Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 478 Expectation

Chapter 478 Expectation
He just looked at Li Ruolian and asked with anticipation: "I don't know how Mr. Li can startle the snake, and he can also do the things that His Majesty told you?"

After hearing this, Li Ruolian seemed to be talking about something insignificant, so she replied to Ma Shiying, "Isn't this a traitor who has an internal response? Not to mention anything else, we can start with the draft of burning food, the official document, and the local false report on military intelligence." Check, there is a basis for this, can’t it be considered unreasonable? If you arrest more people, they may show their feet, and by the way, you can start to rectify the place!”

After hearing this, Ma Shiying couldn't help being a little disappointed.

The way the factory guard does things doesn't match his way of thinking!
how to say?

I just feel that maybe they have more confidence!
Thinking of this, Ma Shiying said to them: "If the thieves are still there, based on the pressure of the thieves, it should be no problem for us to do so. But now, the rogues under Zhang Xianzhong have been wiped out by us; Li Zicheng's bandits are far away from us. If we do this, I'm afraid it will lead to more people's impeachment?"

This side of Nanjing is not as expensive as other places, and there are six complete departments, all levels of yamen have a set.Although most of the officials here have no real power, in Ma Shiying's view, there are still too many officials here!

Now that there is no outside pressure, if he still proceeds according to the plan, the pressure he will face will be very great.

At this time, Wang Dehua saw Ma Shiying's hesitation, but he knew very well in his heart that this was the pissing nature of civil servants.Even if he has done it in Fengyang Mansion before, when he encounters greater pressure, he tends to be timid!
Thinking of this, he asked lightly: "Then, my lord governor, what do you think should be done?"

Since you don't approve of the factory guard's way of doing things, at least you have to come up with a charter yourself!

Following Wang Dehua's questioning, everyone in the lobby focused their attention on Ma Shiying.

Hearing this, Ma Shiying hesitated for a moment. He knew that he was already on this boat and had offended those people.

Therefore, he finally looked at Wang Dehua and said: "Hasn't the "Law of the Great Ming Dynasty" after the imperial court's restoration been promulgated? Then we should act according to the "Law of the Ming Dynasty". There are laws to follow, and we must strictly enforce the law. Beat them first; at the same time, report these matters to the capital and request His Majesty's will. If someone secretly inquires about the case of thieves, as long as His Majesty orders a thorough investigation, then we will be justified, what do you think?"

Wang Dehua listened, glanced at Li Ruolian, and then looked at Ma Shiying, showing a hint of disdain and said: "We are just co-organizers, so you can do whatever you want? If this errand cannot be completed, we may escort the Governor back home at any time." Beijing!"

After speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

His words implied a threat.Ma Shiying felt a little terrified after hearing this.It's really difficult to get along with the factory guard!

Thinking of this, he quickly explained: "I'm not saying that I won't do anything. We can check the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" and investigate secretly first! Some people, we can make a move first. But, there are still For example, those who have iron coupons to avoid death, after all, they can't just rely on the current guesses and do it directly!"

Wang Dehua listened, and was about to say something when suddenly, hurried footsteps came from outside.

Just when everyone looked up, they saw a Jinyiwei school captain with a serious face, hurried in, and shouted to Li Ruolian: "My lord, the brothers who escorted the Tianmu account book from the capital, encountered the sea when they crossed the river in the Zhenjiang prefecture. Thief, all brothers died in battle or disappeared, and the boat sank in the river!"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Li Ruolian immediately stood up, his face full of anger!

Since the Jiangnan Procurement Office was established at Haimen at the mouth of the Yangtze River, there have been very few pirates on the Yangtze River.There is no other reason, the Zheng family has dealt with it in advance in order to ensure the safety of the shipping ships.

All of a sudden, the pirates reappeared on the Yangtze River, and when they robbed, they just robbed the boat that escorted Tian Mu's account book. This is an official ship, and it was guarded by Jin Yiwei. Looting such an official ship?

Besides, after looting, they usually escape immediately.Pirates are useless at all for fields and accounts, and even sunk the ship, isn't it even more ostentatious?
Li Ruolian immediately knew with his toes that this must have something to do with Nanjing honors and local gentry.If they didn't do it, it must have been done by someone related to them.

"Damn it!" Li Ruolian cursed angrily, and without speaking to Ma Shiying, she hurried out of the lobby and disappeared at the door.

Wang Dehua also stood up, ready to go out, but he finally turned around, looked at Ma Shiying and said, "My family advises the governor, sometimes, the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" can't control them, so you have to use the factory Wei's method!"

After speaking, he also left.

