Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 665 A Surprise Comes (Part 1!)

Chapter 665 Here Comes a Surprise (First Update!)

"This is……"

"Great Elementalist?"

"what's the situation?"

"The internal chaos of the Peerless Assassin, the great element made the attempt to usurp the throne successful?"

"Why did the executor change?"

After everyone saw the crime notice found in Arthur Case's stomach, they looked at each other and talked a lot. In just a few seconds, they made up more than ten different versions of the drama.

George also looked at the crime notice in the evidence bag in his hand, his eyes lowered in thought.

From the beginning of the Peerless Assassin's debut, no matter how the pattern of the Peerless Assassin's selection of targets changes, or even whether there are other accomplices appearing.


One thing is for sure.

That is, who is the executor of the crime notice, then, the person who executes the crime notice must be able to match the number, and the time when the mission target is executed must match the time on the notice of.

at the moment?

This rule suddenly changed?

Not only has the executor changed from a unparalleled assassin to a great elementalist, but even the execution time has changed.

How is this possible?
Thoughts in George's mind were spinning rapidly, trying hard to figure out what was going on in front of him.

at this time.

"Director Stacey."


George turned around and looked at the woman who walked in from the outside: "Director Hand."

It was none other than Miss Victoria Hand.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Director of Operations Center in New York.

Victoria Hand walked in with Barbara Morse behind her, shook hands with George, and looked at George: "I thought Director Stacey didn't plan to interfere in this matter."

George put away the doubts in his heart, glanced at Supervisor Jack next to him, and said to Ms. Victoria Hand, "Ms. Hand, I didn't interfere."


Ms. Victoria Hand stared at the crime notice in George's hand: "Then, did Director Stacey pass by?"

Director Jack next to him said: "After our boss found out that Arthur Case was dead, he learned that Director Stacy was an expert who has studied unparalleled assassins for many years, so he specially asked me to come here."


The case was apparently handed over to the FBI.


There is a reason why the FBI and S.H.I.E.L.D. agreed to allow S.H.I.E.L.D. to use their name when they continue to carry out missions in the country.

First, this was last year when the new Attorney General settled with S.H.I.E.L.D. on behalf of the New York FBI.

As for the second one.

During the period of reconciliation last year, the New York Federal Bureau of Investigation was riddled with scandals. Someone exposed that the New York Federal Bureau of Administration accepted bribes. After Jin Bin died at that time, he was found and paid tribute to him several times. The video was even exposed. Already, outside, with a scandalous lover like a cloud.

However, the New York Federal Bureau of Justice has superb means. Just any one of the scandals exposed will be too much to go around.

Among them, it is inseparable from the credit of Maria Hill, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In terms of how to fool the public's right to know, the S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Maria Hill is one of the best.

This is not.

With the timely intervention of Maria Hill, the head of the Federal Bureau of New York at the time chose to shake hands with the S.H.I.E.L.D.


Reconciliation is one thing, but if S.H.I.E.L.D. still thinks that the FBI will take all the blame regardless of whether it asks, then it's a bad idea.

The seat of the Federal Bureau of New York is one of the powerful leaders of the federal violent agency. Moreover, it is said that a female director of the CIA has an ambiguous relationship with him. How could he not know the inside story of this matter.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the CIA were bent on suppressing the case.

What if you can't hold it down anymore?

After it was exposed, it was I, the New York FBI, who tried to suppress the scandal. At that time, if someone wants to take the blame and resign, guess who is right to do it.

The New York Federal Bureau of Administration said that this is completely trying to eat fart!

and so……

The New York Federal Bureau of Investigation has called its most loyal dog leg to pick up George and take precautions. In case, this matter cannot be suppressed in the future, the FBI can completely reverse the offensive, and the government represented by George Stacy The New York Police Department aimed its spearhead at the CIA and output firepower.

In this land of New York, once the New York Police Department joins hands with the New York FBI, is there anything else going on?


A temporary worker, when necessary, when the time comes, can be said to be the mayor, using power for personal gain.

Homeland Security?

Sorry, in the weekly poker game, the head of the New York Department of Homeland Security, who is also the poker player at the poker table between the FBI chief and Director George, does not need to consider who he will help when the time comes .

