Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 91 Do You Know Why I Wear Glasses? (Part 3, please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 91 Do You Know Why I Wear Glasses? (No.13 update, please subscribe!!!)

Rikers Island is located between Queens and Brooklyn. On this island, there is only one building.


Rikers Island Prison is also the largest prison in New York. On this island, there is only one entrance and exit to Queens, and this bridge is not open to the public.

A brand new R8 roars!

This was a stolen car bought from Hell's Kitchen. The brand new R8 cost only $8, but on the black market, Locke got it directly for $[-] in cash.

Before changing it, Locke would feel a little distressed.

But right now?
It's drizzling.

Locke, wearing sunglasses, stepped on the accelerator and parked on the side of the road that is the only way to enter and leave Rikers Island Prison. With his left hand on the steering wheel and his right hand on the joystick, he took out his mobile phone and watched the increasingly The closer the little red dot.

This little red dot is the signal for the escort vehicle.

That is, the escort vehicle in which Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, and Melinda May were riding.

The signal was done by someone sent by the Red Devils.

Locke doesn't care about how to approach this car to put the signal on it, he only cares about when this car will come.

Locke pursed his lips, he couldn't wait any longer.

in fact……

After Locke's lawsuit came out a week ago, he should have come to Nick Fury to have a good chat.


Nick Fury still has a lawsuit against him.

Why bother.

Locke felt that waiting patiently was one of his few advantages. Besides, what could be more refreshing than sitting there in court and watching the jurors pronounce Nick Fury and others guilty?

Let you mess with me?
Just now, Nick Fury and his left and right law enforcement officers were once again convicted by the jury of various charges by the local prosecutor, and successfully obtained a sentence of seven years in prison.

Among them, because of perjury, he was sentenced to four years, and then, because of law enforcement, but considering that he had already paid 500 million dollars in compensation, he added three years.

As for Phil Coulson, he was sentenced to five years in prison.

Melinda May was sentenced to six years in prison.

Have a look.

As expected of the director, even if the sentence is sentenced, it will be one year longer than the sentence of the left and right guardians.


Decent man.

The corner of Locke's mouth rose slightly, and he couldn't help shaking his head. He knew very well in his heart that if he didn't come again today, I'm afraid that Nick Fury and the three of them would disappear without a trace after they entered the prison.

The verdict is nothing more than a face for New York City, and an explanation for the growing public opinion that is now fermenting.

Now things are completely dusted.

Locke got the money.

Judge Nutt upheld the dignity of the court.

The New York District Attorney gets a credit here.

The media got a lot of attention.

All parties are very happy. This popularity will only decrease, not increase. Nick Fury and others can also take advantage of this opportunity to directly transform themselves into themselves after entering the prison.

Of course.

Nick Fury may not be able to take the position of director general.


Locke sighed for Nick Fury's unpredictable future encounters, but stared at the red dot that had turned around, glanced at the rearview mirror, and put away his mobile phone: "But... who told you to mess with it first?" What about mine?"

The words fall.

A half-blue prison escort vehicle roared directly, driving from Locke's R8, and headed not far away, the only river-crossing bridge leading to Rikers Island Prison.



Locke started the vehicle, opened the window, tilted his head, and stared at the half-blue vehicle that passed the security check on the bridge across the river and then drove into the bridge across the river.


Locke raised his eyebrows and released the handbrake. In an instant, the powerful engine of the R8 provided the majestic power. When he felt the back push, the R8 was like a shooting star, quickly chasing towards the half-blue vehicle. .


The two prison guards who had just put the guardrail back in place and looked at the gate were slightly taken aback when they heard the strong power coming from their ears, and then looked at the R8 that was coming like a shooting star not far away, with expressions on their faces. The smiling expression froze instantly.


The R8 directly smashed through the guardrail, and without slowing down, it rushed towards the escort vehicle that was already galloping on the bridge across the river.


"Prison robbery??"


At the critical moment, the two prison guards who rushed to both sides spat a handful of mud in their mouths, quickly notified the prison, and pulled towards the alarm.


The sirens of the Rikers Island Prison on the other side of the bridge across the river blared loudly.

Looking down at her handcuffs in the escort car, Melinda May began to think about how she became a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and turned into a prisoner. Hearing the alarm in her ear, Melinda May couldn't help but look up.

what happened?

At this moment, Melinda suddenly felt something flashing past her eyes, she looked towards the window, and she saw a silver R8 whistling, rushing to the front like a missile up.

