Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 624 Enemies in Four Places

Chapter 624 Enemies Everywhere
Hearing what Yingerdai said, the Dutch were a little embarrassed.

When they came to Jianlu's side, they announced their family background and introduced themselves. Naturally, they praised themselves vigorously. What kind of sea coachman, they were invincible all over the world, occupied one colony after another, and so on.

It is of course impossible to mention the fact that they challenged Zheng Zhilong's authority twice and were defeated by Zheng Zhilong.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong is here, how can he boast about this bullshit?
"They all ran across the sea. If you don't look up and look down, even if you don't know each other, then you will know each other once you see each other!" The Dutchman forcefully explained, and finally followed Ingerdai to the lobby of the guard of Zhenjiang Fort.

Sure enough, I saw Zheng Zhilong warming up there.

They did not know Zheng Zhilong, but they met Zheng Zhilong when they were in Nagasaki.Therefore, Zheng Zhilong doesn't know them, they recognize Zheng Zhilong.

"Come on, come on, let's sit down together." Ying Erdai still greeted enthusiastically, "Wait for me to arrange some wine and food, and eat together to warm up!"

The Dutchman didn't know how to speak, and when he heard this, he quickly nodded in agreement.

But who knows, after Zheng Zhilong heard this, he said lightly: "No need, the weather is too cold, I'd better go back early!"

As soon as he said this, the scene immediately became a little awkward, and he didn't know what to say next.

Zheng Zhilong looked at the Dutchmen and asked indifferently: "Do you have my permission to do business in the Qing Empire?"

"..." Yingerdai was shocked when he heard that, isn't that too domineering?
Zheng Zhilong could be the king and hegemony in the Ming Dynasty, but he didn't expect that even foreigners would listen to him?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a deeper understanding of Zheng Zhilong!

After hearing this, the Dutchman couldn't help being very embarrassed because there were generals from the Qing Dynasty by his side.

However, they can't accept Zheng Zhilong, otherwise, if Zheng Zhilong gets angry, they may threaten their place in the chicken coop.If there were no chicken coops, not to mention their business with the Qing Empire, even their business with the Wa Kingdom would be affected.

However, if you are going to be so subdued, it will be difficult to do business with the Qing Empire in the future.After finally finding another way to do business, they naturally don't want to listen to other people's influence.

After hesitating for a moment, the leader of the Dutch replied firmly: "Who do we do business with, and why do we need your permission? You just stipulated that you can just buy your order flag!"

"..." Ying Erdai on the side was speechless again. Was this a soft word with a tough attitude?

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he still said calmly: "Then I will make another rule now, to do business with the Qing Dynasty, I must agree to it!"

"..." The Dutch were a little dumbfounded when they heard this. After looking at each other, one of them asked with little confidence, "Why?"

Zheng Zhilong stood up, put down the hand stove, then looked at the Dutchman and said, "Because I'm also doing business with the Qing Dynasty, what's the point of meddling in?"

This reason must be justified, at least from the perspective of doing business, it is logical.In this way, the possibility of the Dutch joining in to disrupt the court layout was concealed.

However, as Jianlu's side, they certainly don't want Zheng Zhilong to be the only trade partner.Ying Erdai on the side quickly interjected and said: "They are all from our own people, we are all from our own people, if you have something to say, talk about it, and if you have money, make money together!"

After the peacemaker said something, he looked at Zheng Zhilong and said, "The Dutch Empire has also formed an alliance with our Qing Dynasty to fight against the Ming Dynasty. For the sake of like-mindedness, let's make money together!"

When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The Dutch even formed an alliance with Jianlu?

But it seems not surprising to think about it!
These Dutch people came to Daming's side. At first they used to rob, but after being beaten by the imperial army, they asked for business, and then they were cleaned up by themselves.From the beginning to the end, they failed to do business with Da Ming, and they must have held grudges against Da Ming.It seems logical that they formed an alliance with Jianlu and joined the anti-Ming ranks.

I also joined this anti-Ming alliance, and Ying Erdai broke this relationship. If I objected to the Dutch doing business with Jianlu, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Zheng Zhilong quickly flashed these thoughts in his mind, and suddenly he was concerned.A smile appeared on his face immediately, and he said to the Dutchman with a smile: "So that's the case, so I don't know what business you are doing with the Qing Dynasty?"

Hearing that his tone eased, the Dutchman couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly replied: "We are mainly engaged in the firearms business, and there must be no conflict with your side."

What Jianlu lacked the most was good-quality firearms, such as flintlock guns and more powerful artillery.Once the Dutchman came together, it was naturally easiest for the two sides to reach an agreement on firearms.

