Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 363 The Strategy to Destroy the Enemy

Chapter 363 The Strategy to Destroy the Enemy
Regarding his son's words, Zuo Liangyu sighed with a beard and a smile: "I really don't know what the holy majesty thinks now. The land of Shu has already been harmed by the Eight Great Kings once, and he doesn't have a long memory. The military equipment is still so slack. It's simply not enough. Fortify!"

"That brain is sick!" Zuo Menggeng heard this, immediately took over the topic, and laughed, "It's better to let Dad come to be the general soldier of Sichuan, he is definitely better than them! Now he dares to arrest Dad, ha ha, no need Dad If you go out, your son will take over the entire Shu land for your father!"

Just now I was talking about Chongqing, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into the whole of Sichuan!

Zuo Liangyu turned serious when he heard this, and taught his son, "You can't underestimate the heroes of Sichuan! Otherwise, why would the Eight Great Kings be kicked out? Besides, there are stone pillars near Chongqing Secretary, that place, you must remember to take a detour!"

"Isn't it the White Pole Army?" Of course Zuo Menggeng had heard of it, but he didn't take it seriously, but said to his father, "Isn't the White Pole Army guarding the Jian captives in Shanhaiguan? This house is empty, It just so happened that my son led the troops to kill him, and let the other people in Shu land take a look!"

Zuo Liangyu listened, thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "Forget it, if we really want to take down Shizhu Xuanfusi, even if Marquis Zhongzhen is in Shanhaiguan, he will chase us and bite us, that's not necessary!"

"What are you afraid of? There is a child here, and that old lady like Qin Liangyu dares to come over, I..."

Before Zuo Menggeng finished speaking, Zuo Liangyu slapped him on the back of the forehead, a little puzzled, and turned to look at his father.

Zuo Liangyu yelled with a cold face: "When the Marquis Zhongzhen went to war, he didn't even have you! In front of me, why don't you try again?"

Seeing him getting angry, Zuo Menggeng was still afraid and didn't dare to argue anymore, but his face was still somewhat dissatisfied.She's an old woman, so she's afraid of being stupid?

Zuo Liangyu saw it, felt a little helpless, and taught a serious lesson: "The bridge she has traveled is longer than the road you have traveled, and you are not qualified to despise the heroes of the world. What you have to do now is to bypass Shizhu Xuanfu Division, take Chongqing for father, so that you will have real prestige in the army!"

When Zuo Menggeng heard this, he suddenly became proud again, and immediately said loudly: "Father, don't worry, taking Chongqing is like picking something out of a bag!"

Judging from the military equipment and city defense on the side of Kuizhou Mansion, Chongqing is estimated to be similar. This can also be proved from the mouths of the prisoners.

Zuo Liangyu himself was getting old, and wanted to establish his son's prestige in the army, so he told Zuo Menggeng, "Father has transferred all the elite soldiers and strong generals to your subordinates, so go to Chongqing now, don't give orders, listen to them." Do what you want. Remember, there will be no delays on the way."

"Father, don't worry!" Zuo Menggeng thought he was nagging, so he quickly said, "Hurry up and go to Baoning Mansion, your side is the most important thing, if you guard the entrance to Shu, we will be safe !"

The most important thing in the war in Shu is actually to seize the road to Sichuan.

Now Kuizhou Mansion guarding the east of Sichuan has been captured by Zuo Liangyu, and he has sent his powerful general Li Guoying to garrison it.

The remaining roads into Sichuan are mainly in the north of Sichuan, that is, the roads from Qin to Shu.One of them is in Kuizhou Mansion, and the other two are in Baoning Mansion. The most famous road is where Jiange is located.

Of course, if you have to say it, there is still, and that is the path that Deng Ai Mieshu took back then, but it is further west.

Therefore, in Zuo Liangyu's plan, the most important thing is to go west to Baoning Mansion, and first seize a few roads into Sichuan.He was worried about leaving this matter to others, so he led the army himself.

As for attacking Chongqing, in Zuo Liangyu's mind, it was actually not important.As long as he seized a few passages into Shu, the land of Shu would be his sooner or later.

The reason why he sent his son as the leader to attack Chongqing Mansion was that it would be the best if he could win, because it would give his son prestige in the army and help his son take over his position in the future.

Even if they can't be defeated, that's okay, creating such a big commotion can attract the attention of the people in Sichuan and concentrate all their troops in Chongqing, which will be more conducive to him seizing the passage into Shu from Baoning Mansion.

Based on this plan, he no longer went to Chongqing with his son, but saw his son off.

Therefore, Zuo Liangyu and his son Zuo Menggeng parted ways, and the two groups set out to their destination in a mighty way.

As far as Zuo Menggeng's journey is concerned, as Zuo Liangyu said, most of the [-] veterans that Zuo Liangyu led into Sichuan.Moreover, it was Zuo Liangyu's deputy Ma Shixiu who actually led the army to fight.

If not, what would happen if the only son was defeated and killed if he was not careful?
After all, there is a good saying, no one knows a son like a father, and Zuo Liangyu knows how capable his son is.

It is enough to have elite soldiers and strong generals to secure the title of conquering Chongqing!

It has to be said that Zuo Liangyu's arrangement is really of a certain level.

Zuo Menggeng led the army to march towards Chongqing along the Yangtze River.

