Chapter 371
So, without saying a word, He Renlong strode towards Zuo Liangyu.

"Brother He, please..." Zuo Liangyu wanted him to intercede when he saw him walking over, but when he saw that He Renlong's expression was a little off, he changed his face and asked quickly, " What are you going to do? Don't mess around..."

Before he finished speaking, He Renlong had already walked in front of him, and punched him with an old fist. He didn't dare to hit him in the face, but hit him in the stomach.

Even though Zuo Liangyu was wearing soft armor, he bowed in pain immediately after being punched by He Renlong.

Then, he punched Zuo Liangyu directly on the back again, knocking him down directly.

He Renlong didn't want to let go, so he kicked directly.At this time, he kicked and cursed: "I still want me to intercede, please give me a ball, if it weren't for you, I would be beaten with a military stick, I would be demoted, I can't beat you to death..."

The soldiers escorting Zuo Liangyu originally wanted to stop him, but they saw that He Renlong hadn't hit Zuo Liangyu's vital parts, so they all stood by and didn't stop him at all.

They chased Zuo Liangyu's army all the way from Chongqing to Kuizhou Mansion. Along the way, they saw villages and county towns that were ravaged by Zuo Liangyu's men everywhere. It would be good if they didn't go up and beat them up. It was even more impossible to stop He Renlong from beating someone up.

"Don't... don't hit my father! You..."

Zuo Menggeng, who was tied up next to him, saw this situation and quickly cried out.

But just as he opened his mouth, he saw He Renlong's ferocious face and raised his head to look at him when he heard the sound. Immediately, he was frightened and couldn't speak anymore.

"Are you his mother's son?" He Renlong stared at Zuo Menggeng and asked, and then without waiting for an answer, he directly abandoned Zuo Liangyu, directly killed Zuo Menggeng, and knocked Zuo Menggeng to the ground , to vent his anger.

That Zuo Liangyu had already been beaten to the ground by him and was struggling painfully. To be honest, he didn't dare to beat him anymore, for fear of being beaten to death by him, then he would be in big trouble.

If it's just a beating, he will be reprimanded by the governor at most, and he still doesn't care.

Now that Zuo Liangyu's cub is here, he doesn't mind beating him up more, as long as he doesn't kill him.

Du Yinxi can actually see the movements on his side.However, Du Yinxi didn't care, he was just talking to Zeng Ying and others.

I heard him say to Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others: "I will allocate some food and grass from the Qin army for you in a while! When you look back, His Royal Highness King Shu has given you money and food, so you don't have to worry about money and food."

"My lord, at the side of His Highness the King of Shu, Lord Zhongcheng has already gone to ask for it, so I won't give it to you!" Zeng Ying reminded quickly after hearing this.

Du Yinxi smiled and said immediately: "Qin Jun's food and grass are also given by His Highness King Rui and the others. His Highness King Shu doesn't give it, but the way to ask for it is wrong. If I ask for it here, there will definitely be some. The military and political reforms in Central Shu are all counting on his money and food!"

When Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan heard this, they couldn't help being very surprised.

His Highness King Rui will give it?Also, His Royal Highness the King of Shu has spoken, and he can change his words to give money and food, and the military and political reform in the middle of Shu is estimated to require a lot of money and food. Can His Highness the King of Shu bleed?

To be honest, both of them were a little bit in disbelief.

But judging from the Governor's appearance, he seems to be very sure, so they don't say anything more, just wait and see what happens!
At this moment, He Renlong had finished beating Zuo Liangyu and his son, so he finally let out a sigh of relief, and came to block Yinxi's side to report his situation to the governor.

Against Shang Zuo Liangyu's rebel army, they won a crushing victory, and captured the most important rebel leader. Therefore, Du Yinxi was obviously in a good mood. After listening to He Renlong's report After that, he smiled and said to him: "Are you worried that there will be no military merits to be made?"

"My lord governor, it is clear that Zuo Liangyu has been wiped out, and all the credit has been taken away by them!" He Renlong really dared to speak, and replied directly.

If his words were listened to by those censors who like to chew on words, if they didn't like him, it would be too easy to label him.

However, Du Yinxi said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, although the central Sichuan is basically pacified, there are still large groups of thieves in Huguang and other places. Rest for two days, and when the military situation in the downstream returns, I will send you Go and serve under Master Sun!"

Upon hearing this, He Renlong was overjoyed immediately, and quickly responded: "My lord, the last general didn't use his strength, so he doesn't need to rest!"

Sun Chuanting can be said to be his old superior, and he knows that he can win battles under Sun Chuanting's command. Not to mention, Sun Chuanting is still the uncle of Jizhou, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the commander-in-chief of the provinces in the Central Plains. He has greater power. Of course, He Renlong wants to go Under Sun Chuanting's command.

Of course, if he knew that in the original history, he was trapped and killed by Sun Chuanting, he probably wouldn't be so active.

Hearing his words, both Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan clasped their fists together and said to Du Yinxi: "My lord, we can fight again!"

"Hahaha..." Du Yinxi couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this.

Although there are many warriors who escaped, there are also many heroes of Ming Dynasty!

