Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 601 Being a Questioner Locke (Part 1!)

Chapter 601 Being a Questioner Locke (First update!)


One of the world's four major spy agencies, its reputation once resounded all over the world, but now it is notorious.


This doesn't affect the status of the CIA in the slightest. Bo has a feeling that he is in control of others, and the breeze crosses the river.

After Locke had no intention of going through the back door to get the answer, Mr. Anonymous did not force it, but put away the answer. After the plane landed, he gave Locke a business card with the contact person and address written on it, and then got in the car and left.

Locke took a taxi according to the address on the note, and went straight to Langley's headquarters.

In fact, when the CIA moved to the Langley area on the Potomac River at the junction of Washington, DC and Virginia, at first, the CIA's headquarters was located in the Lincoln Monument in Washington, DC.

However, it may be that the place is too small for the CIA to display its talents, so it was relocated to Langley, which covers an area of ​​[-] acres.

In the Federation, the headquarters of the CIA has never been a secret.

Langley, who was once known as the world's intelligence giant, undoubtedly hid himself. It seems that I am here, and there is a feeling that you are here to insult me.


Locke, who passed the security check, went straight to the receptionist, took out his business card, and looked at the lady at the front desk with a smile: "My name is Locke Broughton, I'm here to ask Walter Burke, he is waiting for me."

The front desk lady looked up at Locke.

He seemed a little surprised, but still took the list that Locke handed over, glanced at it, and after confirming it, told Locke to wait a moment, and then took out the phone next to him.

after awhile.

When the five big and three thick security guards were surprised at the Locke information on the computer screen, a middle-aged man who was unkempt, even more like a drunkard than an agent, came out of the elevator.

"Rock Broughton?"

"it's me."

Locke got up from the waiting chair and looked at the person coming.

"Walter Burke."

"Rock Broughton."

"You're running late."

"is it?"

Locke looked at the time on his watch: "I thought it was an appointment at 03:30 in the afternoon."

Walter Burke said: "In any case, half an hour should be set aside for possible contingencies."

Good guy.

That's it for the start, okay?
Locke raised his eyebrows, his expression still smiling: "I think punctuality is a virtue, being late is an insult to others, and arriving early is an insult to myself."

Walter Burke and Locke shook hands and smiled.

So is Locke.

quite a while.

Walter Burke looked back and invited Locke to take the elevator: "The exam is about to start, I am looking forward to Mr. Broughton's results."

Locke smiled, "Me too."


In a house, Locke pushed open the door, and saw that there were no less than 90 tables in the room, almost all of which were filled with men and women of all kinds from all over the country.

Some looked forward, some relaxed, some dignified. Locke's arrival did not attract much attention. Almost everyone was flipping through the reference materials in their hands.


Reference materials.

As long as there are exams and reference materials, they will exist, and the CIA agent exam is no exception. After all, you can only enter the next level if you pass the competition.

Locke found an empty table and sat down. Soon, five or six men in suits and leather shoes and sunglasses walked in from the door.

Without speaking, without any self-introduction, after entering, five or six agents in suits and leather shoes handed out the papers in front of everyone one by one.

Along with the test paper, there was also an ordinary-looking signature pen.

Locke looked at the five-page test paper and raised his eyebrows.

"Ding! 』

『The task is being generated! 』

"Mission Name: "Agent Langley (Series of Missions)""

『Task: "Pass the written test" "1"』

"Task Reward: "Achievement Points*2W", Potential Points*2W"

『Task description: "This task is a series of tasks. According to the player's score in each task, at the end, the coefficient will be settled. The highest settlement coefficient is five."』』

"The system's message: "From today onwards, be an agent, face the sea, and the spring will bloom!"』


Locke's heart beat up, but he was used to the system's habit of saying a few words only during missions. After all, when there were no missions, the system was basically a little transparent.

As for the difficulty of this test?
Locke looked at the questions on the test paper, and then, from the corner of his eye, he looked at the candidates of the same period with various expressions all around him, a little curious.