However, the Dutch are also cunning. In answering Zheng Zhilong's words, they said that they mainly focus on the firearms business, but they did not say that they would not do other businesses.In fact, in the content of their negotiations with Jianlu, in addition to supplying Jianlu firearms, they will also transport food from Nanyang.It's just that in terms of trade value, it's not as large as the trade value of firearms.Therefore, they said with peace of mind that they mainly focus on the firearms business.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong listened, and it was not easy to object on the surface. After all, the Jianlu general next to him must know that he is not in the firearms business, so he has no reason to object to the Dutch focusing on the firearms business.

So, he said to the Dutchman: "In this case, it's up to you. But if I know that you are lying to me, I believe you should know that I am not so easy to fool."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the Dutchmen, turned his head and said to Ingerdai, "It is estimated that the supplies on the ship should have been moved almost, then I will leave!"

Yingerdai didn't want them to continue to be together, lest she wonder if she would be stiff again later, so she quickly squeezed out a smile to see off the guests.

The Dutch actually wanted to leave earlier, but they didn't want to go with Zheng Zhilong, so they stayed.

Zheng Zhilong's words are beautiful.However, when he returned to the cabin, there were no outsiders around, so his brow frowned.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he actually has to admit that the Dutch are not easy to deal with.

Zheng Zhilong paid a lot of money in the battle of Liuluowan that established his supremacy. He issued a reward order and assembled a large-scale warship. He relied on local advantages to defeat the allied forces of the Netherlands and pirates.

In the current situation, if he really wanted to fight the Dutch for life and death, the Dutch who led the entire fleet to fight chicken coops would probably suffer a lot of losses.

And once the Dutchman can't beat him, if he wants to escape at sea, he can't catch up with his current ship.

In addition, Zheng Zhilong naturally knew that the Dutch still had a large stronghold in Nanyang, which should be the headquarters of the entire East.

If the other side came out in full force and fought him endlessly, his loss would be very heavy.

Of course, this is based on the previous situation.

If the imperial court allocated him that new type of iron-clad steam warship, he would not be afraid of the Dutch at all.If we really want to fight, the price will not be high.

Thinking about these things in his heart, Zheng Zhilong finally decided that this newly discovered problem must be reported to the court in time.

But this time, there is no need to go to the capital to face the saint in person.The memorial notes are enough!

With this decision, Zheng Zhilong quickly wrote the memorial and immediately sent the Clippers to the capital.


On the capital's side, it seemed that the Chinese New Year was coming, but Emperor Chongzhen was still busy.

No, he was just looking at a memorial, which seemed to be a little troublesome.

This memorial came from Shanhaiguan, and it was sent to the capital by Du Yinxi, governor of Jiliao.

The memorial mainly reflects one thing, that is, when the Mongols were sent from Shanhaiguan to go back to their respective tribes to win over the herdsmen at the bottom, a message was sent back.

It is said that Jianlu has also sent people to contact the patriarchs of various tribes and the like, and is preparing to accumulate strength to cooperate with Jianlu in launching a big war against Ming Dynasty.

Today's Mongols already know that Jianlu has drawn several countries into alliances, so the leaders and patriarchs of the Mongolian tribe are full of confidence in defeating Ming Dynasty.

On Du Yinxi's side, after receiving this situation, he was very worried about the situation that Daming would face in the future, so he specially posted this memorial to remind Emperor Chongzhen to make preparations as soon as possible.

After reading this memorial, Emperor Chongzhen was not too worried because he had known about the Jianlu alliance for a long time.However, from this memorial, he also sensed Jianlu's determination to win over all forces and try to deal with Daming.

As far as the current situation is concerned, although Jianlu's forces have been pushed back to the hinterland of Liaodong, the imperial court has also strengthened the defense of the Great Wall of Jizhen.

However, if there is any negligence, if these enemies attack Daming together, there may be omissions in some places.

But outside the capital city, it is already very prosperous now, if it suffers from war, the loss will be heavy.It is even possible that if the land of Gyeonggi is destroyed, it will also suffer heavy losses.

While Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about this matter, Zheng Zhilong's memorial arrived.

When he saw this memorial, he suddenly found another country that had formed an alliance with Jianlu, and he suddenly got a little dizzy.

But this time, he did not go to Liu Weichao to ask about the situation at the first time, but took out the world map, first looked at the place where the chicken coop was marked on the map according to the information provided by Zheng Zhilong, and then found Nanyang Batavia Over there, there is also the Dutch base. As for their home country, it is far away from Daming.

After a comprehensive evaluation, combined with the current technological situation of Daming, there is actually no need to worry too much.After knowing it in his mind, he initiated a video communication with Liu Weichao, and it was necessary to chat about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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