Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 694 The Arrested Attorney General (Part 2!!)

Chapter 694 The Arrested Attorney General (Second More!!)
The Attorney General was arrested by the Department of Homeland Security!
the next day.

After Locke and Gwen got up, when they turned on the TV, they saw the reporter of New York No. [-] TV station in Washington, who was standing by the Ministry of Justice building and broadcasting live.

Behind the reporter was the Attorney General who was forced out of the building by a group of Homeland Security agents.


Looking at the live broadcast on TV, Locke noticed the line of Homeland Security agents, blinked, pointed at someone who was in the mix, looked at Gwen and said, "Honey, that's George, right?"

Gwen, who was preparing breakfast for Locke, looked up, and her mouth gradually became O-shaped.

Locke wanted to laugh a little!


This seems very reasonable.

After all, the Hydra matter is indeed a threat to the federal homeland security, so there is nothing wrong with this matter wearing the tiger skin of the Department of Homeland Security.

Besides, you can't let the FBI arrest the Attorney General.

Stop it.

In name, the FBI is managed by the Department of Justice, and the Attorney General is also the director of the FBI.

If it is said that the FBI is going to arrest him, then the first thing the Federation will consider is just one problem.

Does this count as the next offense?

and so……

It cannot be said that it is reasonable to let people from the Department of Homeland Security arrest the Attorney General, but it can also be said to be justified. After all, the Department of Homeland Security is managed by the Department of Homeland Security.

"How did Dad suddenly become a DHS guy?"

After Gwen came back to his senses, he said something unscientific, grabbed his mobile phone next to him, and made a call.

On the live screen.

George took out his phone and hung up.

Gwen raised her eyebrows: "Dad!"

Locke tilted his head and looked at Gwen: "It seems that you are really not George's little padded jacket."


Gwen was silent for a while, put away her cell phone, and rolled her eyes at Locke: "It's all your fault."

Locke: "..."

What does this have to do with me?

However, before Locke figured out what this had to do with him, on TV, after George got into the car with the Attorney General and disappeared from the TV screen, George's phone call came.

Gwen quickly connected the phone.

"Dad, how did you become a member of the Department of Homeland Security?"


"On TV."

Gwen said, "I've seen it all."

In the car, George, who had completed the arrest mission, was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Oh, you see, I didn't become a member of the Department of Homeland Security, I just borrowed a uniform."

Gwen frowned: "Why?"

"The NYPD has no law enforcement authority in Washington."


The New York Police Department is a local law enforcement agency, and it has no legal basis to go to Washington to enforce the law. Similarly, SHIELD has no legal basis, so it can only rely on the name of the Department of Homeland Security.

At first, the Secretary of Homeland Security did not agree to let S.H.I.E.L.D. arrest the Attorney General in their name. After all, this is the Minister, not some cat or dog.


After reading the evidence, the Secretary of Homeland Security couldn't help but say, it's really delicious.

As for what evidence?
Last night, the confession of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who tried to assassinate George at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters is solid evidence.


Last night, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent sneaked into George's lounge, and then planned to send George, who was still asleep, to report to Hades, but the plan failed.

Then, after a night of interrogation, there was a bonus of interrogation skills from the New York Police Department. Moreover, the SHIELD agent named Hydra for money was not a tough one, and it didn't take much effort at all. His behind-the-scenes messengers have been confessed.

It's the Attorney General.


Anyway, he is also a federal minister. If someone is looking for his information at the bottom of the box, but the Minister of Justice doesn't know, then don't call him the Minister of Justice at all, it is the most correct to call him a fool.

After knowing that S.H.I.E.L.D. was eyeing him, the Attorney General seemed to be in a mess. Then, for some reason, he felt that as long as this guy George was chopped off, this matter would stop, and then let the S.H.I.E.L.D. Assassinate George.

I have to say that the brain circuit is quite strange.


Fortunately, from the very beginning, after knowing that Crossbones is also an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and feeling that there should be agents like Crossbones in the Bureau, George and Maria Hill were prepared to Otherwise, the assassination last night might really be a success.

George didn't tell Gwen about his assassination yesterday, he just said that he would return to New York after finishing his work, and then hung up the phone.

After Gwen hung up the phone, he said to Locke, "Dad is just handling the case under the name of the Department of Homeland Security."

