Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 615 Chapter Jing

Chapter 615 Returning to Beijing
Of course he didn't know that Wu Sangui also had his own difficulties, and they were forced to!

Since the Battle of Songjin, Wu Sangui's way of surviving in the officialdom has been inapplicable.And he felt that the current emperor didn't like him, and he even hated him.

He didn't feel this at the beginning, but later, he gradually felt it.

It is easy for other people to be promoted, but it is difficult for him to be promoted.

Looking at other people's titles, there are more than one, and even a few of them are thieves, or were originally unknown local classics, and he was born as a general in Liaodong.This feeling of contrast made Wu Sangui unable to sleep well for countless nights.

Naturally, Wu Sangui was not reconciled to this, and once wanted to make contributions to change this situation.However, God seemed to be joking with him, under the South and North Wars, the greatest contribution was often missed by him.

Finally, the current emperor finally gave him a chance to return to the post of commander-in-chief and come to Dongjiang Town to take charge of his own affairs.Unexpectedly, under Jianlu's response, his thoughts of making meritorious deeds easily could not be realized at all.

Cavalry raid the hinterland of Liaodong?Ren Jianlu has now shrunk his troops to defend against his cavalry, and there is no decent military merit to be made at all.

Instigating the rebellion against the famous general who surrendered to Jianlu, he had a high degree of confidence in this, after all his uncle Zu Dashou was also there.As a result, Jianlu moved all the Han people to the north, and they couldn't get in touch with them at all.

Regarding this, Wu Sangui said to himself, take your time, be patient, and you will surely catch opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future.

Fortunately, the Japanese pirates actually landed in North Korea, and they had to add such a big enemy, and the other side also had a powerful navy, the Pidao might not be able to keep it, so they could only retreat to the front line of Denglai.

All these things have already made Wu Sangui depressed.

In addition, he was not an idiot, and he clearly felt that even Zheng Zhilong, a former pirate, was more trusted by the emperor than him.Zheng Zhilong can know what's going on, but he doesn't know, isn't that obvious!

Wu Sangui thought for a long time, and felt that all of this, in the final analysis, still lost the Sacred Heart.

But if he wants to win the Sacred Heart again, there is only one way to go, risk his life and make great military achievements, so as to prove that he has reformed himself and can really serve the court loyally and serve the country.Otherwise, it's really hard to say what the future holds!
There is a saying that goes well, one raging soldier, one raging general.

The same goes for expanding a bit.

If the emperor is incompetent, then his civil servants and military generals will be mediocre and selfish; loyal and good generals will inevitably be squeezed out and eliminated by treacherous officials!
And if the emperor is wise, then many loyal ministers and generals will emerge from his civil servants and generals, and those who are mediocre and selfish will be driven, changed, or eliminated!
After Emperor Chongzhen was able to contact Liu Weichao, he reversed his previous practice, that is, the transformation from an incompetent emperor to a wise emperor led to the change of Wu Sangui, which is naturally reasonable.

From this point of view, the ruler is not the ruler of the subjugated country, and the ministers are all the ministers of the subjugated country. In fact, it is just a statement that evades responsibility and lacks responsibility!

At this time, I heard Wu Sangui solemnly say to Zheng Zhilong: "Old Zheng, this time, I'm going all out, you have to help me no matter what! My plan must have your support!"

Sensing his awakening, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being a little moved, but he still reminded: "If you really want to do this, it will be very dangerous. Are you sure you think about it?"

"I've made up my mind!" Wu Sangui nodded after hearing this, and said seriously, "I can't do it unless I work hard!"

Speaking of this, he sincerely said to Zheng Zhilong: "Please also ask Lao Zheng to help me say a few words in front of the emperor. As long as the emperor agrees to give more support to Dongjiang Town, I, Wu Sangui, will be the Monkey King in the Liaodong border of North Korea. It will turn upside down in their stomachs!"

Seeing that Wu Sangui was determined, Zheng Zhilong reminded after thinking for a while: "Maybe I will withdraw to the front line of Denglai in the future. Pidao will definitely not be able to stay. Do you want to stay?"

He is the ally of Jianlu and Japan, and he will definitely "retreat" back at that time, and then "rebel" when the coalition forces of Jianlu and Japan bypass Shanhaiguan and attack Tianjin.If Wu Sangui has been cooperating with Pidao, this plan cannot be realized.

"Well, I've already decided!" Wu Sangui nodded solemnly after hearing this.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong, he couldn't help admiring that he was willing to take such a big risk to stay, at least he couldn't do it!
So, after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will try my best to help you!"

As for how to explain to Jianlu and Japanese pirates at that time, when he was thinking about it just now, he had already thought of an excuse.

