Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 627 Why Are You Roaring So Loudly (Part 1!)

Chapter 627 Why Are You Roaring So Loudly (First Update!)

As soon as the sound came out.

The mascot chief and Mr. Anonymous who were in the observation room, as well as Walter Burke couldn't help but their pupils trembled slightly.

Walter Burke even looked at the monitoring screen.

On the screen, after Director Alexander Conklin left, Locke sat on a chair as if on vacation, drinking the bourbon that Director Alexander Conklin had just brought over.

Very leisurely, very leisurely.


There was a mysterious smile on his face.

no way!
Originally, Locke didn't intend to come directly to Langley to ask someone.


Who asked Mr. Walter Burke to send invitations? Someone sent an invitation and refused to go. Obviously, this is a very impolite thing.

Locke is a very polite man.

and so……

Locke thought for a while, since Walter Burke couldn't wait to see him so much, then, as Walter Burke wished, he directly moved the visit originally planned tonight to the present.

no way.

I'm always so understanding.

Locke sipped the bourbon in his glass, thinking so in his heart, then, he seemed to notice something, raised his head, looked at the surveillance camera, raised his bourbon glass from a distance, and smiled slightly, as if responding to someone's request Same with invitation.

Walter Burke's face was instantly dark.

Although Mr. Anonymous didn't understand what happened, he was very clear about one thing and looked at Walter Burke directly: "Mr. Burke, it seems that your speculation is all your hysteria again."

Locke is the Peerless Assassin?


The Peerless Assassins have called directly, and expect to implicate Locke, what a dream, Locke is being monitored, and he is said to be the Peerless Assassin, how can he pretend to be this call?
Walter Burke looked at the expression sent by Anonymous, and sneered: "A phone call can prove..."



Before Walter Burke finished speaking, suddenly, listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, his expression changed: "Lisa?"

"Not anymore!"

When the voice of the Peerless Assassin came out of the phone again, the other end of the phone was silent for about five seconds, accompanied by the sound of wiping hands: "Mr. Walter Burke, originally, between you and I It's just a matter of business, but why do you want to turn this matter into a personal grievance?"

This remark is a pun!
The Peerless Assassin chuckled: "Since Mr. Burke has turned this matter into a personal grievance, let's handle this matter according to the way of personal grievances."

Walter Burke said in a deep voice, "What did you do to Lisa?"

The Peerless Assassin laughed and said, "She was too naughty, so I told her to shut up."


"Okay, I'm calling, not to talk to you."

The Peerless Assassin was directly on the opposite side of the phone, interrupting Walter Burke, who was extremely angry, and changed the topic: "No. 11, Palm Elm Street, Washington DC, Orent, Coster, Director Dutt, are you familiar with this information? "

The face of the mascot director is also very ugly at the moment: "What do you want?"


The street number mentioned by the Peerless Assassin was his home address, while Orent was his husband, and Coster was the son he and his husband adopted.



Frankly speaking, when Locke was collecting information, he was a little unbelievable. Unexpectedly, the mascot director is also a BUFF owner.

But this has nothing to do with Locke.

I said this just to let the mascot director listen carefully to his speech.

Locke said directly: "I want to make a deal with Langley!"

The chief mascot looked over there, and the agent who was nervously locating the signal nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Locke said: "Once the crime notice is issued, I will definitely take it back, so you know very well, what do I want?"

From the debut of the Peerless Assassin to the present, no matter who it is, as long as they accept the crime notice, there is only one way to go.

Locke hates experiencing new things.

For example, lose once.

Locke said directly: "However, I am also a member of the Federation. It always feels bad to embarrass Langley on the land of the Federation, but I don't want my notice to be returned, so I plan to discuss with Dutt. Chief make a deal, let me tell you, one of your Langleys is an undercover KGB agent, and in return, you need to give me the people I need, how about that?"

The words just fell.

A thud.

Walter Burke over there, at this moment, couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and broke through the door directly.

Anonymous hurriedly nodded to the several agents beside him.

The agent understood and quickly followed up. Walter Burke had disappeared at the elevator entrance.