Seeing Wang Dehua's back disappearing at the gate, Ma Shiying's face turned ashen.

He really didn't expect that those people would dare to do such a rebellious thing!This kind of thing is simply rebellious!
At this moment, he really felt that the matter here in Nanjing might not end well, and he must fight to the death!

Thinking of this, Ma Shiying looked at Liu Liangzuo and Huang Degong who were present, and was obviously shocked to see that both of them were stunned.

So, he coldly said: "The thieves on the surface have been wiped out, but the confrontation with the thieves in the dark has only just begun. You go back, take strict precautions, and be on standby at any time!"

"The general obeys orders!" Huang Degong and Liu Liangzuo didn't dare to be negligent when they heard this, they clasped their fists together and responded loudly.

Ma Shiying looked down at Xu Yixian who was still kneeling there, and continued to shout coldly: "You stay with me first, and I have something to tell you to do later!"

"Criminals obey!" Xu Yixian knelt until his legs went numb, but he was very happy when he heard this.

As long as it is valuable, it will meet his expectations.

Afterwards, Ma Shiying immediately wrote a secret report on the matter here, and sent someone to send it to the capital at an expedited speed of [-] miles.


On the capital's side, Emperor Chongzhen lived a little differently during this time.If you are close to him, you can find that he is particularly excited.

This kind of excitement is definitely not the kind of happiness that the situation is getting better and better.

Take Concubine Tian Gui for example, she knows Emperor Chongzhen best.Therefore, after realizing the changes in Emperor Chongzhen, she also asked Emperor Chongzhen what good things happened, but Emperor Chongzhen denied it.

This made Concubine Tian even more curious. She felt that Emperor Chongzhen during this period was a bit like the excitement she felt when she first started doing something very interesting when she was a child.

However, if Emperor Chongzhen didn't say anything, she couldn't help it.

In fact, Tian Guifei really didn't feel wrong.During this period, Emperor Chongzhen was secretly participating in the plan with Liu Weichao, which is the plan of man-made gods.

On Liu Weichao's side, he rushed to Hengdian for the first time, willing to spend money, and soon chose a film and television company to start making a short film of a few minutes.

However, regarding the accent, clothing, customs and other details of the Ming Dynasty, no matter how professional the film and television company said they were, Liu Weichao rejected it. Instead, he asked Emperor Chongzhen to participate, and asked the film and television company to Achieved here.

Fortunately, the make-up technique of later generations has reached its peak. It is not necessary to find someone who is exactly the same as the portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang and Confucius. It is almost done, and then it can be done through makeup.

The most troublesome part is actually talking.Because the people who played Zhu Yuanzhang and Confucius could not use Mandarin, but the words of the Ming Dynasty.Among them, Zhu Yuanzhang had a Fengyang accent, and Confucius, after discussion, had to be a Qufu accent from the Ming Dynasty.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen also specially summoned a person with a Qufu accent, secretly recorded a passage of his words, and then passed it to Liu Weichao.

It took nearly half a month for the actors who played Zhu Yuanzhang and Confucius to learn how to speak their few lines in dialects.

For these, the film and television companies actually have opinions.I felt that Boss Liu was too weird, how could he have so many demands, but they couldn't stand Liu Weichao's willingness to spend money, so they had to comply.

That's it, Emperor Chongzhen personally participated in it, watching this video used by others to show his holiness, it was slowly perfected by them.Although it has not yet been completed, in the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, it is already very powerful.

Looking at the fairy-like background, and the activities of the unicorns and phoenixes, to be honest, if Emperor Chongzhen hadn't participated in these activities with his own eyes, he would definitely think that there really is a fairyland in the world!
At this time, he had an intuitive impression of animation made by computers, and knew that it was a very magical technology.

Emperor Chongzhen was sure that after this short video was actually finished, if it was played in public, everyone would definitely be shocked.

Even if Concubine Tian Gui and the others have seen the videos of later generations, they have never seen such videos of gods, and they may even think that the video is to capture the reality on the mobile phone.Since the video is like this, it must be like this in reality.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen is already looking forward to the scene shown in this video!

On the other side, the admiral Wang Cheng'en of Xichang also obeyed his secret decree and was fueling the flames for those scholars and making them angry.

Now that it is February, a considerable number of scholars have already rushed to the capital, and naturally more scholars have begun to gather in the capital.

Because of Emperor Chongzhen's laissez-faire, those people are even brewing a big wave, thinking about forcing Emperor Chongzhen to abolish science immediately and restore the previous dominance of Confucianism.

Emperor Chongzhen was secretly waiting, waiting for them to launch.

(End of this chapter)

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