Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 595 Chapter Returns to New York (Part 1!)

Chapter 595 Returning to New York (First update!)

This is love story.

It is also the most touching love story.

Of course.

What’s even more true is Locke’s truth. He said that although he respects Chester very much, he despises Chester’s behavior in the relationship between the sexes. Woolen cloth.

There can be no double standards in life.

This is Locke's usual style.


After what Carrie said, Locke was still a little worried about Chester, so at noon, he talked to Cindy, Kahn, and Helen Zhao who came out of the practice room, and planned to return to the Federation early. .

Cindy opened her mouth and looked at Gwen: "Are you going back too?"

Locke smiled and said, "No, Gwen is still following the original plan."

Cindy nodded: "That's good."

Locke was dumbfounded, and formally planned to wait until Cindy's child was born, and then put the planned event, formally, on the schedule.

Gwen smiled beside him: "When are you going to leave?"

"Leave later!"

"I send you?"

"No, the Supreme Master can take me directly to the airport."

Originally, he could go back to New York in one step, but he came here according to the formal procedures, so if he wants to go back, he also needs to follow the formal procedures.

Otherwise, at the federal customs, there are only exit records, but no entry records.

If this is the case, there is no doubt that it is not only Ms. Hill who is going to come to the door, I am afraid that Mr. Anonymous, who has not seen him for a long time, will also go out to ask why he returned to China through illegal means.


"I'm waiting for you at home."

Locke smiled at Gwen, skipped the topic, looked at Cindy and Helen Zhao and said, "How is it, magic journey, how is it?"

Speaking of this topic, Cindy and Helen Zhao immediately raised their eyebrows.

In a word.



"A wonderful journey beyond words."

Kahn was at the side, with an unprecedented look in his eyes, and said in amazement: "Before this, I never knew that our world is so rich and colorful."

Upon seeing this, Locke smiled: "Really, then congratulations."

Kahn said blankly, "Congratulations to me?"

Locke said, "Don't you want to learn magic?"

Kahn's eyes widened: "No, no, I'm not suitable."

Gwen asked curiously, "That's not what you said yesterday."

Kahn shrugged and said that he did have the talent to learn magic, but Karma Taj said that any magic apprentice needs to practice behind closed doors.

To put it simply, if Kahn chooses to learn magic, then he needs to stay with Karma Taj.

and this……

Kahn sighed and said, "If I tell my parents that I want to stay in this third country to study magic, God, I will definitely be sent to Santa Maria Hospital by them."

Santa Maria Hospital, a psychiatric hospital opened in Washington, D.C., is also the earliest and most famous psychiatric hospital in federal history.

"It's normal."

Gwen nodded, and said to Cindy: "Do you still remember that when we were in Dongguo, we went to that Taoist temple. The mages there, didn't they also mean that they practiced there since they were young?"

However, the mages in the Taoist temple are completely ordinary people.

And here it is different.

Ordinary people need this to learn false magic, not to mention learning real magic.

Cindy's eyes were also a little sad: "So, I'm very entangled."

Gwen blinked: "God, don't tell me, Cindy, you're really thinking about this."

Good guy.

If there are five people on a trip, and three people on the way back, Gwen can guarantee that she will go crazy, and Cindy and Kahn's mother will definitely come to her and ask her for an explanation.

Seeing this, Cindy laughed and said, "Honey, that's all I'm saying. Anyway, we still have five days left for our trip. Maybe we can make an exception because we are so talented."

Gwen rolled his eyes directly.

This idea, in a dream, is a dream within a dream.

after awhile.

Wang is here.

"Mr. Broughton."

"right away."

Locke said something to Wang Rushi not far away, then kissed Gwen and said, "Then I'll go back first."

Gwen said: "What happened, remember to tell me."

She was also very curious about what kind of incident caused Agatha, who tolerated even Chester's stealing, to have to separate.

Locke hummed, and after greeting Cindy, Kahn, and Helen Zhao, he walked towards the librarian Wang who was waiting at the door.

