Chapter 368
Needless to say, according to Zuo Liangyu's usual style, what he meant by saying this must be to threaten the lives of the people in the city!

Seeing that Du Yinxi was so angry, all the generals present, especially those from Shu, were very angry.

"My lord, give the order to attack the city immediately, and the last one will be the first to enter the city, and the left thief will be hacked to pieces!"

"My lord, you must not agree to the left thief's request, otherwise, you will definitely do this every time in the future!"

"My lord, if the general is going to steal the city tonight, he will definitely take down the city!"


Du Yinxi heard their words, glanced at their faces, but did not express his opinion immediately, but led them to see what Zuo Liangyu had to say!
"Your Excellency Governor, the last general, Zuo Liangyu, bows!" Zuo Liangyu was on the top of the city, and when he saw the civil servants in scarlet robes, surrounded by a group of generals, appear in front of him, he saluted loudly with a smile.

A Jinyiwei school lieutenant patted his horse and approached, and shouted a message: "The governor has an order, immediately lay down your arms and surrender unconditionally. If there are less than a hundred households, the governor will guarantee that you will not die!"

Hearing this, Zuo Liangyu's expression changed immediately, didn't he say that the officers would not pardon him, so he changed it to shake his morale?

Therefore, he immediately shouted loudly: "The general is loyal to the imperial court, and his entire military career has been devoted to fighting for the country. There are treacherous officials in the court who deceive the emperor and are treated like this. It is not the general who wants to fight against the court. I hope that the governor will be merciful, let the net go, let the general leave, and save the vitality of the imperial court, so that he can serve the country again in the future!"

It's really a joke, pretending to be innocent here!
The captain of Jin Yiwei who passed the message, loudly conveyed Zuo Liangyu's words again: "If you think you have been wronged, then put down your weapon immediately, and don't go against the court again. The emperor is wise and mighty, and he will naturally give you justice!"

Still a ghost of justice!How could Zuo Liangyu believe such nonsense!
After this communication, Zuo Liangyu knew that Du Yinxi would definitely not let him go, so he shouted loudly again: "Your Excellency is persecuting the general in such a way, is he trying to kill the general? The general swears to live and die with Fucheng! Or you will die, and your lord will only get a ruin!"

After a pause, he shouted loudly again: "The cunning rabbit dies, the hunting dog cooks, today I am Zuo Liangyu, in the future I will be you, He Renlong, Gao Jie..."

He called out the names of a lot of court officials and generals he knew or knew in one breath, which meant that the court would definitely settle accounts after the fall, and don't work for the court!

If it is said that Du Yinxi has not dealt with He Renlong and the others yet, and they saw that the court began to settle accounts with Zuo Liangyu, then they would also be worried, whether they would settle accounts with them later.

However, Du Yinxi had already settled accounts with He Renlong and the others, and during this period of time, He Renlong and others had been in contact with Du Yinxi for a long time, so they naturally knew Du Yinxi.Hearing Zuo Liangyu's words, they had their own considerations in their hearts.

Afterwards, they scolded Zuo Liangyu one by one to show that they were loyal to the court and would not be bewitched by Zuo Liangyu.

Naturally, this meeting broke up in the end.

Returning to the tent of the Chinese army, Du Yinxi looked serious, glanced at the generals in front of him, and asked them: "The left thief threatens the whole city people, do you have any countermeasures?"

Hearing this, Gao Jie stood up and said, "My lord, the Kuizhou mansion has been ravaged by left thieves. Judging from the location, it is estimated that there are not many people left in the city. The general thought that he could storm the city, and the general wishes to be the first Let's fight!"

Kuizhou Mansion is a place that military strategists must contend for. In other words, once there is a war, it is the place where wars are most frequent.Before Zhang Xianzhong entered Sichuan, and now Zuo Liangyu entered Sichuan, they all beat Kuizhou Mansion.

Under the military disaster, the people of Kuizhou Mansion either fled or suffered from the military disaster, especially the military discipline of Zuo Liangyu's troops was extremely poor, so more people were harmed.

What Gao Jie said makes sense.There will definitely not be many people in Kuizhou Prefecture.

After hearing Gao Jie's words, He Renlong also stood up and agreed, and also expressed his willingness to be the first to attack the city.

Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others immediately objected, saying that Kuizhou's capital city should be outsmarted and should not be attacked by force.

All of a sudden, inside the Chinese army's tent, it was very lively and there were constant arguments.

Du Yinxi was indecisive for a while, but after a long time, he finally made a decision, and the army immediately took action.

Zeng Ying returned to her camp and immediately resumed the meeting. She said to a group of people under her command: "Your Excellency has an order to steal the city tonight. Immediately choose a man. Follow me tonight!"

Having said that, he said with hatred again: "We must not let the left thief slaughter our Shu people under our noses!"

When Li Zhanchun, Yu Dahai, Li Ding and others heard this, they immediately clasped their fists and said: "Obey!"

They may not be very proficient in fighting in battle, but, as people in the arena, it is commonplace to be a night owl.

