Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 77: Little strength and no fear of strength, death is inevitable! (available tomorrow!)

Chapter 77: Little strength and no fear of strength, death is inevitable! (available tomorrow!)
Few strengths but no fear of strength!

Can die too!
Nick Fury frowned.

At this moment.

Busson Lawn, who came from the top Wall Street law firm, TNT&G Law Firm and graduated from Yale Law School, has already walked into the Federal Building with five of his subordinates.

in the interrogation room.

Locke stared blankly at Nick Fury sitting across from him: "Obviously, I think too well of you, you didn't ask me to cooperate with the investigation at all, you just wanted to convict me, in this case, Let’s stop talking, next, talk to my legal team.”

Nick Fury: "..."


"Boom boom boom!"

Coulson knocked on the door and walked in, looking at Nick Fury: "Sir..."

But Coulson wasn't done yet.

An airy, innately righteous word came in from outside: "Mr. Broughton, from now on, you don't need to say a word."

The words fall.

Wearing a suit with a serious expression, Busson Lawn, the top barrister in New York and even the entire federal government, walked in from the outside and said to Locke, "Sorry, I'm late."

Locke smiled and said, "Very timely, Lawyer Lawn."

Buson Lawn looked directly at Nick Fury and Coulson: "I would like to ask, what charges did the FBI use to arrest my client?"

Coulson was slightly taken aback, and quickly said: "There is no arrest, but Mr. Broughton asked to assist us in the investigation."

Locke glanced at Nick Fury, who was staring at him with one-eyed cold eyes, and showed an expression that only Nick Fury noticed, and his tone became a little weak and said: "They used torture to extract a confession from me. "

Coulson was taken aback for a moment.

when will we...

One-eyed miniature of Nick Fury.

Busen Lawn set his eyes on Locke, who was struggling to take off his shirt over there.

Two of Busson's lawyers came over to assist Locke.


The shirt was taken off, and Locke's eight-pack upper body appeared.


Densely dense, erythema and densely dense scars caused by the blow spread all over the entire upper body.

"Oh, God!"

A young female lawyer couldn't help covering her mouth: "This is too..."

Coulson was also dumbfounded.

Nick Fury said in a deep voice: "Mr. Broughton, we are monitored."

Locke looked directly at Buson Lawn: "Just now, the FBI showed me a video, accusing me of making a phone call with a friend in Texas, who was an accomplice of a killer named Wushuang Assassin, and they were There was a small room in the car where I was beaten, and that car has been destroyed, and there is no surveillance in that room.”

Don't you want to play, then come.

are you ready?

Black marinated eggs.

Locke coughed, and took his right hand away, blood was visible: "I want to sue the FBI!"

"Call an ambulance!"

Busen Lawn said directly to the female lawyer next to him in a deep voice.

The real senior director of the New York FBI was shocked when he heard this: "Mr. Lawn..."


These few people are not from our FBI, and we are not responsible for it.

Busen Lawn directly reached out and looked at the senior executive: "Now I have reason to suspect that my client has suffered inhumane abuse by the FBI. Now, my client is going to the hospital for an injury test. At the same time, I The FBI case will be filed in court tomorrow morning, please appear in court in time, thank you."


Two lawyers supported Locke, who had some difficulty walking, to put on his clothes again, and walked towards the door.

Coulson looked at Nick Fury dumbfounded: "Sir..."

Nick Fury raised his hand and didn't speak.

He is in trouble.

This is a sentence that appeared in Nick Fury's mind at this moment.


This made Nick Fury more certain of one thing. This Locke Broughton not only knew the Peerless Assassin, but even in this relationship, Locke Broughton was the main one.

In the federal hall!
"Stop them!"


The FBI agent in charge over there couldn't help but look at Nick Fury who spoke out: "What are you doing?"

Nick Fury looked at Locke expressionlessly, and then fixed his eyes on Buson Lawn: "We have a court warrant and have the right to reasonably detain the suspect for 48 hours!"

Busen Lawn looked directly at the agent in charge: "Is this also the opinion of the FBI?"


The detective in charge directly lowered his voice and refused decisively.

He won't take this blame, and neither will the New York FBI!

"Come on."

The detective in charge yelled directly, and called several detectives: "Send Mr. Lawn and Mr. Broughton to the hospital for an injury check!"

Several detectives nodded.

Busen Lawn glanced at the agent in charge, laughed, and left the Federal Building directly with Locke, who was too weak to speak.


After several people left the building, the detective in charge couldn't help but cursed and glared at Nick Fury: "We all know that extorting confessions should not leave trauma, you are all right, are you crazy?"

Nick Fury said: "We didn't."

The detective in charge sneered: "No, where did the injury on his body come from?"

Nick Fury shook his head: "I don't know, but I know, we didn't hit him, and he was pretending."

The detective in charge is like an angry lion. If he hadn't considered who the other party was, he would have pounced on him long ago.


The detective in charge sneered again and again: "Do you know who Buson Lawn is? Let me tell you, Director Nick Fury, the Attorney General only allows you to use the name of the FBI in your activities, but it doesn't mean that we will replace you." You are blamed, I will tell our director immediately about this matter, and you are going to go to court to explain to the jury yourself."


The detective in charge left angrily.

If you were an ordinary person, if you fight, you will fight.

But what's special about this is an ordinary person with a team of lawyers. Can such an ordinary person be called an ordinary person?
The Federation is not the East.

This is the world of capital, in other words, here, money can solve 90.00% of nine point ninety-nine problems, including...people!

Coulson looked at the agent in charge who left angrily, and couldn't help but look at Nick Fury, who had a dark face, but his one-eyed eyes were still in control: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Nick Fury was expressionless: "True is true, false, and true is false."

They didn't hit Locke.

This is real.

In Nick Fury's view, this is just another scene of the anti-socialist Rock Broughton. When he arrives at the hospital and undergoes an examination, the truth will be revealed.


Nick Fury still doesn't know what is waiting for him.


 If it’s correct, it should be on the shelves tomorrow. Let’s post the testimonials on the shelves tomorrow morning. As for how many chapters will be updated on the day of the shelves, I guarantee that you will be satisfied and won’t whet your appetite. Look at Xiaomi’s sincere eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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