Chapter 244 smooth
However, what Wang Dehua never imagined was that within a few days, a businessman from Zhenjiang Mansion came over, and a ship full of grain was still the same kind of sea-going ship.

Wang Dehua also felt that although the businessmen who came here respected him, they definitely did not respect Zheng Sen as much.It gave him a feeling that the businessman seemed to want to please Zheng Sen very much.

It even stated that the food does not need to get off the ship, and the ship can be transported directly to the capital by sea.In this way, it can save them a lot of things.

Of course Wang Dehua knew that it was definitely not Zheng Sen's fault.How could this brat be so capable.The only thing that can be explained is Zheng Sen's father, the Fujian deputy general.

He was very surprised by this.It's unimaginable that someone from far away in Fuzhou, Fujian, can actually affect this place.

Because as far as he knew, even those aristocratic families would definitely lose their influence after leaving the local area.It is definitely very far away from the southeast coast of Fujian!However, the influence is still so great!
To be honest, Wang Dehua was full of curiosity about Zheng Zhilong immediately.But it was only the last time I met, and then I didn't see each other again. I don't know if I went back or hid behind the scenes.

In the next few days, similar businessmen took the initiative to come to the door one after another.Among them, there are those from Yingtian Mansion, and those from Tongzhou in the south of Yangzhou Mansion, and even those from Suzhou Mansion and Songjiang Mansion.

They have one thing in common, that is, they don't have any requirements for the price, and they want as much as the court gives, and they don't bargain.

Wang Dehua also found that Zheng Sen seems to have become more sophisticated in doing things.As for the purchase price, follow the process, respect their co-organizers, and not treat those merchants badly.It was completely different from Zheng Sen's performance before.

Regarding this, Wang Dehua naturally understood that Zheng Zhilong was definitely behind the scenes.Judging from this, Zheng Zhilong seems to be very proficient in business.His way of doing business is obviously a long-term solution!
Just like that, as time passed, Wang Dehua became more and more curious about Zheng Zhilong.

On this day, the man he sent out to investigate Zheng Zhilong's details finally came back.

"What, he used to be a pirate?"

"What, he is the Sea King on the southeast coast of Daming?"

"What, a ship has to spend thousands of dollars to buy his command flag to keep it safe?"


When Wang Dehua heard the report from his subordinates, besides being shocked, he was still shocked!

At this moment, he finally understood why Zheng Zhilong was so confident!He even understood why Long Live God let Zheng Sen, who has no hair yet, to take charge of the Jiangnan procurement!

He is really a good guy, with such a strong strength, he has never heard of it in the north.

Even when he was in Jiangnan, he had never heard of the name Zheng Zhilong. If he hadn't made a special effort to inquire, he would have never found out about Zheng Zhilong!
After a long time, Wang Dehua came back to his senses, and couldn't help but feel very emotional, the Ming Dynasty is so big, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

What a great salt merchant, compared to that Zheng Zhilong, he is really nothing!

Whether it's money or power, it's all very different!
Thinking of this, he was suddenly shocked again.

A tyrant at sea like Zheng Zhilong was ruled by the Lord Long Live so submissively. With just one Zheng Sen, the power of Zheng Zhilong can be used by the Lord Long Live.

This means...

Is this really the Long Live Lord I knew before?

At this moment, Wang Dehua was a little confused.Today, it really has become a stranger.

When he was in a daze, Zheng Sen suddenly came to him.

Hearing the report, Wang Dehua, who had never gone out to greet Zheng Sen, unexpectedly came to the door for the first time.With the honor of Dongchang Changgong, he greeted a general banner of Jinyiwei; or he used an old oilman who has been in the officialdom for many years to welcome a boy who has not even grown his hair; or he was an assistant to welcome the chief official.

In short, no matter what outsiders think, no matter what outsiders think, Wang Dehua is going to welcome it!
Zheng Sen was a little surprised by this, but when he came back to his senses, he respected Wang Dehua according to what his father taught him, and told Wang Dehua his intention of coming with a sense of humility.

Six shipments of grain, two shipments of dried sweet potatoes and flour, one shipment of cotton, and one shipment of iron materials, should we set out and send them to the capital by sea first?
In addition, he also suggested that it would be more convenient for them to purchase the yamen and move it to Haimen in Yangzhou Prefecture?

Although they were all asking for opinions, Wang Dehua could tell that Zheng Sen, that is, Zheng Zhilong's side, thought it was the best thing to do!

In this regard, he did not put on airs, but said kindly to Zheng Sen: "You are in charge, and these decisions are your duty. Our family has no objection!"

What he said was actually the same as what he said before.However, the tone is different, and the meaning expressed is completely different.

