Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 669 Waiting for the Opening of the Live Broadcast (Part 1!)

Chapter 669 Waiting for the opening of the live broadcast (first update!)

"what's the situation?"

"What is this going to do?"


"Notice of crime!"

Accompanied by the trembling black body, at the same time, there is also a blacklist taped on his chest, which is very eye-catching.

"Sin notice! 』

"Jordan Nutter! 』

『Crimes: "Using force to kill a person at the age of 12!", "Seizing people's money by disguising a bank insurance policy!", "..."』

"death penalty! 』

George frowned, and dialed Patty Finn's number again, then, while looking at the police officer next to him: "Find out this guy's information!"

The policeman just nodded.

A thud.

The door of the command vehicle was opened, and then, Director Jack of the FBI and Maria Hill, who also wore the FBI brand, also appeared on the stage.

George looked back.

Detective Jack in charge looked at Jordan Nat, who was kneeling on the ground in the surveillance, and frowned: "Wishuang Assassin, did you rob the bank for this guy?"

The words fall.

George and Maria Hilton, who followed, sent a caring look to Detective Jack in charge.

is it possible?

With a dark complexion, is it worth the effort of the Peerless Assassin?

Don't even think about it.

This is sure to be something of an hors d'oeuvres!
at this time.


"Thick and greasy Shet!"

"Jesus God!"


Accompanied by a crisp gunshot, Jordan Nat, who originally thought he could live a life, rolled his eyes and was shot in the back of the head during the monitoring, and lost his life simply and neatly.


No matter in the bank or in the command vehicle, when they saw this scene, they all exclaimed again and again.

after all……

This is too fast.

George narrowed his eyes, and at this moment, the phone was connected by Locke again.

However, it has not waited for George to speak.

Locke said directly: "Director Stacy, have you seen it?"

George said in a deep voice: "You didn't rob the bank for this talent, so what are you going to do?"

The corner of Locke's mouth rose: "You can see it, then, tell me, no, tell them, the person I killed was deliberately arranged for a crime, or he deserves to die!"

in the bank.

Locke looked at the trembling hostage group, turned on the hands-free directly, and pointed the hands-free at the hostage group.

There was silence on the phone.

quite a while!

George's voice came from the phone: "When Jordan Nat was 12 years old, he did collude with others to kidnap a nine-year-old girl..."

This is what I saw in the unsealed file just now.

Thanks to the series of federal protection bills, basically, the crimes committed when you were young will be sealed. Most people can only find out the chances of committing crimes when you were young, but it is impossible to find out what happened. or something.

After all, privacy is the right thing.

It's a very normal thing, not to mention, the Federation is still a magical country where even if you kill someone, you can stay for a few years, or even don't squat, and you can be released on parole.

George would like to say that the whole person is a very good person.


His principles prevented George from doing this. After finishing speaking, George said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Locke snorted and smiled: "Don't worry, Director Stacy, the game has just begun, and you will know what I want to do. Now, we should let the game return to its fair standard."





George looked up, but saw that the 12-yuan cameras connected to the bank's internal monitoring, all of them, one after another, fell into a black screen in an instant.

Robbing a bank is like robbing a bank.

If it is said that George and others outside can see what is happening inside the bank at 360 degrees without any dead angle, then what is this?
This is clearly helping George and others to cheat.

This is very unfair to bank robbers, moreover, some disrespect the profession of robbers.

Locke said he hopes George will succeed, but that doesn't mean that Locke will let go.

This is a reason.

"from now on……"

Locke looked at the offline surveillance, smiled, and said to the phone: "I only talk to Director George Stacy, but if the FBI wants to intervene or other bureaus come in, next time, there will be no outsiders In this country, especially in this Wall Street, there may be very few people who are not guilty, but if a brick is thrown down, at least seven out of ten are guilty.”


In the federation, if the review standards of the Eastern Kingdom were followed at all, the current military strength of the federation would probably be less than 50.

Without him.

Family background can hardly pass the test.


Locke hung up the phone directly.

"Is the vault open?"


Locke hummed, nodded towards Carrie, then handed the phone back to Ms. Patty Angry, and then said: "Ms. Finn, you can start here, I'll go down and get something, soon Just come up, don't mind."

