Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 634 George Came Out Again (Part 2!!)

Chapter 634 George Came Out Again (Second Update!!)

"George, I think you should come over."


George heard Beckett's voice on the phone, frowned, and then said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Beckett was slightly taken aback: "Didn't you see it?"


"The Statue of Liberty is on fire."


George was stunned for a moment when he heard Beckett's words. Looking up, Gwen over there had already walked quickly to the balcony, opened the curtains, walked to the balcony, and looked at the Statue of Liberty.

in sight.

The flame of the Statue of Liberty has disappeared, but the countless lights and flashing red lights are so conspicuous and special.

Gwen looked back at George.

George said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Beckett over there was holding a business card picked up by the firefighters, staring at the name on it, and then looked in the direction of Fifth Avenue: "The crime notice has appeared!"


George's eyes lit up, and his body shook: "I'll be right there!"


Damn it, you finally came back again, right? This time, I will never let you escape.

George was extremely excited in an instant. After hanging up the phone, he started to walk towards the door. Then, when he was at the door, he seemed to think of something. He stopped and looked at his wife Helen.

Helen covered her forehead: "Go."

Although, Helen wanted to say no.


Helen stared at the expectant expression on George's face, and the mental state that returned to the peak in that instant, Helen knew very well that the Peerless Assassin had become George's demon. If George should ignore it, then, George is going to go crazy.


George rushed from Fifth Avenue to Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty is located, at almost a hurricane speed. If the last distance required a yacht, I am afraid that George would directly stage a Dharma crossing the river.

no way.

At this moment, George had only one thought in his mind.

Peerless Assassin!



On the island, Beckett, who was waiting for the firefighters in the Statue of Liberty to evacuate, turned his head and looked at George who was striding forward, feeling dazed for a while.

George watched the expression on Beckett's face: "What's wrong?"

Beckett shook his head and smiled slightly: "No, it's just that you're back again."

During the period when George was transferred to the office, although George did not suffer from jade disease like many field workers, as Beckett at the same time, he knew very well that when George was sitting in the office, his mental state was not as good as before.

And now?
The old George... is back.

George laughed and said, this is the unparalleled assassin. Since he appeared, how could I not come? Then, he pointed to the Statue of Liberty where many firefighters came out in a file: "When will it be good?"

"It's still a while."

Beckett glanced at it, then took out the criminal notice that had just been put away, and handed it to George: "You are an expert, let's see if this is real or a hoax."

George took the crime notice from Beckett.

Into the eye!

"Sin notice! 』

『Project Lighthouse! 』

"Crime: Violating God's Forbidden Zone! 』

"God's punishment! 』

"Peerless Assassin!Great elementalist! ! 』


George blinked, looked at the different notice in his hand, and frowned: "What is this great elementalist?"

Beckett shrugged: "You, an expert, don't even know, how do I know, so, this is fake?"

George took out the crime notice in the evidence bag, and shook it like a banknote. In an instant, the crime blacklist made a humming sound under the action of speed and gravity.

next second.

George put the sin notice on the tip of his nose, sniffed it, and smelled it, there was a mysterious but familiar smell: "No, it's true."

As an expert in hunting down the Peerless Assassin, no one is more familiar with the weight of the criminal blacklist and some of its undisclosed features than George.

And the crime notice in his hand perfectly fits this point.


George put the crime notice back into the evidence bag again, then, looking at Beckett, he frowned and said, "What the hell is this lighthouse project?"

Beckett shook his head and smiled wryly: "Besides, the charges this time, no matter how you look at them, are somewhat incomprehensible."

George nodded solemnly: "It is estimated that the silence of a year and a half has finally exposed the fact that this unparalleled assassin is a serial killer in essence."

Beckett shrugged and said nothing.

at this time.

The fire chief came over from not far away, took off his helmet, and showed a sweaty face: "George, long time no see."

Not every fire in New York is accompanied by murders.


Nine times out of ten there was a fire, a body would be found, so the fire chief, and George, were familiar too.

