Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 645 Mary's Choice (Part 1!)

Chapter 645 Mary's Choice (First Update!)

One of my best friends.

Harry Osborn's girlfriend.

After Gwen finished speaking, Pepper immediately understood Gwen's voice-over.


This is normal.

Cocktail parties are originally used to make connections, through one friend, to meet another friend.

"Hello, Ms. Jane."


Seeing that Gwen had just finished speaking, Mary Jane extended her right hand to greet Pepper, and quickly shook hands with Pepper: "Hello, Ms. Potts, nice to meet you."

As Harry's girlfriend, at the same time, Mary Jane, who also knew the real purpose of this reception, knew exactly what to do next.

In a word.

Perhaps Harry Osborn has passed Norman Osborn's inspection and can take his place smoothly.

But she can't.

To put it bluntly, from the beginning to before Norman Osborn was buried, the object of investigation has shifted from Harry to her.

If she couldn't be a qualified Mrs. Osborne, then Mary Jane had no doubt that Norman Osborn would find Harry a qualified Mrs. Osborne before he was buried.

Of course.

Maybe Harry wouldn't agree, and she would still be Mrs. Osborne, but in real social situations, she wouldn't be Mrs. Osborne, just a canary or something.


Mary Jane has a sense of crisis, but she has no resentment. After all, this is normal. Her family has no way to bring any benefits to the Osborne family, so she can only bring benefits to Osborne by herself .

The right family is not only owned by the East, but even more so by the Federation.

Since it's not right to be in the right family, then you can only rely on yourself to turn him into the right family.

and so……

To be a qualified Mrs. Osborne, to share the pressure of Harry Osborne, was something Mary Jane had already prepared for.

Getting to know Pepper is a good start.

Pepper looked at Mary Jane who was a little nervous in front of her but was trying to make friends with her, and she was a little dazed, as if seeing herself when she was taken to the reception by Maria Stark.

And it's not the same as it was back then.

At that time, Pepper had Maria Stark beside her, and now Mary Jane is only Mary Jane.

Pepper thought so, looked not far away, eyes lit up, and extended an invitation to Mary Jane: "Hey, Mrs. Morgan is here too, Mary, let's go over and say hello together."

Mary Jane nodded, then, as she walked with Pepper, she gave Gwen a thankful look.

Gwen smiled slightly, and after Mary and Pepper left, she said to Locke, "By the way, you won't set up any company when the time comes."


Locke laughed and looked at Gwen: "Do you think I will?"

Gwen blinked: "That's right, your interest is in Washington, but let's say it first, when the time comes, my diplomatic work is not good, don't blame me, but I don't mind if you find someone Diplomatic partner."

Locke raised his eyebrows and looked at Gwen: "Really?"

Gwen rolled her eyes: "Find one and try."


Gwen gestured viciously.

Locke only felt a chill somewhere, smiled slightly, and said to Gwen: "I, Locke, have never had a second color in my life!"

Gwen rolled her eyes again: "Honestly speaking, this sentence was very touching when I first said it, but it comes and goes, it's still the same sentence. I began to think that you are being perfunctory."

Locke was speechless.

Seeing this, Gwen smiled slightly, changed the subject, and looked not far away. Under Pepper's leadership, she was still in a bad state at first, but with Pepper's guidance, she gradually integrated into Mary Jane. Said: "That's all I can do."

Mary was her friend after all.

Moreover, she and Pepper were the earliest acquaintances. When they had afternoon tea with Pepper, she also learned about the attitudes of some upper classes in certain aspects from Pepper.


The more she knew about it, the more Gwen admired Pepper.

So, in order to avoid her friend Mary being separated from her beloved boyfriend because of some bad habits, Gwen just did what she could.

Be Mary's guarantor and introduce her to Pepper.

Without her, frankly speaking, even if Mary Jane and Pepper could get to know each other, the relationship would at most just stop at the level of acquaintance, and there would be no way to go any further within a certain period of time.

And considering the state of Norman Osborn, if there is no way to go further in a short period of time, then the big stick to beat the mandarin ducks will probably fall soon.

at the moment?

Gwen smiled and said, "It's going pretty well."

Locke looked at Gwen, who was really happy for his friend, and smiled.


Cindy and Kahn came over at this time, and Cindy followed Gwen's gaze: "What are you looking at?"



