scholar-official class.

However, this time, what they never expected was that when this memorial was presented to the imperial court, Emperor Chongzhen was furious on the spot, and immediately held the highest-level meeting of the Ming Dynasty. Wait, all the top officials of all yamen in Beijing will attend the meeting.

Glancing at the crowd of high-level Ming officials below, Emperor Chongzhen said angrily: "Ming people overseas, with yellow skin and black eyes, are of the same family and family as the Ming people in China, and they are all my people, my people! And to massacre the people of our Ming Dynasty again and again, does this mean that our Ming Dynasty is nothing?"

"As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, even if I treat the life and death of the people of the Ming Dynasty with great care, I will exempt a batch of death sentences from review, so as to show that God has the virtue of good life! But this Xiyi treats the people of the Ming Dynasty like pigs and dogs, and let me Its slaughter, such behaviors, the gods and men are outraged!"


When Emperor Chongzhen opened his mouth, he set the tone for the matter.

The courtiers in the Wenhua Palace were naturally discerning, and immediately understood what the emperor meant.

And what Emperor Chongzhen said was right, everything made sense.

At that time, Emperor Wanli said that those were fugitives and profiteers, and it was not worth sending troops, but Emperor Chongzhen's meaning was very clear. Even death row criminals would be treated very cautiously. .

The so-called dog beating depends on the owner, let alone massacres of Ming people again and again.From this perspective, is Daming really easy to bully?It's really tolerable and unbearable!
On Qingliu's side, that is, the left and right censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they immediately stood up to echo Emperor Chongzhen's words, saying that they would teach these Xiyi a lesson.

Regardless of the majesty of the celestial dynasty or the basic bottom line of human relations, Luzon Xiyi must be punished.

However, fighting costs money, especially when sending troops overseas. Therefore, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, coughed and went out to play: "Your Majesty, Lu Song Xiyi's actions that are so indignant between humans and gods must be punished! However, the Jianlu and Wa kingdoms, as well as the Mongolian tribes, etc., are all eyeing the Ming Dynasty, and the domestic troops are not enough, so how can we send troops to Luzon?"

Express your attitude first, otherwise you will be sprayed to death by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and public opinion.Only then did he ask specific questions, indicating that things were more troublesome.

Hearing his words, the others also recognized the difficulty.

Among them, Wang Chengen had already been confessed in private by Emperor Chongzhen. Originally, if Ni Yuanlu didn't say this, Wang Chengen would say it.Hearing what Ni Yuanlu said at this time, Wang Chengen stood up and said, "Long Live Lord, if I send troops to Luzon from the Ming Dynasty, I must go through the chicken coop. But now there are Dutch troops occupying the chicken coop." There, the imperial army must first beat chicken coops before sending troops to Luzon."

Needless to say, most people didn't know about this situation at all. When they heard Wang Chengen's words, they immediately felt that sending troops to Luzon was more troublesome than imagined.

This matter, in terms of the current situation, is a bit difficult to handle, right?

Thinking of this, the first assistant He Fengsheng came out and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks, why don't you send imperial envoys to Luzon first, reprimand the Xiyi in Luzon for compensation, and guarantee that you will not commit any crimes again in the future, and wait until the court deals with Jian After the invasion of the captives and the Japanese kingdom, how about sending troops to Luzon at an appropriate time?"

If he didn't know the truth about this kind of measure, he really couldn't do it, and it was considered a helpless solution.

However, how could Emperor Chongzhen agree!
No, after listening to Emperor Chongzhen, he sternly shouted on the spot: "Lu Songxi barbarians have massacred our Ming people again and again. What's the use of verbal reprimand? In the Han Dynasty, there were those who offended me and were strong, and they would be punished even if they were far away." But now my Ming Dynasty doesn’t have the courage to make decisions for the people of Ming Dynasty? Is it possible that the more we Han people live, the more we return?”