After laughing, he said to the people in front of him: "Master Sun must need more troops to surround the thieves and prevent them from running around. Moreover, the water town in the south of the Yangtze River must have navy divisions. You guys Take a good rest first, there are plenty of opportunities to serve the country!"

When Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others heard this, they were overjoyed.

Two days later, Zuo Liangyu, Zuo Menggeng, and Li Guoying were escorted to the capital, and Ma Shixiu died of serious injuries, so there was no need to be sent to the capital.

Before the new magistrate of Kuizhou Prefecture and county officials were in place, Du Yinxi had to deal with civil affairs and was busy. Ye Bushou, who was sent downstream, had returned and brought back two colleagues.

In the lobby of the yamen, Du Yinxi and a group of generals were listening to the report that the two friendly soldiers in the hall would not accept them at night.

"My lord, the villain is under the command of Uncle Hua County, and he is responsible for investigating the situation of the leftist rebel army." The small flag under the hall reported excitedly, "Now Badong and Guizhou have been arrested. The imperial court is back!"

As he had told him, he was ordered to inquire about the news of the rebels under Zuo Liangyu's troops in Chuanchuan. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Du Yinxi who sent someone downstream to inquire about the situation under Li Zicheng's troops.As soon as the two sides met, each sent out their own people to explain the military situation.He came to Kuizhou Mansion.

Zuo Liangyu's unit was wiped out, which was a great thing, so he was naturally excited.

When Du Yinxi heard what he said, he was also happy!

Originally, he thought that the lower reaches of Kuizhou Mansion were occupied by Li Zicheng's thieves, but he did not expect that it has been recaptured by Yuan Shizhong's troops, which is a great thing.

So, he immediately asked: "Where is Master Sun now, and how is the situation of the thief?"

He Renlong, Zeng Ying and others all listened with pricked ears, feeling a little anxious.

Their side is going well, but they didn't expect that the Central Plains side is also going well.Could it be that Master Sun led his men to wipe out the bandits without waiting for them to come out of Sichuan?

"Return to my lord, I heard the news that my lord Sun is in Xiangyang now!" the Yebu Shou reported, "Li Zicheng's bandits have entered Huguang. I don't know the specific situation. At present, the county uncle Hua has been ordered to It is to be stationed in Padang and Guizhou to guard against the rebels on the left!"

Du Yinxi nodded after hearing this, although he didn't know much about the situation this night, but judging from the news that has been said, Master Sun is basically following the first strategic deployment, suppressing the thieves. Going to the south of the Yangtze River does not give the thieves a chance to return to the north.

Du Yinxi asked some more details, but seeing that he couldn't find out, he asked Yebu to rest and start the military discussion.

After thinking about it for a while, he smiled slightly when he saw the expectant eyes, and said, "Master Sun, if you want to chase down the thieves and prevent them from going back north, you don't have enough troops. According to His Majesty's original strategic deployment, we are going to respond to the Central Plains War. Therefore, you should be ready to go out of Sichuan to participate in the battle against the bandits."

He Renlong, Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and the others couldn't help being overjoyed, they hurried out of the line, and clasped their fists in reply, "I will obey orders!"

Ma Xianglin looked at them, but he didn't come out.

Because Du Yinxi had already said before that he was going to stay in Shuzhong and sit in Chongqing.

Three days later, Yang Zhan led seventy warships of different sizes, first sent He Renlong's [-] Qin soldiers downstream, and then sent Zeng Ying's [-] cavalry downstream.On the side of Central Shu, He Renlong's troops were also included, with about [-] troops, marching downward by land and water.

Most of the food and grass that Du Yinxi's troops obtained from the vassal kings of Qin were taken away by them.As for the ones in the middle of Shu, it is natural to ask the King of Shu.

Yuan Shizhong and He Yilong were stationed on the front line of Badong and Guizhou, and according to Sun Chuanting's military order, the two of them were to guard here.Among them, He Yilong focused on defending the east of Guizhou, while Yuan Shizhong focused on defending Badong, cutting off the road in central Sichuan.

The thieves are not allowed to enter Sichuan again, and the rebels who have already entered Sichuan are not allowed to flee outside Sichuan.If it is necessary in Shu, they still need to divide their troops into Shu to fight.

Yuan Shizhong, who originally thought that there was no hope for a large battle in Huhu, could not help being overjoyed when he heard the news from Shuzhong.When the Shu army and the Qin army came out of Sichuan, he rushed to the pier to meet them in person.

Although there are not many reinforcements, it can prevent him from being nailed here.Therefore, Yuan Shizhong immediately sent someone to report to Sun Chuanting, report the situation, and ask for a fight.


At the same time, at the head of Fengyang city, Ma Shiying, the governor of Fengyang, looked at the army in the distance with a smile on his face, continuously driving to the city to set up camp.

These newly arrived troops are mainly reorganized troops under the command of the Governor of Baoding, with a total of 3 troops from the four divisions of Huang Degong, Hu Dawei, Yang Dezheng, and Fang Guoan.Coupled with the fact that Ma Shiying originally had Liu Liangzuo and Wu Sangui as his subordinates, his strength has increased greatly in a short time.

Ma Shiying's heart that had always been on tenterhooks finally settled down in her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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