Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 620 Do you want me to die early (Part 2!!)

Chapter 620 Do you want me to die early (second change!!)
"Locke, here."


Locke came back to his senses, looked at the killer Mace who came over and handed him a cup of coffee, and after taking it, he smiled slightly and said, "It would be even better if it was wine."

Killer Mace shrugged: "That's too bad, we're still on mission, remember?"

The corners of Locke's mouth raised, he smiled, and did not speak.



Now he started to feel more and more interesting about this task.

Thinking so, Locke turned around, stared through the observation mirror, and was sent inside. After entering, he lay down on the white interrogation table and fell asleep. raised eyebrows.

The killer Mace looked at Locke's staring eyes, looked around, and whispered: "Do you know her?"

Locke smiled.

"Today, so far, is the first time I know of her existence."


His swapped U-disk.

After the U disk is decrypted, what is needed is not his fingerprint.

This suddenly appeared, even, a girl related to him by blood?


Locke's eyes flickered slightly, and endless energy flowed in his eyes, allowing him to quickly analyze the girl who was lying quietly sleeping on the interrogation table at this moment.

In this little girl's body, there is a blood that is almost so similar to Locke's.


Locke was silent for a while, said this word, and then frowned slightly, because, although he was already in the orphanage after waking up in this life, his memory of how he appeared before the orphanage was not very clear, but In the blur, there is still such a picture that flashes from time to time.

The picture is not very clear anymore.


This picture is enough for Locke to be sure of one thing with a 80.00% chance, that is, he was born by himself, no one rushed in front of him, and similarly, he did not fall behind him.

half father?

Or half-brother?

Locke's thoughts turned sharply, and when he came back to his senses, he looked at the killer Mace: "When can we interrogate her?"

Killer Metz shrugged: "It can't be done. Director Marisa Vigler has already stated that no one is allowed to have any contact with this little girl before she comes here."

Locke nodded and walked outside.

"Where are you going?"

"Breath, smoke, go to the bathroom."



Locke pushed open the door, and in an instant, the roar of waves from the South Pacific came one after another. Looking around, the emerald green Manua Islands were clearly visible.

This is American Samoa.

A magical place belonging to the overseas territory of the Federation. Let's put it this way, other colonies are proud of being independent, but the people here are proud of being able to join the Federation.

However, it has to be said that a crying child has milk to eat.

Compared with the independent state of Samoa, its neighbor, American Samoa is not too happy. Every year, American Samoa can receive various aids in various names, such as congressional appropriations, classified donations, education and medical support, etc. This allowed me to lie down and win Samoa even if I didn't work.


Thanks to federal assistance, American Samoans enjoy free medical care. If they are hospitalized, they only need to pay a symbolic few dollars a day, which makes the Samoan brothers in the west dare not even think about it.

Locke took out a pack of the iconic cigarettes he bought when he was nostalgic when he went to Dongguo last time, and lit one for himself. Then, he turned his head and glanced at the camera not far away.


The camera shakes for a while, then fails.

Locke snorted, took out the satellite phone from his pocket, and directly dialed Chester's number.

Jingle Bell!
At home, Chester, who was sitting at the bar and talking to Carrie, had just heard Carrie say what would happen if Locke found out Hannah's identity, and the ringing of the phone instantly attracted two people. people's attention.

Carrie glanced at it, stuck out her tongue, and shrugged at Chester who was also looking up at her: "Look."


Carrie then gave Chester a self-seeking look, which was filled with words, don't worry, if you are really sent to the end early, even though the smell of Hades is not good, I also Will go down to see you from time to time.

Chester opened his mouth, looked at the ringing phone, and took a deep breath.

Locke's voice came directly from the phone.

"I'll leave by myself, lest I wrong you for stealing my things?"


Locke recounted when Chester and Agatha broke up, he let Chester go home for one night, Chester joked the next day, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "I'll give you a chance , old man, don’t let me appear in front of you and ask you, you should know what my temper is.”

In a word.

If it is someone else who dropped his stuff, then it is impossible for Locke to make this call, but he will appear directly in front of that guy, chop him up with a knife, and then run to Hades, where he and The person conducting the conversation.

