Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 489 On the Golden Palace

Chapter 489 On the Golden Palace
The result of the joint review was that there were two versions, and the civil service and factory security systems could not agree.

According to the opinion of the civil servants, gathering people to rebel has nothing to do with the Confucian family in Qufu. The contemporary Yansheng Gong is responsible for instigating troubles, and the Confucian family has committed many crimes. Therefore, the contemporary Yansheng Gong is abolished, and another Confucian family can be selected to succeed the Duke of Yansheng bit.The county magistrate of Qufu was responsible for governing the local area, so he could no longer be selected from the Confucian family, but had to be appointed by the imperial court.

The result of this treatment, if viewed from the previous point of view, is very serious.The power of the Confucian family was further reduced in the Confucian mansion, only responsible for the Confucian Temple.

However, according to this punishment, the house raid should not be done, and all the properties of the Kong family should be returned to the Kong family.

As for the opinion from the factory guard, although the Kong family did not participate in the mobilization of rebellion, they were the instigators of this incident, and there are so many illegal incidents, they should have ransacked the family and wiped out the family. Keeping such a family is of no use to Daming!
This dispute has started to quarrel after the trial results, and it will not be possible to reach a result that both parties can agree to.

As a result, the views of the quarrel between the two sides quickly spread to the ears of people waiting for news outside, and spread at a very fast speed.

That's it, outsiders also have support and opposition for these two views.

Generally speaking, for most people who eat melons, they support the factory guard's point of view.If the Confucian family in Qufu violated the law and was not punished according to the law, then what is the use of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty"?
The so-called son of heaven broke the law and committed the same crime as the people. What kind of thing is the Confucian family in Qufu? How can they be exempted?

However, a small number of scholars, especially those who are sour Confucianists, feel that the Confucian family in Qufu is after all the Confucian saint, so they beat them to death like this, ashamed of the sages, and should not be punished so severely.Whoever breaks the law will be dealt with, and the entire Kong family cannot be blamed.

Based on the difference in buttocks, people on both sides expressed their opinions and argued endlessly.

And the capital is the most popular place in the country to discuss government affairs. All of a sudden, the streets and alleys, teahouses and restaurants seem to be transformed into Ministers of the Ministry of Justice, talking about this matter with eloquence.

On the side of the Triumvirate Trial, if there is no result in the debate, the result of the debate can only be played to the emperor, who will be adjudicated by the emperor.

However, most officials knew that the meaning of the factory guard should be the meaning of the emperor.According to the usual practice, the final decision on the results of the three trials is still in the hands of the emperor.In other words, the Confucian family in Qufu may not escape the result of family raids and family extermination.

In order to avoid this result, these civil servants also racked their brains, and finally decided to report to the emperor at the time of the big court meeting in the early court.

At that time, all the officials in the capital, big and small, will go to court. In front of so many officials, if you say something to you or me, the momentum will be great.Unlike the discussion in the Wenhua Palace, there are only a few ministers present, and it is easy to be manipulated by the emperor.

Of course, generally speaking, when the Great Court Discussion is held, it is actually just a show, and the real discussion will be after the Great Court Discussion is over.

But this matter, after all, is related to the sages, as the disciples of Confucianism, they have to fight no matter what.

Sometimes, civil servants are the most shameless, black can be called white, and white can be called black. Official characters with two mouths refer to civil servants.

However, sometimes, civil servants are extremely shameless.For example, they would rather have a court stick than a reputation, which is a kind of face; but now, as a Confucian disciple, if he does not speak for the sages, it is against the respect for teachers and education that Confucianism has always advocated. Afraid of being poked in the spine.

If it is said that it is not courageous to face this matter alone, but with so many civil servants in the capital, then they are more courageous!

On the day of the Great Court Conference, it was still dark, and the civil servants went out earlier than usual, gathering outside the Meridian Gate, waiting for the palace gate to open.

During this period, as long as they are civil servants, even if they don't usually deal with them, they will get together to talk about this matter, remind each other, and encourage each other.

To some extent, this can be regarded as another civil servant group challenging the imperial power.

That night, Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch in charge of ceremonies and admiral of Xichang, also rarely slept well, and woke up earlier than usual.

He should not be too clear about the thoughts of civil servants.

Knowing that when the civil servants wanted to choose this grand meeting, he would report the results of the three divisions' interrogation and force the emperor to express his position in public, and he had objected to it.

Because Wang Chengen knew very well in his heart that among these civil servants, there were also strong leaders, who really dared to challenge the emperor for the sake of Kong Sheng.

Of course, in his eyes, it was all just fishing for fame, trying to win a reputation.

For example, he threatened the emperor that if he dared to ransack the Confucian family's home in Qufu, he would be killed in the Golden Luan Hall.

Of course, it definitely won't be a real hit to death, it's just a hit to gain fame!In that way, everyone will know that he is a sage, and he is not afraid of death!
Wang Chengen is not afraid of all kinds of things like this, because he will not worry about his reputation.As a eunuch, in the eyes of literati, he has long lost his reputation.

