Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 79 The Prologue Before the Storm (Part 1, please book first!!!)

Chapter 79 The Prologue Before the Storm (First update, first order!!!)

"Rock Broughton, up to the age of three, was brought up by the Galveston Community Home."

"From three to seven years old, there are eight foster families wanting to adopt each."

"But they were all rejected."


"Texas Detectives had a message, and one of the foster families said there was something odd about Rock Broughton."



In the well-lit Aegis Operations Command Center, Washington Sanfei Decoration, and the Texas Aegis Branch are all on the big screen, and one piece of news is being quickly summarized.

The director of the Texas branch nodded: "Yes, weird. According to the foster family, Locke Broughton is too precocious, and there are many behaviors that cannot be understood."

Nick Fury's one-eyed twinkle.


"In the middle of the night they found Rock Broughton weeding the garden."


"Yes, and there are many more, such as mopping the floor, washing dishes..."

The Texas executive rubbed his brows: "If it is said that such behavior is done by a seven or eight-year-old child, then it is nothing, but the point is that this is a four-year-old child, and often stays up in the middle of the night, So, they sent Rock Broughton back to the orphanage."

In fact, Locke can't be blamed for this.

At the age of four or five, what other missions can he do? As for getting up in the middle of the night to do missions, Locke doesn't want to, but who told him that the family would stare at him during the day and not let him do it?

The same is true for several other foster families.

"Until the age of eight, Locke was never adopted again."

"so poor."


Nick Fury heard this sentence, his eyes swished, and he fell on a young female agent. He opened his mouth, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

This is the New York SHIELD combat command center, not his headquarters in Washington Sanfei.

The commander, Ms. Victoria Hand, also took a look at the female agent he had recruited.

The female agent blinked.

Did he say something wrong?

It was very pitiful to be abandoned by eight foster families, and after the age of eight, no foster family was willing to adopt him?
Isn't this pitiful?

The female agent looked at the colleague next to her, who also nodded, agreeing with her point of view.

Ms. Victoria Hand shook her head helplessly, signaling them not to talk too much. The poor little girl they were talking about was fighting with SHIELD.

"As for Locke's contacts and achievements in school..."

The Texas executive continued: "Very good, no, I can't describe it as very good, but it can be said to be very good. In fact, when I was 12 years old, Midtown High School invited Locke." , but was rejected."

"very good?"


The director of Texas nodded: "As for his social contacts, there are very few, whether it is elementary school or junior high school, we have investigated several people, and they said that Locke Broughton is also a very weird person."

Whether it was elementary school or junior high school, the information given by these students was just one sentence, weird and out of gregarious.

But it's weird.

Such eccentricity and out of gregariousness did not make Locke a disadvantaged group in the school.

"He has no friends."

"Yes, not a single close friend."

The director of Texas nodded and reported the situation in this way: "But his academic performance is very good, and the school is willing to keep him to fight for education funds in Texas, but..."

"But what?"

"Rocke, though he didn't fit in at school, was a well-known young cowboy in Galveston."



"Pretty handsome."

"Where's the Texas Cowboy?"

Reports about Locke at the cowboy competition appeared on the big screen, and there was even a photo of Locke participating in the Hot Dog King contest.

Locke in the report was smiling. Although he was born as an orphan, he looked like a sunny boy with a bright smile.

What antisocial personality?

Not at all.

What Nick Fury wants to see is not to be able to testify that Locke is sunny, but to find evidence that Locke is an anti-social personality: "In addition to these, there are other things, such as likes to kill small animals, is there any him?" Classmates, or, have people who know him seen it?"

Sociopaths all have one thing in common.

That is not to reverence for life.

From not being in awe of the lives of small animals at the beginning, to mutilating small animals, and then gradually escalating.


The director of Texas shook his head: "Sorry, Director, we have reviewed the information three times, and we have also found the staff of the orphanage, as well as the staff of the school, Locke Broughton is weird and out of gregarious, just his peers Looks weird and out of gregarious. In the orphanage, Locke Broughton is always the hardest worker and the most worry-free one. In school, except for being out of gregariousness, he abides by every school rule, and In the local cowboy circle, sorry, we didn't get to ask."

Nick Fury's eyes lit up: "Why?"