Now that the two armies are facing each other, our own side still has the upper hand, and the governor is still watching, and he is the side that holds the righteousness, so naturally he must do his part.

"Husband, I'm going too!" What Zeng Ying didn't expect was that his daughter-in-law Dong Qiongying also said with a firm attitude.

Zeng Ying frowned and said: "You are a woman, stealing the city is not a joke, if you want to gain more with less, you should not go!"

Dong Qiongying heard this, and immediately replied: "Your Excellency the Governor said, you want me to follow the example of the loyal Marquis. If I am in trouble, I will not go up, but avoid it? How can I follow the example of the loyal Marquis? Besides, if you want to talk about stealing the city, you Men are clumsy, and we women need to cooperate even more!"

After a pause, he stood up with his head held high, and said decisively: "In short, defending your home and country is not just for you men!"

"Okay!" Zeng Ying nodded vigorously when she heard the last sentence, appreciatively said, "As expected of my good wife, that's fine, we husband and wife will fight side by side!"

When Li Zhanchun, Yu Dahai and others saw it, they all showed admiration on their faces, thinking in their hearts: Sister-in-law, you are really a hero among women!My future daughter-in-law needs to be introduced by my sister-in-law!
At night, half a crescent moon hangs high, and the moonlight is not very bright, so you can only vaguely see things nearby.

On the side of the official army camp outside the city, there were noises from time to time, as if they were trying to steal the city.Correspondingly, the defenders on the top of the city became nervous for a while.That's it, the noise finally subsided after midnight.

In the middle of the night, a group of night walkers in black clothes, all holding flying claws, groped towards the city without a sound.On the other side of the camp gate, the main force of the army was waiting quietly, waiting for the signal to steal the city.

The second and third batches of court officers and soldiers also followed up quietly. It can be seen that most of these are white-armed soldiers. This can be seen from their special weapons.

Under the night, if you are a little farther away, you can't see the situation clearly.The officers and soldiers of the imperial court who were waiting were all praying, hoping to succeed in stealing the city.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, there was a burst of shouts from the top of the city, the torches were brightly lit, and it could be seen that fighting began on the top of the city.

Seeing this situation, the second group, that is, the soldiers of the White Pole Army, followed immediately.

They didn't use the flying claws commonly used by people in the Jianghu, but as soon as their weapons were linked, they hooked the battlements and climbed up.

On the top of the city, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

"The city is about to fall, are you going to die with the left thief?"

"Surrender without killing, those who resist will die!"


It can be heard that the ones who yelled the most fiercely should be the imperial army on the top of the city.

Before the burst of shouting ended, another thunderous shout followed.

"Ma Xianglin is here, don't surrender yet!"

Indistinctly, the soldiers under the city could see the comrades who sneaked up the city at first, and were forced to form an formation at the corner of the battlements at first, but soon, they began to expand their defenses in the face of the influx of rebels. scope.

And then the soldiers who climbed up immediately joined in the fight, and immediately expanded the defense line even more.


More and more court officers and soldiers have climbed to the top of the city, and it can be clearly felt that the morale of the court officers and soldiers is like a rainbow, while the rebels have no morale to resist desperately at all, and even many soldiers, look When the court officers and soldiers came to kill them, they immediately dropped their weapons, and only some officers were still shouting to resist.

All the movements of Kuizhou Prefecture were suddenly attracted by the section where the city wall broke through.On the other side of the water gate, it was still quiet.

In the upstream direction of the water gate, under the darkness, there are five or six boats, without any lights, floating towards the water gate of Kuizhou Fucheng.

If you get close and look carefully, you can find that these ships are full of people, and they are all fully armed.Like a sculpture, quietly nailed to the boat.

The person in the lead was the tall and tall Yang Zhan.He looked at the part of the city wall where the shouts of killing were loud, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The stolen city over there is actually to cover the stolen city on the navy side.But looking at the results now, it seems that there is no need to cover up, because the other side has already captured the top of the city and is expanding its advantage. Obviously, stealing the city will succeed directly.

But even so, this side still has to act according to the plan. After quietly seizing the water gate, a signal is sent out, and a large number of naval warships behind will follow up and take down the city of Kuizhou in one fell swoop.

This rebel army is really vulnerable!Originally, the first victory in capturing the city should be his own!

Yang Zhan felt regretful, but suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the water gate carefully.

I don't know why, but there are obviously fewer lights on the side of the water gate than other places, so that the water gate is darker than other places.

However, more or less, Yang Zhan, who was in the dark, could still see the water gate more clearly.

He suddenly noticed that there seemed to be movement at the water gate.

Don't be discovered, right?Thinking this way in Yang Zhan's heart, he immediately gave orders to his subordinates silently, preparing to fight.

As a result, when they got closer, when their warships were about to float to the water gate, they saw that the water gate opened by itself, and then, a ship came out from here, but it was also black and blind, without any lights!

 I'm busy today, the update is late
(End of this chapter)

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