Chapter 602 Snooping
On this day, in Shengjing City, many Jianlu were very curious and started talking about it.

"What's the situation? His Royal Highness Prince Li seems to be taking someone out of the city. It seems that he is going to meet someone?"

"It's true that I went to meet him, but I don't know who it is? To have His Royal Highness Prince Li come out to meet him in person, the reason is definitely not small!"

"Could it be the Japanese envoy?"

"The Japanese envoys are here? Hehe, just rushing at them and those dwarfs, and even wanting to compete with my Qing warriors, so arrogant, I don't think Prince Li will greet them in person!"

"That's right, but it's also possible. We adults don't remember the faults of villains. Since they want to ask for their own shame, we will reluctantly do it. Maybe Prince Li is going to watch a good show!"


There was a lot of discussion among these suggestions in Shengjing City, and they generally thought of going to the Wa Kingdom.No one knew that the person greeted by Dai Shan was not from the Wa country at all.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Zheng Zhilong's pirate group, at least Jianlu thinks so, is a secret alliance with them, so it's not time to publicize it.

Under normal circumstances, when Zheng Zhilong sent someone over, Shengjing's side would not welcome them with great fanfare.

However, the news received from Zhenjiang Fort was that Zheng Zhilong had come in person.This time, no matter what, he wanted to give Zheng Zhilong some face, otherwise it would be bad to neglect the Pirate King.

As for keeping it secret, just don't say who it is!
It was based on this idea that Daishan brought Hong Chengchou, who had dealt with Zheng Zhilong, and came to greet him together.

As the regent, Dorgon represented the face of the Qing Empire, and if he also came out to greet him, it would shock everyone.To give Zheng Zhilong face, but also to keep confidentiality in mind, it is most suitable for Prince He Shuoli to welcome him.

In the distance, Zheng Zhilong and his party have already appeared.

In the beginning, Zheng Zhilong actually rode in a carriage.After all, it is a secret identity, and although the possibility of being recognized by others is very low, it is better to hide in the carriage.

However, he was used to the smoothness of the Daming Cement Road, so after bumping him for a day in a horse-drawn carriage in Liaodong, he decided to ride a horse.

Riding a horse also has the advantage of unrestricted vision.Along the way, he was observing the situation in Liaodong.

As far as the Shenyang side, Zheng Zhilong can clearly draw a conclusion: the people's livelihood here is poor and the population is very small, not to mention comparing with Ming Dynasty, even compared with Japan, it is far inferior.

It's no wonder that after two defeats, Jianlu had to seek allies.With this little strength, you can't find it if you don't want to.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong was a little puzzled again.

Why did the court officers and soldiers have been unable to defeat Jianlu in the past?Not to mention anything else, for so many years, not to mention winning all of them, just winning a few battles, and destroying some Jianlu, so Jianlu won't be able to enter the pass repeatedly, right?

Although Zheng Zhilong is a pirate king, in fact, he is a businessman, just a sea merchant.

For him, the most instinctive thing is to calculate the gains and losses.

Just after looking at the situation on Jianlu's side, he was convinced that even without his hidden pawn, it would be basically impossible for the coalition forces of the Wa Kingdom and Jianlu to defeat the imperial army.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong secretly reminded himself in his heart that he must do well the errands assigned by the emperor.

After getting closer to Shenyang, he naturally saw someone welcoming him, so he calmed down and started his Shenyang trip performance.

Before Zheng Zhilong arrived at the city of Shenyang, there was a gallop back and forth to report the situation.

Therefore, Zheng Zhilong started to say hello from afar, with a very low posture: "I, Zheng Zhilong, what can I do, to bother His Royal Highness Prince Li to come out to greet me in person, what a sin!"

Dai Shan naturally knew Zheng Zhilong's real strength, and he knew it from the Japanese country, so he was happy to see this pirate king with such a low profile. Naturally, I have to come and greet me, so as to show that I am a hospitable person, hahaha!"

After talking with a smile, he then explained: "The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the Regent are already waiting in the palace. As soon as Brother Zheng Xian arrives, we will hold a banquet to clean up the dust for Brother Zheng Xian!"

"Don't dare, how dare you, I'm really a bad brother!" Zheng Zhilong heard this, and quickly replied, "I have prepared a small gift as a token of my heart, and I will send a big gift another day to make up for today's mistakes!"

In terms of polite words, no matter what, he can say it casually, and none of the ten Daishan is his opponent.

At this time, let Daishan feel very comfortable, and the things to be done later will be more convenient.

Sure enough, Daishan laughed when he heard it.

So Zheng Zhilong turned around and looked at Hong Chengchou who was behind Daishan, and said with a smile: "I said, Lao Hong, we are all fellow villagers! We didn't even say a word, or we would have had a good meal the last time we met .”

Hong Chengchou, a native of Nan'an Yingdu, Quanzhou, Fujian, is also by the sea, within Zheng Zhilong's sphere of influence.

