Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 145 Immortals, who is not afraid?

Chapter 145 Immortals, who is not afraid?
Hearing Li Zicheng's words, a group of bandit leaders screamed, without any fear at all.

Li Zicheng's one-eyed eyes saw all of this, and he was relieved.

In fact, from a strategic point of view, there is nothing wrong with Li Yan's proposal!

However, Li Zicheng stood in a different position, thinking about things is not a simple matter of winning or losing.

He fought twice in Kaifeng, and even lost one eye the second time.If he just has no ambitions and is satisfied with the status quo, then maybe he will avoid Kaifeng and pick up weak bullies;

But at this time, Li Zicheng, as his strength increased, he already had the ambition to compete for world hegemony.

In this way, he thinks about things differently.

If you avoid Kaifeng and Sun Chuanting, he will not be able to rise up!

Among the heroes from all walks of life, no one would regard him as a leader.

But if he can defeat all enemies, then heroes from all walks of life are famous, and they will definitely come to join him, and the morale of the team will be higher and higher!

Li Zicheng's focus is no longer on the loss of one city or one place, but on the whole world!

Taking a step back, he led the troops to open the seal, and even if he failed, he would just leave as before. Anyway, he is used to losing battles. This time is not too much, and this time is not much.

With such a total, Li Zicheng has the performance just now!

At this time, the morale was available, so he began to give orders, and waited for the looting of Yanling and the rendezvous with Cao Cao and Luo Rucai's troops before heading to Kaifeng.

Just like that, history is still rolling forward with its strong inertia, and it has not changed because of Sun Chuanting's appearance in Kaifeng.


Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't know about these things for the time being.At this time, he just heard the report that Wang Xiangjin, the left servant of the household department, had arrived in the capital and was waiting outside the Meridian Gate.

Hearing this, he was overjoyed immediately, and hastily ordered that all the things Wang Xiangjin brought be sent to the Imperial Garden.As for Wang Xiangjin, just wait.

So Wang Xiangjin watched his baby being sent to the Forbidden City.Suddenly, there is a feeling that people are not as good as grass!

What the current emperor values ​​is not him, but his flowers and plants!

Thinking of this, he was also a little unconvinced, or a little arrogant.

There are so many flowers and plants, let alone the current emperor, even the rest of the capital, I am afraid that no one will understand better than him.

Since the emperor attached great importance to these flowers and plants, in the end, he would definitely ask him for advice.It's impossible, after taking these things to the Royal Garden, just throw them away, right?
With this in mind, he patiently followed the order and went to the classroom, drinking tea and resting to wait for the emperor's next order.

Naturally, Wang Xiangjin didn't know that the Emperor Chongzhen had already arrived at the Imperial Garden one step ahead, watched the trays of flowers and plants move in, and repeatedly told him to be careful not to damage them.

Anyone can see the baby's appearance.

So much so that Wang Chengen, who came here on the order, was like the emperor's answerer, and kept urging them to be careful when handling them.

After all the flowers and plants were placed in order, the others withdrew, and only Wang Chengen waited with his confidants and servants holding pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen took out his mobile phone from the sachet on his chest and contacted his friends in another world.

Without making him wait any longer, the video was connected quickly.

Emperor Chongzhen immediately said excitedly to Liu Weichao: "The plants of Wang Xiangjin have already been brought to the capital, why don't you have time to identify them?"

He also read it himself just now, and found that he only knew a few kinds.The same is true, he has more expectations, hoping to find some treasures!
Of course, he didn't expect Liu Weichao to know everything at once.Even if Liu Weichao is more experienced and knowledgeable than him, you can know by thinking about it with your toes. It is impossible for Liu Weichao to know all of them.

If that's the case, Liu Weichao is not a human being, but a god, the Shennong family who has tasted all kinds of herbs!

At this moment, upon hearing his words, Liu Weichao said with great interest: "Oh, let me see!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly turned his mobile phone and gave Liu Weichao a rough overview.

Then, he quickly turned back to his mobile phone and asked Liu Weichao, "How is it? How much do you know? Do you have any potatoes?"

Sweet potatoes are relatively popular, and there is a high probability that they are available.Even if Wang Xiangjin didn't bring it here, there are more in Fujian and Zhejiang.Therefore, he doesn't care.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao scratched his head and said, "I don't recognize it either!"

Throw the potatoes directly in front of him, and he will definitely recognize them, but the leaves of the potatoes will not be recognized after reading too much.

In other words, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so as not to delay the important events on Emperor Chongzhen's side.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being disappointed.He didn't expect that Liu Weichao was much lower than he expected.

I don't even know if there are potatoes, let alone other things!