But, this is Chester.

and so……

Locke was on the phone, and he was willing to give Chester a chance. After all, he still didn't quite understand why Chester directly changed the USB flash drive in his safe without telling him.

At Christmas, when Locke went back and opened the safe, he felt that there was something wrong with the position of the things placed there.

But, it was said to be a safe, but, in fact, the things in that safe were basically things that Locke didn't care about.

Even Locke didn't care much about it.

Not to mention that U disk.

Locke didn't pay attention to it at all, so when Gwen asked if there was anything missing, and it was the first time he came home that day, he didn't care when he saw that there was nothing missing.

On the second day, Locke didn't even go to check.

If Locke hadn't been in that hut when he suddenly saw the USB flash drive, he probably wouldn't have known about it until the next time Locke remembered the USB flash drive that didn't require his fingerprint to unlock.


Although Locke didn't care about the USB flash drive, when he saw the USB flash drive, he recognized it at first glance. It was his USB flash drive, because there was his aura on the USB flash drive.

and so……

Locke wouldn't go back to confirm at all, and he was sure of one thing, his USB flash drive was swapped.

As for why you thought of Chester?

His apartment may be missed by thieves, but there are only two people who can easily swap the USB flash drive without alerting him.




Locke's eyes flickered: "Now, tell me why."

Chester opened his mouth, saw that he had left the bar, stood not far away, and said to him that Carrie, who was helpless, was silent for a while and said, "Actually, I was planning to tell you, because I I know, if I ask you for it, you will definitely give it to me."

Locke raised his eyebrows: "Then why don't you ask?"


If Chester asked him directly, Locke would only ask a few words at most, and then, without looking at it, he directly took out the one next to the U and threw it to Chester.


You didn't ask.

Asked, Locke gave, is the same thing.

Don't ask, just take it, that's another matter.

Chester smiled helplessly: "She won't let me."

Locke smiled and said, "Who won't let it go, your ex-wife?"

Chester hummed and hummed: "Yes, she said, since you have no interest in finding Lorraine Broughton at all, then there is no need to involve you."

Locke smiled and said, "Obviously, I got involved."

Chester sighed: "It was an accident, and I didn't expect it to happen."

Locke smiled: "By the way, if I don't see it, when are you going to tell me, you won't wait until the day I die for you."

Chester also seemed to be very frank: "Frankly speaking, maybe, on the day of the death, I won't say anything."

The corner of Locke's mouth raised, and then, he turned his head and glanced behind him, then turned to the phone and said, "I see, we need to have a good chat when I go back, old man, obviously, you think your retirement life is a little bit It’s boring, and I’m going to add a little excitement to myself.”

Chester over there was stunned for a moment: "Wait..."

"Anything else?"

"You are not curious, why do I..."

"In this world, there has never been hatred for no reason, old man!"


Locke hung up the phone directly.

In this world, there has never been hatred for no reason, and naturally, there has never been love for no reason in this world.

Chester obviously wanted to ask why Locke was not surprised at all, or why he didn't ask why he knew Lorraine Broughton.


Locke made some guesses early on.

After all, a normal killer who wanted to find a successor wouldn't watch and protect him quietly during his first mission.


Chester didn't say it, and Locke didn't bother to say it.

He has nothing to do with Lorraine Broughton.

Not before.

Not now.


I don't want to have either!

at this time.

In the thick underground corridor behind him, came the sound of hurried footsteps.

Locke turned to look.

into the eye.

At that time, after the operation, and Marisa Vigler passed, the agent named Louis brought the killer Mace and five agents appeared in Locke's sight.


Agent Lewis seemed a little surprised to see Locke standing at the door, facing the sea, with one hand in his pocket and the other smoking.

next second.

Agent Louis regained his senses, looked at the corridor above, in the monitoring room, the display was damaged, but the monitoring here was intact, frowned, and looked at Locke: "Why did the monitoring suddenly break down?"

Locke threw the cigarette butt into the sea, heard this, chuckled, walked past Agent Lewis, shrugged and said, "I don't know, and I don't care, it's none of my business!"

Agent Lewis: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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