It is absolutely false to say that Zheng Zhilong did not know Hong Chengchou before.Hong Chengchou was not an uneducated man, but he was a Jinshi all the way, his official career was prosperous, and he served as a big official in the frontier for many years in Daming.

At this time, the purpose of bringing up the relationship between fellow villagers is to narrow the distance between the two parties, so as to facilitate future dealings.

At least he specifically pointed out this relationship at this time, no, the eyes of Daishan next to him obviously lit up.

As for Hong Chengchou himself, of course he knew that Zheng Zhilong must have known that he was a fellow of his hometown before, so he mentioned it this time just to build a relationship.

In this regard, he is happy to see it succeed.

Although Hong Chengchou's status in the Qing Dynasty has improved significantly after a mission to Japan.However, how could he mind having an extra layer of fellowship with Zheng Zhilong!It is of course what he wants to make the Regent of the Qing Dynasty pay more attention to him.

As for Zheng Zhilong bringing up this relationship at this time, he didn't have any doubts.As a businessman, in order to make money, he will use any method and any relationship, so it's not shabby!
However, in front of Dai Shan, Hong Chengchou still wanted to maintain the demeanor of a strategist like Zhuge Liang, so he just smiled slightly, cupped his fists and saluted, "I don't dare to compare myself to Brother Zheng!"

"Hahaha..." Zheng Zhilong laughed when he heard this, stepped forward to pat Hong Chengchou and said, "Whether you recognize it or not, I'm in a foreign country anyway, so I have to hold on to your fellow villager's thigh tightly. This No, I also brought you a small gift as a token of my kindness. You should take good care of me as a fellow!"

After making a foreshadowing, it would not be awkward to send out the wine set afterwards.

Dai Shan and Hong Chengchou laughed when they heard his blatant words.

Afterwards, the group entered Shenyang City and headed for the imperial palace.

Along the way, Jianlu, who had heard the news and came to watch, was surprised to see that among the crowd entering the city were Ming people's costumes.

"Who is this person, dare to trouble the old prince to welcome him?"

"Don't be like those Shanxi merchants in the past, right? It is said that when Xianhan was there, he greeted him personally!"

"Don't mention those Shanxi merchants, okay, let the Ming country know the news, so that our Qing Dynasty has Jizhou defeat!"

"Yes, that's right, I hate it when I mention it! In the past, the Qing Dynasty had always won battles. Since the defeat in Jizhou, bad luck has come!"

"What is the origin of these Ming people? Anyway, they can't be the same as those Shanxi merchants. I have learned a lesson before, so how can I contact Ming merchants again!"

"That's right, businessmen only care about money. No matter how much money we have in Qing Dynasty, how much money can we get from Ming Dynasty? If these Ming people are businessmen, they might be bought by Ming Dynasty to harm Daqing!"

"Then who are they? It can't be the same as the Wa Kingdom, and they are our allies of the Qing Dynasty in the Ming Kingdom?"


Under their aimless speculation, Zheng Zhilong and his party finally arrived at the Shenyang Palace.

The real Emperor Fulin of the Qing Dynasty greeted him at the palace gate.

Of course, half a step behind him, Dorgon, the regent, was still standing.

Needless to say, Fulin knew what, according to Dorgon's prior explanation, after greeting Zheng Zhilong, he made an excuse and left.Afterwards, it was Dorgon who solemnly welcomed Zheng Zhilong in.

It was agreed that it was to take the wind and wash away the dust, so it was natural to talk at the wine table.

Dorgon had never met Zheng Zhilong before, and he wanted to establish a good relationship with Zheng Zhilong; and Zheng Zhilong was a fine person, he talked about people when he saw people, and he talked nonsense when he saw people. Banquet, it was very lively.

In the corner of the main hall, someone was peeping, and those who saw it should not see it.

This person is none other than the Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty, Bumbutai, the biological mother of the current little emperor.

She has been listening to politics behind the curtain, so of course she knows about Zheng Zhilong's situation.

Therefore, she was sensitively aware that Zheng Zhilong was a very important person.Not only does he have an invincible navy at sea, but he is also rich and invincible.

If anyone has a good relationship with him, the shortage of materials in the Qing Dynasty will definitely be solved, which will greatly improve the lives of the people in the Qing Dynasty, and thus attract the support of the people in the Qing Dynasty.

And Bumbutai's biggest concern is not how the war between the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty is going to be, nor is it about the martial arts competition after forming an alliance with the Japanese Kingdom, but the question of whether the emperor's power can be taken back after her son Fulin becomes an adult!

Therefore, she was racking her brains thinking about the day when she would fight for her son to be in power.How many people can be wooed, that is how many people must be wooed.

At this time, she was spying secretly, observing Zheng Zhilong.

After drinking for three rounds, Jianlu finally couldn't bear it, and started talking about serious business with Zheng Zhilong.

No, Dorgon winked at Daishan, and Daishan understood, and immediately said to Zheng Zhilong: "I don't know that the commander-in-chief suddenly came to Daqing at this time, but he came for the mutual market?"

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(End of this chapter)

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