Cindy saw Mary who was talking to the ladies led by Pepper, and then, with a flash of sympathy on her face, she shook her head and said, "I just passed with Kahn in less than 10 minutes, and I felt It's been a whole year, talking to them is more uncomfortable than learning magic."

Magic is at least on the surface.

Talk to this group of people, good guy, that thing, you have to combine expressions and tone, otherwise, it will be difficult to understand what this group of people are saying.

"No way, this is Mary's choice."

"What about Harry, isn't he helping too?"

"Harry can't help either."

"That's right, I hope Mary can hold on."

"Certainly possible."

Gwen said so, Mary's EQ is not low, and she knows what she wants, and is willing to work hard for it. When she was young, she knew that learning dance can change the life of others, and she has been working hard, even if she survives. He never gave up even when the conditions were bad.

and so……

Gwen felt that Mary would definitely be able to persevere and become the real Mrs. Osborne.


Gwen is still a shareholder of Osborne. If the chairman's wife is a familiar person, and is also a classmate and friend, this is a good thing for each other.

talking room.

Gwen's eyes lit up, and she said to Cindy and Kahn, "Dr. Connors is here, let's go to Dr. Connors first."

Cindy nodded.

Locke just noticed Connors walking in over there, and a slightly fat man next to Dr. Connors.

However, he did not leave immediately.

at the moment?

"Dr. Connors!"

Gwen and Locke approached, and Gwen hugged Dr. Conners with a happy face, and said, "I thought the doctor forgot the time in the laboratory again. I just told Locke, do you want to go to the laboratory to find you?" Woolen cloth."

The current Dr. Conners has sound limbs. Hearing what Gwen said, he laughed and said, "The chief executives in charge of our scientific research funds are here. If I don't come, what if you stop my funding. "

After Gwen joined the board of directors, with the intention of Norman Osborn and the support of Harry Osborn, the application and appropriation of funds for the research and experiment group of Osborne Industry was handled by Gwen. of.

Therefore, Gwen is actually very busy, and because of this, Gwen gave his and Locke's investment work to Uncle Joe, who is also considered a family member, to help take care of it.

"If I stop anyone else, I dare not stop yours."

Listening to Dr. Connors' teasing, Gwen said with a smile, "After all, you are my mentor."

She is very respectful of teachers.

Moreover, she is able to own 5.00% of the shares of Osborne Industries, Dr. Conners' generosity and support are beyond doubt.


Gwen shifted her gaze to the chubby middle-aged man who came with Dr. Connors, wearing thick glasses, and dressed casually, and held out her right hand: "Dr. Octavius, I am Gwen Stacy, nice to meet you."

Dr. Conners next to him smiled and said: "Otto, this is the sponsor of our scientific research laboratory, and Gwen also has great potential in scientific research. In fact, before you came, she and I Inquire, when will you come over?"

Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​seemed a little inarticulate. After shaking hands with Gwen, he heard what Dr. Connors said, and looked at Gwen inexplicably: "Ms. Stacey The research seems to be biological."

Gwen smiled and said: "I suddenly became interested in energy. I want to change my research direction and see if I can conduct further research on energy. In this regard, Doctor, you are a real expert."

Dr. Conners echoed from the side: "Yes, maybe this is the waywardness of the learning god. It has only been half a year. Let me tell you, Otto, the poor energy knowledge in my mind has been taken away by Gwen. It was searched clean, I hope you can persist for a while, but when Gwen and I were researching human recovery serum, in less than two years, Gwen was already on par with me."

Gwen looked at Dr. Connors with some helplessness: "Doctor, you are obviously bragging too much. Two years, obviously two and a half years, okay?"

Dr. Conners was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​couldn't help laughing when he heard Gwen's obviously joking words.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

Standing by the side, Locke, who was in front of the handsome vase, did not speak, but calmly took out the soul fragments, and ejected those soul fragments belonging to Otto to the head of Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius sky!

The soul fragments belonging to Otto were flying randomly in the sky above Otto Gunther Octavius.

Like a headless chicken.

Just when Locke thought that his intuition was wrong for the first time.

next second.

The soul fragment belonging to Otto was pulled by something, and with a whooping sound, it merged into the body of Otto Gunther Octavius!

(End of this chapter)

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