Patty Finn took the mobile phone that Locke handed over, with eyes, trying not to look at the corpse that was lying on the ground and still oozing blood, and smiled reluctantly: "Of course not."

Seeing this, Locke raised his eyebrows and looked at Carrie.

Carrie understood and moved her right hand.


The corpse lying on the ground, which was still oozing blood, disappeared without a trace with a hissing sound. Then, on the ground, the smell of blood seeping out, even with a trace of unpleasant smell, disappeared in the original place. land.

"That's much better."

Locke raised his head and said to Ms. Patty Finn, then, with a smile, he led Carrie and walked towards the vault.


Carrie, who was walking in front of Locke, opened the way first, and raised her right hand. In an instant, the iron gate, which looked so thick that it would take an hour to cut it with a cutting machine, shattered and turned into rust flying all over the sky.

The people in the bank were dumbfounded.

"How do I feel..."

Walking along the stairs leading to the vault, Carrie made a sound at this moment, and looked at Locke curiously: "That Patty Finn seems to be with George..."

Locke looked at Carrie.

Carrie thought for a while, organized her words, frowned and said, "It seems that there is a story?"

Locke shrugged: "George and Patty are boyfriend and friend relationships. It used to be that they were boyfriend and girlfriend in high school. Then, after George went to New York University and Patty Finn went to Columbia University, in New York University, Helen turned Patty Finn's corner."

Carrie's pupils widened slightly: "Is it so shocking?"

Locke chuckled: "Compared with Chester, can this matter be called shocking?"

If this is called a shock, then what is Chester's story called, a nuclear explosion?

The nuclear explosion is not as big as Chester's story.

Carrie shook her head and said, "It's different, Chester and these people are not on the same level."

Locke thought for a while: "That's right."

Others are scum.At most, it is a matter of this lifetime, but, Chester, good guy, Locke always feels that, Chester, this is completely scumbag from primitive society to modern society.


Why didn't the Kree people make Chester into an Inhuman race when they came over?

Locke thought so in his heart.

in the vault.

Locke pointed to a safe in front of him: "Just this one, open it!"

The words fall.


In the safe in front of him, the lock cylinder was directly exploded.

Locke took out the safe box and put it on the table next to him. It caught his eye, and it was quite a few points. The article with the emblem of the Third Reich was written quietly, and there was also a medal of the Third Reich sleeping in it.


Carrie seemed to think of something, and looked at Locke: "You just said that Helen got into the corner of Ms. Patty Finn when she was in college?"

Locke picked up the file and hummed.

This is what he understands anyway, but love is never justified on the basis of who comes first. Just like history is written by the victors, love is also written by the person who laughs last.

Carrie rolled her eyes and stared at Locke.

Feeling Carrie's gaze, Locke lifted his jaw slightly, turned to look at Carrie, seemed to understand what Carrie was thinking, and said directly: "My university is the same as Gwen's university."

Carrie recovered: "I didn't say anything."

Locke rolled his eyes.

You didn't say it, but you thought about it.

Carrie blinked: "By the way, then, now, Patty and George, the two of them... the story has been rewritten, my God, what do you think, if Gwen knows?"

The corner of Locke's mouth twitched: "It's none of my business."

Carrie tilted her head: "Is it okay?"

Locke looked into Carrie's eyes: "Is it related to me?"

Carrie hummed, then shook her head: "How to say, it should have something to do with it. After all, it seems that George and Patty's relationship is due to the Peerless Assassin."

Locke was slightly taken aback.

next second.

Locke took a deep breath.


It seems that, thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

Carrie looked at the expression in Locke's eyes, shrugged her shoulders, and said, am I right.

Locke regained his senses and shook his head: "It's none of my business. If George is not a scumbag, nothing will happen even if I throw Patty on George's bed."

Carrie's eyes widened: "Did they go to bed?"


If Gwen knew this, wouldn't she be going crazy?

Locke rolled his eyes: "Let me just say that, I'm not interested in George Sykes' life."

The life of Sykes of an old pumpkin.


Doesn't that mean hot eyes and long needle eyes?

Thinking in his mind, Locke gathered the documents in front of him and looked at Carrie: "The only thing I am interested in is that if George really scums Helen, my legal team will give it to Helen."

Carrie: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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