Of course, this momentum is huge, but the most important thing is actually the army.Because Zuo Liangyu's men didn't have many warships at all, most of them were fishing boats captured along the Yangtze River.The only warship in the army is also the warship of the Kuizhou defenders.


In the Yamen of the prefect of Chongqing, the prefect Wang Xingjian sat on the high seat, and the civil and military divisions stood on both sides, listening to the news brought back by Ye Bushuo.

"Explore again!" After Wang Xingjian ordered to leave at night, he looked at the civil and military officials under him and asked, "How do you think this battle should be fought?"

It is generally recognized that Zuo Liangyu was a famous general in the late Ming Dynasty.When I heard that he led the troops to capture Kuizhou, I was so frightened that Chongqing immediately called for help, saying how cruel the Zuo Liangyu tribe was.

But at this time, after listening to the report of Ye Bu Shou, it seems that this is not the case.

No, Zhao Guangyuan, the Qiang Han commander-in-chief immediately laughed, and said to Wang Xingjian: "My lord, you have no worries. The last general sees that Zuo Liangyu's troops, with a mere navy, want to attack our Shu land. It's wishful thinking! There will be a plan to defeat Zuo Liangyu's entire army!"

Hearing this, Wang Xingjian couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked for advice.

Zhao Guangyuan replied to Wang Xingjian: "Zuo Liangyu's army lacks a naval force, and most of its main force is marching to Chongqing by land. In this way, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive consumption, it also consumes a lot of food and grass. You only need to lure the enemy deep and wait for them to attack." When you drive straight in and the food and grass are not enough, the last general will lead the army and advance by land and water, and he will be able to kill him and wipe out his entire army!"

After he finished speaking, Wang Xingjian hadn't responded yet, and the pusher next to him hurriedly said, "This is not an appropriate move. If the enemy is lured in, how should the states and counties along the route respond?"

When Zhao Guangyuan heard this, he said indifferently: "After all, Zuo Liangyu's army is a powerful army in Ming Dynasty. He has already reported to Lord Zhongcheng before. The enemy is so powerful that it is reasonable to lose a few counties. As long as the last If we can defeat Zuo Liangyu's entire army, even if we lose a few states and counties, some of them will only be rewards!"

Wang Xingjian heard this, rolled his eyes, and said to Zhao Guangyuan: "The prefectures and counties below are also under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty, and it is wrong to lose cities and territories! But, you are the general soldier, and you are the one who is familiar with military affairs after all. For other matters, you and the local yamen can handle it as appropriate, in short, I have no other requirements, since Zuo Liangyu is here to commit crimes, you must defeat him, or even eliminate him!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhao Guangyuan to say more, he stood up and said, "That's it, let's go!"

As soon as the words were finished, the person disappeared in the lobby and turned into the back hall!
Civil servants are very slippery, and they can't find fault with what they say. They want to be a whore and set up a memorial archway. Pooh!
Could it be that Zhao Guangyuan didn't know what Wang Xingjian meant, thinking so in his heart, he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, but he had no choice, so he hurried back to deploy countermeasures.

For him, Chongqing cannot be lost, as long as Zuo Liangyu's troops can be defeated, then everything will be fine.

In other words, he will implement his strategy, and the magistrate will not care.

Therefore, Zhao Guangyuan followed the strategy he thought would defeat Zuo Liangyu's troops, that is, to show the enemy his weakness, lure the enemy to go deep, and when the enemy was exhausted, he wiped out the enemy in one fell swoop.

Therefore, he immediately withdrew his troops and hoarded them in Tongluoxia, the last line of defense in Chongqing; as for the others, he just released some old, weak and remnant soldiers.

That's it, Zuo Menggeng's troops set off from Kuizhou Mansion all the way, attacked along the Yangtze River, and went down to Wanxian, Zhongzhou, and Fuzhou. Along the way, they really rushed to Tongluoxia, the last place in Chongqing. Go through a door.

It was also Zuo Liangyu who repeatedly explained that when passing by the stone pillar, Zuo Liangyu's troops did not dare to expand towards the stone pillar for the operation of replenishing the army.On Shizhu Chieftain's side, only Ma Xianglin's son was there, and the main force of the army was outside, and he couldn't take the initiative to provoke Zuo Liangyu's troops at all.
I don't know if Zhao Guangyuan really expected it. Zuo Menggeng's department, of course, because they are all under the banner of "Zuo", in Zhao Guangyuan's view, it is Zuo Liangyu's department, when it is getting closer to Tongluo Gorge , the speed of this rebel army is getting slower and slower.

They did not accept the investigation report at night, and said that the soldiers of the rebel army were exhausted, old and weak.

Zhao Guangyuan was very excited about this, and felt that he deserved to be famous, and he became famous by stepping on Zuo Liangyu's corpse!

Therefore, he suppressed his excitement, and waited for the rebels to consume a wave of vigor after they arrived at Tongluo Gorge, and then counterattack aggressively, so that they could defeat Zuo Liangyu's troops in one battle.And because of the large number of warships in his hands, even if Zuo Liangyu wanted to escape in this eastern Sichuan, it would definitely not be so easy.

If Zuo Liangyu can be captured alive, it will be his chance to show his face in the capital. Maybe the emperor will reward him with a noble title due to his generosity!
While he was thinking this way, the rebels finally arrived at Tongluo Gorge.

(End of this chapter)

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