Could it be that this trip was in vain, right?
However, Emperor Chongzhen thought about it again, and felt wrong, because Liu Weichao had vowed before that he could help him distinguish.

Could it be that Liu Weichao is talking big?
Thinking of this, he denied himself again.Because he himself has been in contact with Liu Weichao for so long, Liu Weichao gave him the impression that he is not a big talker.

He was thinking about it, but he heard Liu Weichao say to him: "But it's okay, just wait a moment, I'll open a software, and then I'll report all those plants to you one by one."

"???" When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, a question mark appeared on his forehead. What do you mean?
Regardless of what he said, Liu Weichao directly operated the computer, clicked on a software that had been downloaded a long time ago, then adjusted the camera on the computer, and finally said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Okay, point the phone at the plant, and finally It’s good to take everything in, and keep it intact for a while!”

Originally, Emperor Chongzhen could have taken photos of all the plants and passed them on to him.However, now that the video is turned on, it is not so troublesome, just solve it for him on the spot.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little curious when he heard it. He didn't know why he could know what a plant was by doing this.
With this question in mind, he did so.

On Liu Weichao's side, the camera on the computer was pointed at the phone, and the plant was quickly scanned and matched in the database, and then the introduction of the plant was displayed immediately.

So, he read to Emperor Chongzhen: "Tomato, that is, tomato, is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the order Tubularfloweres, Solanaceae, and genus Tomato. odor……"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly said, "Slow down, slow down..."

After Liu Weichao listened, he read it to him again, and his speaking speed slowed down a lot.

On the other hand, Emperor Chongzhen quickly signaled Wang Chengen to start recording, and he himself repeated Liu Weichao's words, otherwise, Wang Chengen and the others would sound difficult.

As a result, Wang Chengen was in a hurry and started recording.

Liu Weichao heard the movement here, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood what was going on there, so he read more slowly.

As a result, as he read it, he felt as if he had done something stupid.

The descriptions in the plant database are very detailed. If he read it like this, and then the Emperor Chongzhen recorded it, he would do nothing in a day, and it is estimated that he could only complete the records of a dozen plants.

As far as the plants he saw just now, there are probably hundreds of species!

After waking up, Liu Weichao stopped reading, turned back to the phone screen, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "This is too inefficient, you should send photos of all the plants, and I will organize a document for you with detailed introductions. Send it to you again!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen expressed his deep approval, and quickly agreed: "Okay, then I will send it to you later!"

After finishing speaking, he cut off the video communication, looked at Wang Chengen and said, "No need to record it!"

Wang Chengen, who was sweating profusely, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: No need to record, it's great!Otherwise, it is estimated that people will die!
Afterwards, he watched Emperor Chongzhen take photos of the plants with the treasure bestowed by the Taizu.

After so many days, Wang Chengen naturally knew that there was a god helping the Long Live Lord, and it was inside that treasure.Maybe it's not necessarily the Taizu emperor who became a fairy.If not, it must have something to do with Emperor Taizu.

With this understanding, Wang Chengen was even more respectful to Emperor Chongzhen.And he also knew that after this story slowly spread in the palace, everyone was afraid of the current emperor.

In the past, he occasionally encountered maids in the palace talking about the emperor, empress or noble concubine, but since the emperor Taizu appeared, he never encountered similar things.

There may be gods who hold their heads up three feet. It may have been just talk in the past, but now it is real!
Immortal, who is not afraid?
He didn't know that this effect was actually what Emperor Chongzhen wanted.

Therefore, even if Liu Weichao told him about science and time travel, what he told others was still a treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu.

At this time, Wang Chengen and the others had nothing to do. They watched Emperor Chongzhen take photos of all the plants, and then went to talk to the gods in the treasure.

On Liu Weichao's side, after receiving the photos sent by Emperor Chongzhen, he began to compare the database, and then began to edit the documents.

Based on the nature of his technical geek, when editing this document, he naturally requires perfection.

Except for a photo sent by Emperor Chongzhen, he edited all the introductions and photos of this plant in the database into the document.

Among them, of course, are the planting of plants, the introduction of functions and precautions, and so on.

In this way, the workload is also very large.He was busy until his mother came to ask him to eat, and the work was not finished.

And this is thanks to the fact that he is a paid VIP user and can freely quote materials, otherwise, it would definitely not be possible to complete it so quickly.

So, he quickly sent the document to Emperor Chongzhen, and went to eat with his mother.

 Anti-theft chapter, update the text after 10 minutes, thanks! ps: The role of Li Yan has always been controversial about whether there is such a person.In the previous few books, I used the saying that there is no such person, so let him exist for this book!

(End of this chapter)

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