This topic...

is it hard?
"Subject 1: A male scientist recalled that he and his wife went to Antarctica for investigation, but he became snow blind on the way and couldn't see anything.So they wandered around the Antarctic, and ended up eating penguins raw to keep them alive.But his wife couldn't stand it in the end, and finally died.He continued to walk for a day alone, and was rescued at last.The next day he went to the penguin shop to eat penguins, but he committed suicide when he came back.Why? 』


Do you still need to ask why, isn't this very simple?

His wife is the so-called penguin meat.

Locke thought so, looking at other topics.

And math problems!
Chemistry questions are also included.


Difficulty is no longer the point. At least, in Locke's view, there is no difficulty at all. After all, he has already passed mathematics, physics and chemistry to level [-].

However, that's not the point.

The point is that on several topics, Locke has a feeling of deja vu.

It seems that when he was young, Chester gave him similar test papers before teaching him how to shoot a gun.

However, Locke shook his head. From a certain point of view, killers and agents are the same kind of people. Locke thought of the words that Chester often said, and shook his head without thinking too much. .

in the monitoring room.

Through monitoring, Walter Burke found several students who cheated in the exam, and then, through the headset, asked the agents who were patrolling the examination room to invite these cheaters out, and then asked the agents to find the agent seedlings he liked, and let them Instead of looking at the woman, he did the questions seriously, and noticed Locke who was writing like a wind over there.


Walter Porter asked the agent to zoom in on the camera, and then, looking at Locke who was writing furiously, without doubting him, he smiled and said, "Anonymous gave him our exam questions for many years. "

Several agents who could be regarded as Walter Burke laughed when they heard this.

Walter Burke watched with great interest the Locke, who was writing furiously on the monitor. After a few words of ridicule, a smile appeared on his face. This time, the exam questions were all written by him.


Most of the topics have been published before, and after modifying the characters, they are directly used.

However, there are still a small number of topics that are all original by him.

"It will be revealed soon."

Walter Burke thought so, watching Locke in the surveillance, the corners of his mouth raised, kind of, he couldn't wait to see, Locke, who was writing quickly, suddenly looked as if he was discouraged.



Walter Burke looked at Locke, who did not stop at all after writing his original topic, and wrote like before, with a slightly stunned expression: "Let someone stand over."

An agent nodded, and moved an agent to Locke's desk through the headset.

Locke, who was writing quickly, naturally heard the voice coming from the headset, but he didn't pay any attention to the agent standing next to him.

In a word.

Someone in Luo didn't bother to cheat in the exam.

This topic is called difficult?
Ha ha.

Locke felt that when he became a senior executive of the CIA, he could ask Chester to come over and arrange what is called a real hell-level problem.

Back then, when Locke gave the topic in Colchester, he really racked his brains, and he synchronized his three views into the world of murderers and psychopath lovers.

If it weren't for Locke's innocence and cheerfulness, it is estimated that the whole person would be really jaded.

However, Locke didn't have jade, and Walter Burke, who was in the monitoring room, had a tendency to be jade.

"Could it be that my topic was also stolen by Anonymous?"

Walter Burke thought so, especially after seeing that Locke, like before, wrote the correct answer to the most difficult question he thought was the most difficult question without thinking.

at this time.

Ten minutes into the test, Locke stopped writing and looked at the agent standing next to him: "So, do I need to wait until the others finish the test before I leave, or can I go out and have a cup of coffee now?"

The agent looked at Locke, who was smiling at him, and opened his mouth.


I don't know, I haven't done it before.

It's been 10 minutes, and others haven't even finished writing [-] questions. This freak has already written all [-] questions?
The agent quickly whispered through the headset and asked what to do.

Several people looked at Mr. Walter Burke, the chief officer of the chicken farm this time.

In the examination room, people who were tense and excited, and had only half an hour to do the test, suddenly heard that someone was about to hand in the paper, and looked in the direction of Locke in disbelief.

Who is he?
He is done?


Why did we do less than [-] questions? Why?
Walter Burke came back to his senses, looked at Locke in the surveillance, with a bright smile, full of confidence and sunshine, and took a deep breath: "Put away his papers and take him to the psychological test room."


Walter Burke said, "I'll test him myself!"

The agent in the examination room nodded and looked at Locke.

Locke is still smiling!

(End of this chapter)

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