"I see!"

Hearing Director Jack's words, Victoria Hand nodded suddenly, and said with a smile: "Director Stacey is indeed an expert in the matter of the Peerless Assassin, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the Federation's number one expert. "


This New York FBI seat is a chicken thief.

Ms. Victoria Hand was thinking in her heart as she spoke, but this was not the reason why she rushed here after knowing that George was coming to the FBI.

Without him.

S.H.I.E.L.D., no, it should be said that Ms. Maria Hill also noticed something was wrong. It seems that George, yesterday, deliberately pushed the case to the FBI so that he could get away from the Peerless Assassin case. .

Last night, Maria Hill called the special agent who followed George to New Jersey, consulted, and came to a conclusion.

That is, their intentions, the idea of ​​not wanting to make this case public, should have been known by George.

Because of this, George chose to retreat.

Withdrew from the case, thinking he was out of their sight, and launched his own investigation into the chain of events.

This will not work!

After Hill figured this out, he couldn't sit still.


If this case was exposed because of George's desire for the truth and sense of justice, it would not only be as simple as disbanding the CIA on the spot.

It's not just that many people will step down because of this series of events.

Even, it's not just that many people will die suddenly on the spot because of this series of events.

It will be an unprecedented chaos.

Not to mention, when the time comes, George, the instigator, will also die, and he will die in an ugly way.

Hill is not cold-blooded, her purpose is still the same sentence, make friends as much as possible, even if you can't become friends, don't become enemies, so she doesn't want to see things go to the ugliest step.


Hill used George Stacey's mobile phone signal to locate, and after realizing that George Stacey had entered the Federal Building, he immediately called and informed Victoria Liua Hand, who was going to the New York Police Station to look for George, to turn around and catch up. Come over to the Federal Building.

Hill tried to tell George in this way, what you are thinking, we already know, you'd better not do it, do it, it's not good for each other.


If George is indifferent to this warning, then, at the last step, Hill will not let George disappear. He can stop George at the last moment and explain the truth of all this, so as to avoid things going down the worst path superior.

"have time?"

Ms. Victoria Hand looked at George with a smile: "Director Stacey, can we have a chat alone?"

Play by ear.

Ms. Hand immediately changed her mind when she heard Supervisor Jack say that George was specially invited by their bureau chief, and went directly to the last step, telling George the truth of the matter.

Don't expect SHIELD to do good things at that time, but in the end, only SHIELD will be injured, which is not good.

George looked at the expression on Ms. Hand's face and said with a smile, "Of course."


George handed the evidence bag in his hand to Beckett next to him, and then, following Ms. Hand, he stretched out his hand as a signal, and was about to walk outside.


Just at this time.

Beckett looked at the phone that rang suddenly, and saw the message sent by Ryan, his eyes lit up, and he said to George who was about to go out: "George, the forensics department has found something."

George stopped and looked at Beckett.

"Whoa, whoa!"

When George drove Beckett towards the New York Police Station not far away, he said, "Why did the crime notice suddenly change?"

Beckett, who was keeping in touch with Ryan, hung up the phone: "I don't know, it was this morning, when the forensic doctor saw the forensic data, he felt something was wrong. He found it when he was about to re-examine, and the words on it were all blurred." Already, even, changing."

George frowned.

Jingle Bell!
The phone rang.

George glanced at it.

Patty Finn's.

George frowned and hung up the phone: "Keep the crime notice under the monitor at all times."

"I've made Ryan do that."

Beckett said so, and then, looking at George who rang again and then hung up the phone: "Aren't you going to answer the phone?"

With a sound of Georgioka, he pulled up the handbrake and opened the door: "I am more concerned about this case."

Beckett hastily chased him out.

NYPD Forensics Division.

After the elevator opened, George hurried into the forensics department: "What's going on?"



George hummed, and approached the countertop, looking into his eyes, on the countertop, was the crime notice, the writing on it seemed to be glued together.


It's not the kind of muddy after encountering water, but a kind of muddy state that gives people a weird feeling, it seems that there is life, and it is still wriggling and evolving by itself...

(End of this chapter)

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