Although George, who is now sitting in an office and wearing a suit, still does not change his previous style, he hugged the disgraced fire chief, and then asked, "How is it inside?"

After being hugged for a while, the fire chief also felt that the old George had returned, but he shook his head when he heard George's question: "Okay, but, what happened inside is your business, frankly Tell me, my handsome boys and I can't understand it."

Hearing these words, George looked at the fire chief curiously.

10 minute later.

George grabbed the flashlight and walked in front, Beckett and others walked behind, entered the interior of the Statue of Liberty, and soon, following the guidance of the firefighters, they came to the secret room in the Statue of Liberty.

Into the eye!

It's so dark, it's a mess!

Although the raging fire sent away the countless resentful spirits accumulated here like rags, the appearance of those life instrument cultivation warehouses that once made gods would be angry when they saw them were still not sent away by the fire.

In this pitch black and messy place, the densely packed cultivation warehouses that were burnt to a blackened appearance still stayed in their original places, and even the same turbid liquid inside remained intact.

After all, the Peerless Assassins never kill innocent people.

Locke is also not interested in attacking innocent people. Now that the criminal notice has been sent, then, as before, they should leave the evidence of these people and let others know why they died.

To put it bluntly, this group of people came to provoke Locke first, so they encountered a catastrophe.

To put it more broadly, let’s put it this way, Locke, can already regard the earth as the foundation of his future. If he doesn’t get rid of the persistence of the people on earth and try to use technology to create life, in case the future When it was heard by the other gods, they probably thought it was him, the Lord God of the Kingdom of Light, who was deliberately protecting him.

and so……

These people must die!
However, George didn't know Locke's psychological fluctuations. George, who covered his mouth and nose with a mask, looked at the densely packed breeding warehouses around him, frowned, and temporarily put down his mask: "In the Statue of Liberty, there is such a room. Office?"

Beckett next to him also temporarily put down his mask, shook his head and said, "Since the management responsible for repairing the Statue of Liberty has also moved out, there is no office space in the Statue of Liberty."

George frowned: "When will the people from the forensics department arrive?"

"Half an hour left."

Beckett said: "Today is the weekend, so most of the forensics department went home."

George nodded, and then continued to use his incomprehensible eyes, looking at the densely packed breeding cabins in his sight, which seemed to be hatching cabins.

at this time.



Suddenly, not far away, Ryan, who was shining a flashlight on an incubator, yelled, and instantly attracted the attention of George and Beckett.

George and Beckett walked over and shone the flashlight on the half-person-high cultivation warehouse that Ryan had just noticed.

next second.

Pupil earthquake.

Under the light of the flashlight, in the cultivation chamber in front of me, in the liquid that was full of turbidity, even a trace of green mysterious flame emerged from time to time, accompanied by the floating of the turbid liquid, followed by an all-too-familiar Objects emerged from the churning of the turbid liquid.



It's an embryo!
A human embryo that has been corrupted for a long time, but can be judged instinctively with just a glance.


George seemed to realize something, got up, and shone the light of the flashlight on the other breeding chambers, and the light swept around. At this moment, the original densely populated breeding chambers seemed to have changed in George's eyes at this moment. , like graves one after another, appeared in George's eyes.

Beckett next to him also followed suit, and he did the same thing as George, but when his eyes fell on the no longer mysterious breeding cabin, a huge chill came to his heart in an instant.

at this time.


"The FBI is here."


Accompanied by the voice of the police officer at the door of the secret room, a few acquaintances who showed their FBI IDs appeared at the door.


Once again, Maria Hill, disguised as the director of the FBI, walked up to George, shook hands with George with a smile: "Good evening, George."

George looked at Maria Hill, who would come to New York every weekend, shook hands, and then cut straight to the point: "Do you know what's going on here?"

Maria Hill looked around at the densely packed breeding warehouses, looked at George, did not answer the question, but changed the subject and said, "By the way, Locke is back, have you seen it?"

George: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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