There really is such a person, according to his intention, if he can't be killed, he will be killed for him, and he is afraid that this kind of person will be a show!

However, the emperor is different!

The emperor still wants to be famous, so he will be scruples about what is written in the history books. If they really want to be troubled by them like this, there will definitely be no good things in the history books.

Based on this, Wang Chengen hurriedly told Emperor Chongzhen first, wanting the emperor to order them to go to the Wenhua Palace to discuss the matter immediately, and directly ask for the result first, so as to break the conspiracy of those civil officials.

But who knows, Emperor Chongzhen still told him with a smile, let him not worry, those civil servants can't turn the sky, just let them mobilize during the big court meeting.

In this regard, Wang Chengen, as before, did not know where the confidence of Emperor Chongzhen came from.However, the emperor said so, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. What's the use of being anxious as an eunuch?

In the end, I had no choice but to accept this reality.

No, after he got up early that day, he came to the Meridian Gate Tower and looked at the officials below the city with cold eyes. There were a group of officials in the east and a group in the west, and they gathered there to whisper.Occasionally, some officials can even be heard suddenly speaking louder, and it seems that they are filled with righteous indignation, as if there is a big injustice.

"Fuck!" Seeing this, Wang Chengen spat, hating these civil servants very much.

But he has no choice but to take one step at a time. In short, it is the right thing to protect the Lord Long Live!
Unlike these civil servants, most of the time they are not of one mind with the Lord Long Live!
I don't know how long it took, but the time to go to court finally came.

Civil and military officials stood on both sides according to their official positions, and entered the palace through the small gates on both sides in turn.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Long live the mountain call, the etiquette is over, and a battle between dragons and tigers is about to begin.

The civil servants are all gearing up to fight the emperor;
The generals, all of them kept their eyes on each other, but they were actually watching a play;

Everyone turned their attention to Xu Shiqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Minister of Dali Temple, and Yushi Zuodu.

The drama begins!
With a cough, Xu Shiqi went out first, followed by Dali Siqing and Zuodu Yushi.

"Your Majesty, I have a book to play!" Xu Shiqi played to Emperor Chongzhen in accordance with the etiquette, "The important case of the Tribute Court has been judged!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen had already known the result, he still followed the usual practice and said calmly, "Quick play!"

Therefore, Xu Shiqi took out a memorial, presented it with both hands, and said at the same time: "The important case of the Gongyuan has been found out, and the contemporary Yan Shenggong is indeed the initiator, but the development of the situation is not his original intention and has nothing to do with him. The evidence is convincing !"

When the servant at the side saw it, he immediately stepped forward and presented the memorial to the imperial court.

"Ridiculous!" Wang Cheng'en gave a wink to the eunuch Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, and then the eunuch Bingbi immediately came out and shouted, "The Confucius family in Qufu is the mastermind behind it. This is also conclusive evidence, why not say it?"

The mastermind and the instigator behind the scenes seem to be similar, but the severity of the crimes is very different. This debate in the court proceedings began with word-for-word.

It was within the expectation of the civil servants that the chief of ceremonies would make trouble.Immediately, a group of censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate jumped out one by one, and started arguing with the Supervisor of Rites about this matter.

Just from the very beginning, the Jinluan Temple became a vegetable market!
Emperor Chongzhen watched coldly and did not stop him.

In his opinion, disharmony between the inner court and the outer court is good.For example, when Wang Dehua was the eunuch in charge of ceremonies in the past, he colluded with the foreign court and fooled him, the emperor, into the palm of his hand, which embarrassed him the most.

In this quarrel, it is a matter of course to discuss the broken matter of the Confucius family in Qufu again.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Emperor Chongzhen signaled to the Shangguan in Jinyiwei Hall who was in charge of etiquette.


The static whip slammed, and the Golden Luan Hall immediately fell silent.

Everyone looked at the emperor, waiting to speak.

At this time, there is quite a feeling of trying to figure out and see the final result.

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the officials below, and said in a cold voice: "As for the Confucian family in Qufu, I believe that Qing and others are well-known. Extermination of the family is inevitable, but family raids are necessary. In addition, the Confucian family in Qufu will be exiled to Qiongzhou."

Hearing this, the civil servants all exploded.

Although the emperor exempted the Qufu Confucian family from the crime of extermination, according to the emperor's punishment, there will be no Qufu Confucian family from now on!This was a very heavy blow to Kong Sheng afterwards.

This punishment is not acceptable to civil servants.

No, the chief assistant He Fengsheng immediately went out and played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, such a punishment will hinder your majesty's prestige!"

"Your Majesty knows that there has been a proposal among the people to confiscate the emperor!" Liu Zongzhou followed suit, and said bluntly, "Your Majesty's move is to confirm the proposal of the people. It must not be done!"

The Book of the Ministry of Rites also said: "Your Majesty, Confucius has been revered throughout the ages. If His Majesty treats Confucius like this, it will chill the hearts of Confucius in the sky and the hearts of scholars all over the world!"


These bigwigs among the civil servants did not end before, but now they all end up, and they are so important that they are going to force Emperor Chongzhen to change his sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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