Locke hummed.

Hydra, is this considered giving up the struggle?
Although the Minister of Justice is not necessarily the largest official of Hydra lurking in the Federation, he is not the smallest after all. Moreover, a Minister of Justice can help Hydra do a lot of things.

Now that the Minister of Justice has fallen into the hands of SHIELD, if he follows the vine, wouldn't it be that Hydra is about to play GG again?

……and many more.

Am I sympathizing with Hydra?

Locke was taken aback suddenly, then blinked, thinking of such a question.

next second.

Locke couldn't help laughing, holding the coffee cup in his hand, and took a sip of coffee.

after awhile.

Gwen handed the fried eggs and bacon to Locke, then untied the apron on her body, and kissed Locke: "I'm going to take a shower, eat quickly, we have to go to the Osborne Building later."

Locke hummed.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

In the Osborne Biological Building.

The elevator goes up all the way.


Locke and Gwen stepped out of the elevator, and as soon as they saw it, they saw the top floor, Boss Osborn, which is now the huge parallel office of Harry Osborn.

"Okay, that's it."

Harry over there handed a document to the secretary of the secretary's office, looked at Locke and Gwen who came out, said to the secretary, then got up with a smile and walked over: "Sorry, I couldn't go down to pick you up .”

"Need not."

Gwen patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "It's not like we don't know the way."

Locke looked at the secretary who walked out, and said to Harry, "This secretary seems to be new."

Harry said, "I don't know what the secretary recruited last month."


Harry led Gwen and Locke to the small living room next to him and sat down. Then, after sitting down, he said to Gwen, "Did you see the news from Washington this morning?"

Gwen and Locke glanced at each other, then turned to Harry and said, "Is that the Attorney General?"

Harry nodded: "Yes."

Gwen frowned and said, "Does this have anything to do with Osborn?"

Harry said: "Our lobbyists in Washington, not long ago, just persuaded the Attorney General. No, they are considering whether to increase investment or bear losses."

Gwen raised an eyebrow.

After hearing this sentence, Locke looked at Harry: "Then you should bear the loss."

Harry looked at Locke: "Is there any inside story?"

Locke shrugged and said, "There is no inside story, only news. This morning, George was among those who went to arrest the Attorney General."

Harry couldn't help but look at Gwen.

The latter nodded.

Harry nodded, "I see."

Originally, according to the Washington Department, things like this, basically, will be dealt with in the end. If you get mixed up with the head of a department, especially if you are personally nominated by Mr. President, you will be sentenced Yes, there is a high chance that he will be pardoned by the President. According to the usual practice, although it is unlikely that he will continue to serve in Washington, his energy will still exist, and he may switch to a staff or something.

and so……

Osborn's department in Washington felt that at this moment, if he continued to invest with a clear banner, in the future, the income he would get would only be high or not low.

but now?
Harry heard that the Attorney General was arrested by George this time. Although he didn't quite understand why the New York Police Department could go to Washington to arrest people, this did not prevent him from clearly understanding one thing.

This time, if we continue to increase investment, we will really lose everything.

Timely stop loss is king!

Harry got up and left the small living room. After a while, when he came back, he said to Gwen with a relaxed expression, "It's done. Fortunately, you came here today. Otherwise, I might choose to invest more."

Gwen smiled and looked at Harry: "I am also a shareholder after all, and Osborne's loss is my loss. By the way, how did we talk yesterday?"

Yesterday afternoon, Harry came back here to hear the complaint from the director of bioenergy.

Harry smiled and said, "What else can I do? It's still the same few words, but what happened to Dr. Octavius?"

"In progress according to the schedule."

"Can you speed it up?"


Gwen was taken aback when she heard this, and looked at Harry: "Is something wrong?"

Harry waved his hand: "There's nothing wrong, it's just that last night, the supervisor ran to Osborne Manor."

Gwen frowned: "Did you complain to old Mr. Osborne?"

Harry gave a wry smile and nodded: "Yes, after all, he was brought in by my father when he was still in the company. The supervisor felt that I was the third fire in the new position."

Gwen was a little speechless when he heard this.

"and then?"

"There is no more. What a coincidence, a shareholder was also in the manor at that time, planning to try to put pressure on me on the board of directors."



(End of this chapter)

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