In the past, I actually liked to answer and ignore you, just to see you make a fool of myself; but now, the same words mean obedience!

This is not to say that the admiral of Dongchang has dropped in price, but that Wang Dehua understands that he is no longer favored by the emperor.If you want to continue to maintain the current power, then you must do what the emperor has explained.

But now, if the Zheng family can do well in this matter, why doesn't he cooperate?

He knows exactly which is more important, the face or the inside!
Zheng Sen was actually surprised by Wang Dehua's change of attitude before and after. Of course he knew it was his father's ability.So, he said to Wang Dehua again: "Such a large amount of cargo is transported by sea. For safety reasons, I want to send two warships from the Fujian Marine Water Division to escort it. I wonder what the factory will do?"

This was explained by his father. If he wants to clean up his crimes in the future, then he should be more disciplined in doing things.Although he actually sent an order to go back and transfer two warships to the north, but this process still needs to go through.

When Wang Dehua heard it, he naturally had no objection, since he didn't spend any thought and energy on it anyway.

He agreed, and there was no problem with the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

So, when they arrived at Haimen, they saw two warships of the Fujian Navy waiting there, led by Zheng Sen's fourth uncle Zheng Hongkui.

Just like that, twelve ships set off to the north in such a mighty way.

After Zheng Zhilong intervened, Jiangnan's procurement became extremely smooth.

In the past, the reason why purchasing was difficult was because Dongchang broke the rules and encountered resistance from everyone in Jiangnan.

However, Zheng Zhilong's intervention broke this resistance, allowing those who are in the early stage of maritime trade to start trading with the purchasing office first.

Not only the price is fair, but also cash delivery!

The money obtained from the confiscation has already been spent, so who can get it back.

So much money is earned by others, and I look at it myself. If I don’t earn it, will I lose money?

With someone in the lead, there was no organized resistance in the first place, so naturally they were defeated, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to make some good money!
No one will have trouble with money!
As for the bad rules of Dongchang, I will not show off my wealth like those big salt merchants. Even if there is such a house raid, it should not be my turn first!

Based on this idea, Haimen's procurement office became lively.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong who was hiding in the dark, he didn't stay in Yangzhou Mansion any longer and went back to his own territory.

Before leaving, he specially arranged for some people to go to the capital to be resident, and to pass back the first-hand news from the capital at any time.

In addition, he naturally has an account for his son, nothing more than walking according to the rhythm in front of him, don't care about other things, don't be careless, just do the things in front of him, and do the things the emperor explained.

As for the maritime merchants in Fujian and Guangdong provinces, he will follow up after returning.After that, there will be shipping supplies from Nanyang.

In short, there is no need to worry about other things, he, the father, will arrange it.

Zheng Sen naturally agreed to this.

The benefits of the rich second generation show their advantages in this matter.

In the end, Zheng Zhilong also said to Zheng Sen: "The things on the Jiangnan side, before and after, including the situation you encountered at the beginning, and my situation, you should write them down in detail, and use the secret notes given to you by the emperor to write them down. The right to report to the emperor, you know?"

Hearing this, Zheng Sen couldn't figure it out, and immediately said worriedly: "Father, you are the deputy general of Fujian, and the matter of coming to Yangzhou was known by the emperor..."

He originally wanted to say that he was afraid it would be bad, but he immediately remembered that his father had already gone to chat with the admiral of the East Factory, and the emperor would definitely know.

So, he quickly changed his words and said: "The Dongchang side will definitely report to the emperor, so there is no need for this, my child?"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong wanted to beat his son, but thinking about it, his son was still young after all, and he didn't take care of him or teach him about this before, so he said patiently: "The emperor will definitely know Yes, but there is a big difference whether you report this matter or Dongchang reports it, do you know? Whether Dongchang reports it or not, in short, you must report it. "

Speaking of this, he thought about it for a while, and then said in another way: "In short, if you have any ideas, practices, etc., don't hide them from the emperor, you know?"

Zheng Sen was stunned for a while, but he was not an idiot. After thinking for a while, he understood the truth, and quickly nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, my son understands what to do!"

When Zheng Zhilong saw him, he was still a little worried. After thinking for a while, he said to him again: "When I go back, I will let your mother come over to see my son. He has grown up and is promising!"

Zheng Sen was very happy when he heard that.What he wants to let people know about his current achievements is his mother!
But he didn't know, in fact, Zheng Zhilong was still worried, he was afraid that at his age, if he called the wind and called the rain too much, he would drift. This is a common problem of young people, so he was going to let his mother watch him.Because his son listened to his mother the most.

Under thousands of orders, Zheng Zhilong finally left.

(End of this chapter)

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