Speaking of this, he declared in a decisive tone: "I swear here today, and the witnesses are witnesses, the Emperor Taizu knows that I am the father of the people of the Ming Dynasty, and I must be the master of the people of the Ming Dynasty. All the people of the Ming Dynasty, No matter where you are, anyone who dares to touch the people of Daming, first ask me whether I will agree! Anyone who dares to harm the people of Daming, I will retaliate tenfold! I want the whole world to know that all the people of Daming are protected by me of!"

When these words were spoken out, even the experienced and prudent old courtiers couldn't help but feel agitated.

Father-in-law, if you make such an oath, it is a real responsibility!With such a monarch, as long as it belongs to the people of Ming Dynasty, who would not like it?And who wouldn't be proud of being a commoner of the Ming Dynasty and having such a father?
If the emperor is willing to take on the responsibility, then the civil and military ministers will have the confidence, and if it is pushed down, the people of Ming Dynasty will have the confidence!
No, Wang Chengen responded loudly with a sharp voice: "Those who offend my greatness and those who deceive my wise will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

After speaking, I was so moved that I cried.

This is the emperor's dog leg, and everyone present knows that hugging the emperor's thigh in such an exaggerated way leaves a lot of leeway for others.

However, they were really excited, and followed Wang Chengen's words to express their stance clearly: "Those who offend my greatness and those who deceive my wise will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Seeing the performance of the officials below, Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied.

After that, they began to discuss the specific details of sending troops.

Needless to say, Emperor Chongzhen of course would not tell the details of Xiyi, but discussed with his officials that the north and the southwest could not be moved, so they could only mobilize the troops of the southern provinces.

However, the military strength of the southern provinces does not have a decent elite army, so it is necessary to increase the military strength to ensure the chance of victory.

In this way, it returned to the problem that Ni Yuanlu was worried about at first.

So, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at Wang Chengen and gave a signal.

When Wang Chengen saw it, he understood it, and immediately went out to play and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial court is now using troops everywhere to defend against foreign enemies. Since the troops are stretched, the slaves think that they can learn from the Qin and Han Dynasties of the Warring States Period. All the people of our Ming Dynasty are suitable for young people and must join the army. Solve the dilemma of the court's military resources. Defending the family and the country is not only the responsibility of the court, but also the responsibility of every man!"

The system of universal compulsory military service has precedents in ancient times.Now there is the rise and fall of the world, and everyone is responsible for the direction of public opinion. Therefore, after Wang Chengen said this, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which represents Qingliu, will never lag behind others on the moral high ground, and immediately agreed.

To be more serious, the current situation, facing the eyes of many countries, is indeed related to the rise and fall of Ming Dynasty!The emperor has responsibilities, so of course the people of Ming Dynasty also have responsibilities!

Without the previous guidance of public opinion, there might not be such a high level of approval. However, based on the previous foreshadowing, almost everyone feels that this universal military service system is necessary.

Emperor Chongzhen naturally seized the opportunity, made a decision on the spot, and established a compulsory military service system for all people.

What is different from the past is that this version of the Ming Dynasty's compulsory military service system for all people implements compulsory military service, but it still pays the army and provides military equipment, just like the recruitment system, which lasts for two years.After that, you can leave the army or continue to serve in the army.

In addition, those who have merit can continue to obtain merit, including those who study in the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, can also continue to study. They are not forced to join the army, but they must have military training. Emphasize the system of military service for all, and no one can be an exception.

On this point, Emperor Chongzhen set an example and announced that the princes were no exception.

This is all right, the prince is no exception, so other officials can't say anything.

This policy was passed as quickly as possible.Chen Yuanyuan, the Department of Political Affairs and Communications, will also pass the decree to Ruan Dacheng, the Department of Political Communications of Nanjing, to publicize it nationwide.

Of course, the preparations for dispatching troops to Luzon must be carried out without delay.

Before Zheng Zhibao arrived at the capital, he received an imperial decree, appointing him as the commander-in-chief of the Southern Ming Dynasty Navy, and Lu Jiude, the eunuch guarding Nanjing, as the supervising army. Fight Lu Song to avenge the people of Ming Dynasty.

Jin Yiwei commanded his colleague Zheng Sen to inspect the southern provinces and supervise the implementation of the national military service system!

(End of this chapter)

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