Director Mascot and Mr. Anonymous turned their eyes away from the door. Director Dutt wiped his face and said to the phone in a deep voice: "The Federation never negotiates terms with anyone. If you want Director Burke , maybe you can try it, come in and get it yourself."

"That's too bad."


at this time.

The agent in charge of tracking and locating the phone signal, after the results came out, his eyes narrowed, he turned around, looked at the mascot director and Mr. Anonymous: "Director, the source of the signal, our building."

talking room.

Beep, beep, beep!
The mobile phone sent by the unparalleled assassin has also been hung up at this moment.

The nameless man's face suddenly changed: "Jack, Director Burke..."

Jack, who had already chased to the lobby on the first floor with two agents, covered his headset, looked around, but found no traces: "Director Burke didn't come down."

Nameless frowned.

next second.

Wuming cursed Xie Te, and hurriedly ran out the door.

24th floor!


After Walter Burke pressed the down button of the elevator, he entered another elevator, went up, and pushed open the door of his office violently, took off the glasses on his face, and opened the door I was in the office safe, while taking out my mobile phone, I dialed a number from Paris.


One doesn't need to look, just listen to know that the voice must come from a black voice coming from the phone.

Walter Burke took out the pistol from the safe and clicked it into the chamber: "I'm being targeted by the Peerless Assassin."


"Do you still have to ask, she is dead."


"I do not……"

Walter Burke was just about to speak, but in the next second, he seemed to feel something, turned around quickly, and was about to pull the trigger directly.




Wearing sunglasses, the unparalleled assassin in a suit and leather shoes directly sent Walter Burke to the wall as a wall hanging. Then, with his right hand wearing a leather glove, he directly took over the piece that drew an arc in mid-air. mobile phone.

Walter Burke slowly flowed down from the wall like a painting.

Locke stared at Walter Burke, then raised the phone to his ear, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Otto? Maybe you and I don't know each other, but soon, I will know who you are, and you will know too , who am I?"

"...Really? I'm waiting for you!"

"You won't have to wait long."

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Locke listened to the low but extremely unpleasant, even disgusting black words coming from the phone, shook his head, then, with a shake of his right hand, he threw the phone back to Walter Burke's side.

Walter Burke, whose mouth was bleeding from Locke's kick just now, was struggling at this moment, leaning his back against the wall, trying to get up hard.

Locke glanced at it.

Raise your hand!



Accompanied by a sound, there was also the sound of Walter Burke Bollingay shattering, followed by the scream of the man who opened his mouth wide and screamed out in pain.




Locke turned his head and looked, but saw that the door of the office was being knocked hard from the outside, and in the next second, it hit the wooden door with a sudden sound.


The wooden door is very strong.

The corner of Locke's mouth rose, and then, without turning his head, he shot again, directly hitting Walter Burke's other bollinger.


Walter Burke, once let out a scream.

next second!
Walter Burke's expression was distorted, his eyes shrank suddenly, and in an instant, in a second, he switched to an expression like seeing a ghost, his eyes were wide open, almost protruding, and he suddenly felt that he did not know what to do. It hurt, and he pointed at the unparalleled assassin with his hand.


Locke turned his head, looked at Walter Burke's small eyes, and was taken aback for a moment. Then, he lowered his head and saw the sunglasses that fell on the ground. He laughed haha, picked it up, blew it, and turned towards Walter Burke said, "Not in a year."



Locke rubbed his ears, looked at Walter Burke with a disgusted expression, "Why are you yelling so loudly, you can't hear it outside, you yelled so loudly, no one outside can hear you."

What a joke.

Locke's part-time job was Peerless Assassin, and his main job is now the Lord God.


If a few mortals can blast open the door with firearms, then, do you want to lose face as the main god?
Locke said so, then tilted his head and looked at Walter Burke: "I told you, it's obviously a business matter, why do you want to turn him into a personal grudge?"

In this matter, Locke can say that he is completely passive.

He behaved well, and went to the Secret Service Academy to study for a while, originally thinking of going through the motions.

The results of it?
Got fucked up again with something about Lorraine Broughton.

Who is all this because of?
no doubt.

Locke sighed faintly, and looked at Walter Burke: "You say, let me come here, and you will let me know what real cruelty is. Now that I am here, what about your cruelty?"

Walter Burke: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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