Afterwards, Zheng Zhilong said to Wu Sangui again: "The navy on Pidao is under your control for the time being. I want to go back to Beijing immediately to meet with the Holy One, and I just happened to report your matter to the Holy One!"

The matter of being vaccinated by the Empress Dowager Jianlu must be confessed in person in the Forbidden City; and the matter of the Tsarist Russian Empire that came out of nowhere is also a major event, and the same is true for the matter of the Japanese pirates' martial arts competition. Makes sense.

Of course, military generals abroad are not allowed to leave their posts without the emperor's order.

But the front line of Denglai is also Zheng Zhilong's defense area, he will return to Denglai first, and wait for the emperor's summons.

However, what he said, to Wu Sangui's ears, proved once again that even this pirate was more trusted by the emperor than he, who was born as a general!

This made Wu Sangui grit his teeth even more, he must risk his life in Dongjiang, and put on a show to change his injustice!
Thinking of this in his heart, Wu Sangui quickly thanked Zheng Zhilong, and then said that he quickly wrote a memorial and asked Zheng Zhilong to help present it to the imperial court.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Zhilong thought for a while, then asked all the guards around him to retreat, and then said to Wu Sangui: "Since you have made a decision, then I think it is necessary to tell you some inside information, so that I know what I know!"

After finishing speaking, under Wu Sangui's surprise, Zheng Zhilong told all the conflicting things about Jianlu and Wa kingdom's division of North Korea; He be careful.

In addition, he told Wu Sangui some news he inquired from Shenyang, and some news he saw along the way, such as the general deployment of Jianlu's troops, the focus on developing the north, and so on.

What he said made Wu Sangui dumbfounded.As if listening to the heavenly scriptures, I really have a face of disbelief!
Where did Zheng Zhilong get this information?
Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to get this information!

However, he immediately remembered that Zheng Zhilong was mysterious, and Jin Yiwei also avoided him when looking for Zheng Zhilong.

From all these, Wu Sangui immediately imagined, could it be that the imperial court had placed Jinyiwei spies in both the Wa Kingdom and Jianlu?Could it be that the legendary Jinyiwei spy is really that powerful?

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately thought again, could there be Jinyiwei spies among his subordinates?
Thinking of this, Wu Sangui couldn't help wiping away some of his previous behaviors!

After Zheng Zhilong finished speaking, he confessed to Wu Sangui: "These things come out of my mouth and into your ears. I have become a relationship, and I can't let other people know, understand?"

"Understand, understand!" Wu Sangui swears very gratefully upon hearing this, and promises not to let anyone know.

This news is very helpful for him to really go deep into the enemy's rear!
To be honest, at this moment, he is definitely very grateful to Zheng Zhilong.

Afterwards, Zheng Zhilong went back to his naval commander's yamen and arranged things, mainly to put the navy under Wu Sangui's command temporarily, but he emphasized that a decisive battle with the Japanese navy was not allowed.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Sangui saw Zheng Zhilong off in person, and asked Zheng Zhilong to forward the memorial.

Afterwards, Zheng Zhilong took the clipper, left Phi Island, and disappeared into the sea.


Besides, in the southwest of Ming Dynasty, after Emperor Chongzhen's imperial decree arrived, Sun Chuanting immediately began to form a local field army.Compared with the past, the military training is much easier now.

After all, it is no longer fighting with cold weapons, but mainly fighting with firearms.To deal with the current enemy, it is based on the army's proficiency in three-stage shooting, and then assists other tactics.

However, for some technical arms, Sun Chuanting still recruited soldiers from other armies who could adapt to the southwest climate.For example, officers at all levels, as well as artillery and other arms.

With such sufficient resources in hand, Sun Chuanting was able to form a new southwest army much faster than training ordinary firearms troops.

At the same time, Sun Chuanting also distributed another group of officials sent by the capital to the prefectures that have been converted from the land to the locals according to the order of the imperial court. He mainly conducted on-the-spot investigations to see how the current officials in office governed the new places. of.

This is not to say that the officials appointed later are not as qualified as those appointed earlier.It's the officials appointed later, the place they want to govern is still in the hands of chieftains and thieves.Instead of being idle, let them accumulate more experience in local governance.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, in Guizhou, the chieftains were basically caught off guard and did not respond to the new policy of the imperial court.But now in Yunnan, the chieftains have taken precautions to brainwash their people and slander the new government policies.

It is foreseeable that after the capture of Yunnan, the difficulty of governance there will be more difficult than that of Guizhou, and there will be more problems.If the officials sent by the capital had practical experience, it would be easier to deal with them.

For the arrangement of these things, there is only one sentence in the imperial decree: everything proceeds from reality!

Needless to say, the arrangement of these matters originated from Emperor Chongzhen's learning from later generations.

Compared with the backcountry of Guizhou, the Sichuan area is more troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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