The director of Texas smiled wryly: "Boss, there are very few cowboys in Texas these days, and the cowboys are very cliquey. Even when one of our detectives pretended to inquire about it, he was almost shot and killed by those cowboys with explosive tempers." .”

Nick Fury: "..."

Not all cowboys can be called cowboys.

The real Texas cowboys are extremely exclusive. Those so-called established cowboy professional clubs, cowboy platforms, and cowboys there are only capital-certified cowboys.

Galveston is not a big city, and the cowboys all know each other. If a guy they don't know dresses up as a cowboy and mixes with them, can they inquire about their own affairs?

is it possible?

Nick Fury shook his head: "Then, what about the Peerless Assassin? Is his activity trajectory in Texas clear in the past two years? Is there any overlap with Locke?"



Nick Fury raised his eyebrows and said: "How could there be no such thing, Peerless Assassin, the place where he first appeared was Galveston!"

The director of Dezhou nodded: "Yes, from this point of view, there is indeed an overlap, but we have absolutely no evidence that Locke and the Peerless Assassin knew each other."

Nick Fury said in a deep voice, "Locke has his own room in Galveston?"


"Have you checked?"

"Can't get in."


The director of Texas shook his head and smiled wryly: "Unless there is a search warrant from the court, otherwise, the farm refuses our entry, and the Galveston court, no court is willing to sign a search warrant."


"Rock Broughton, at the age of 12, helped Galveston win the title of the first Texas young cowboy. No judge is willing to risk being accused by countless cowboys and sign without any evidence. This search warrant."


Nick Fury was silent.

Also silent was the Gwen family who had received the news and rushed to New Amsterdam Hospital.

"Oh, God!"

Gwen stood at the window, watching Locke who had taken off his coat inside, revealing the bruises and scars all over his body at the moment, covering his mouth in disbelief: "How dare they..."

George was also silent beside him.

No wonder why Locke had to go back with them just now.

If he had stopped him forcibly at that time, good guy, the FBI could have pushed and pushed, and directly shirked responsibility. This injury was not caused by them at all.


Helen couldn't help but put her hand against her mouth, and exclaimed, "Poor child."

in the examination room.

The doctor who was in charge of identifying Locke's injuries also looked at the bruised Locke with some unbearable heart, and said, "Does it not hurt?"

Locke reluctantly showed a smile: "If they can't make them pay the price they deserve, it will hurt!"


Of course it hurts.

Locke temporarily shut down his tenacity talent, and this injury, this is a real injury, and even a few ribs are broken.

no way.

If you want a big scene, you don't have to pay a little bit, how can it be possible.

Although it is possible to create a big scene without injuring yourself, there is a [-]% chance that the federal SHIELD will die in that case.

It's ok.

The more you pay, the more you gain.

In order to add rewards!

Locke felt that he could stand it. Besides, as soon as the appraisal result came out and the extraordinary tenacity talent was activated, it didn't take a night, it only took a few hours for him to recover.

Not scientific.

For some people, the speed of recovery is different from ordinary people, which is a very normal thing, and when the time comes, it will not be discussing the issue of Locke's recovery speed being too fast, but the abuse of lynching by the FBI against a citizen who was enthusiastic and actively cooperating problem.


Locke walked out of the examination room supported by the nurse.


Gwen ran up quickly, covered her eyes with tears in her eyes, directly took over the nurse's job, and supported Locke: "Are you okay."

Locke shook his head: "It's okay, it's the same as last time, it just looks scary, I'm a cowboy, a cowboy, I'm not afraid of pain."

Gwen tried to laugh, but then steadied herself.

In this case, laugh, not so good.

"Mr. Broughton."

Attorney Buson Lawn over there came over: "There is something, because of the principle of the rights of the parties, I must tell you that the New York FBI expressed the hope that this matter will not be brought to court, and they will conduct it in private. Communication is firm."

Gwen frowned: "No, the FBI is obviously abusing its power."

Locke said, "Lawyer Lawn, you know me. I'm not short of money. When I was in the orphanage, someone told me to admit my mistakes and stand at attention when I was beaten."

Busen Lawn nodded: "I understand."

Then do it.

Busen Lawn also didn't want Locke to solve it in private. This would be a sensational case across the country, and, based on the existing clues, they almost had a chance of winning.


(End of this chapter)

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