The silver R8 drifted in place 500 meters away from the leading vehicle, and then, accompanied by the smoke generated by the rubbing against the ground, the R8 roared and aimed at the escort car and rushed towards it.


The prison guard who was driving looked straight towards him, and seemed to be trying to see if the R8 was harder or the escort car was harder. Going to avoid the R8.

Watching the prisoners and prison guards on the escort car suddenly felt like they were riding a roller coaster.

But their feeling didn't last long.


Locke stared at the escort car that was about to collide in front of him, the handbrake was pulled up instantly, the steering wheel was turned violently, and the whole car body began to drift instantly.

But the escort car is too heavy to float.


At the moment when the erratic body of the guard car kicked on the R8 car, the whole guard car lost its balance in an instant, and began to rise into the air like a flying pig flying into the sky.


Because of this impact, the silver R8 directly caused the deformation of the back seat, and even inevitably blasted towards the river beside it.

Locke opened the car door, and the moment the silver R8 fell into the water, he bent down and walked up from the car.


After the silver R8 fell into the water, there was a huge splash.

Locke turned his head and glanced at the gradually sinking silver R8 behind him, raised the corner of his mouth, straightened his cuffs, swung his right hand, and the silver dancer fell directly into his hand, looking at that after rolling three laps on the bridge, Lost all kinetic energy, but stood straight on the escort vehicle in the middle of the bridge deck.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The driver of the vehicle with a bad head and blood staggered out of the guard car clutching his old waist, and then saw Locke, who was wearing leather shoes, wearing a suit and tie, like a thug in a suit walking over there, hurriedly Reach out: "Don't, don't..."

Locke stopped, looked at the driver kneeling at the door of the car, chuckled lightly, and waved his hands.

The driver froze for a moment, got up quickly, and ran towards the prison entrance which was still 500 meters away.

The corner of Locke's mouth rose.

He is not as overbearing as S.H.I.E.L.D., he is principled, and he never kills innocent people.



Locke turned his head, looked at a bullet fired from the escort car, and narrowed his eyes: "I'll give you a chance, get out of the car, I won't kill you, I only want the prisoners in this car."

"Don't think about it!"

"Don't even think about it!"

The two dark-skinned prison guards, a man and a woman, didn't even look up, and roared directly: "Support will be here soon."


Locke raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't see anyone, it is undeniable that there are differences in accents between races, and the accents of the two people just now undoubtedly told Locke what their skin color looked like.

"It's black, then there's no problem."

Locke shrugged, smiled, and raised the silver dancer on his right hand: "Bang!" "Bang!"



The two bright yellow bullets stopped at the door of the escort car as if on a fixed-point cruise, then turned around and entered the car, followed by two puffs.

He never kills innocent people.

But are the black ones innocent people?



Is black a normal color?
If the system issued him a mission to become a god by eliminating black that day, Locke believed himself, and would definitely agree.


Locke looked at the two corpses falling on the street not far away, and after confirming the skin color, he did not kill wrongly, he looked directly into the carriage, the handcuffs that had been clearly removed.

next second.

Behind the wind.


Locke thought in his heart, turned around, raised his head, and a pair of not-so-beautiful legs passed in front of him.

next second.

Melinda May kicked directly and kicked Locke's crotch again.



Melinda May's offensive stance paused slightly, and then, she tilted her right foot and plopped to the side.

The corner of Locke's mouth raised, and he tilted his head: "My brain is really crazy, I have a gun."

Melinda scolds Locke: "Despicable!"

"Thank you."



Locke shot Melinda in the chest. After confirming that there was no threat, he squatted down, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, lowered his head, took off his sunglasses, and instantly returned to his original appearance.

Melinda looked at Locke, whose face overlapped with the Peerless Assassin's face, and her eyes began to shrink uncontrollably.

Locke smiled and said, "I was only 16 years old, so calling me baby is very appropriate, what do you think?"

"……It's you!"

Melinda couldn't help standing up from the floor first, her weak right hand seemed to want to grab Locke in front of her.


Locke had no intention of being caught by Melinda.

Melinda's mouth started to ooze blood.

"We won't let you go."

"Each each other!"

Locke said so, and then, he looked at Melinda May with great interest, and gestured to the glasses in his hand: "Do you know why I wear glasses to kill people?"


 The outbreak is over, begging for the first order! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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