"Good afternoon, Wang."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Broughton."

Librarian Wang said, "This way please."

Locke hummed, and when he walked towards the location of the Supreme Mage with the librarian Dynasty, Locke said, "Did you find it?"

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Master Modu, you haven't come back yet."

Last night, after Casillas went berserk, jumped off the cliff, and escaped from Kama Taj, Gu Yi said that he should not pursue him anymore, but Master Modu still chased him out and has not returned until now.

Wang's personality seems to be more introverted, or in other words, he is the kind of taciturn person.

After answering Locke's question, he didn't speak again.

When Locke saw this, he didn't ask any more questions.

Whether it is Wang or Modu, there is only one person in Kama Taj who can make him interested in talking, and that is the supreme mage.

After seeing the Supreme Mage, Locke turned his head and took a look. The king who withdrew, then looked at the Supreme Mage curiously: "Supreme Mage, I am very curious."

The supreme mage pushed the farewell tea in front of Locke, looked at Locke: "Master Lord God wants to know, what did I do that day?"


Locke waved his hand directly: "I don't want to know anything about that woman. I'm not interested. I'm just curious. Master Modu, is he dead?"

Gu Yi said calmly, "Why did the Lord God say that?"

Locke shrugged.

The Supreme Mage leaves himself with two futures to choose from. One future is the future that is happening right now, and the other is the future in which Locke did not come, or in other words, Locke did not give the Supreme Mage energy.

and so……

Casillas, and Mage Modu, are two futures. To be precise, it is a pawn in the two futures that Ancient One wants.



As we all know, the only function of tools is to help the owner to do things, and after finishing the work, the nostalgic owner may keep it, but most of them will choose to discard the tools.

Ancient One, obviously not the former.

Then the problem is coming.

Now that Ancient One has chosen to use Casillas to achieve the future, then there is no need for the future represented by Master Modu. Can you live?
not to mention……

Locke smiled, and said to Gu Yi: "Master Modu, he should use the power of darkness to suppress his inner demons, he is also an insider."

Gu Yi knew that he owed Dormammu's energy, and Domamu also knew that Gu Yi owed him, but Endless Dimension would not stand in line until he saw the evidence.

If Domamu knew that Master Modu was an insider, I am afraid that Gu Yi's reputation would be ruined.

Gu Yi shook his head: "There is no contract between me and Domamu."

Locke understood: "Supreme Master, plan to keep Master Modu?"

"He is my disciple."


Gu Yi smiled and said: "What's more, Master Modu is walking on a dangerous road now. I want to try to see if I can save him."

Locke nodded and drank the parting tea in front of him in one gulp: "Understood!"

In a word.

Master Modu uses the power of darkness to suppress his own darkness, and this is different from the teachings of Kama Taj. Right now, Master Modu has nothing to do, but if there is a need in the future, then , Master Modu is finished.

In a word.

From the moment Master Modu chooses to use darkness to deal with darkness, the Supreme Master in front of him can declare at any time that Master Modu is a heresy for Kama Taj.

As for heretics, almost, the approach is the same, that is, heretics must die.

Gu Yi's words are obvious. She doesn't miss the past, and keeps Master Modu, just in case she might need to use it in the future, but what kind of future will she need to use?

Locke thought of an answer.


Once again, he admired Gu Yi's foresight.

Emperor Weishan hasn't settled yet, and his heir hasn't been born yet. As a result, Gu Yi has already thought about how to succeed Panweishan Emperor smoothly. He even chose a whetstone for his future heir. , chose an opponent who can restrict his heir and prevent his heir from leaving his control.

It has to be said that Gu Yi's wisdom is so broad, it is no longer taking one step to see a hundred steps, it is simply taking one step to see five hundred steps.


Extraordinary women can't be messed with, especially one, with the time perspective hook turned on, she is almost a supreme woman standing at the top.


Agatha doesn't seem too bad either.

Speaking of...

How did Agatha dote on Chester so much?

Locke muttered in his heart.


"Dear passengers, the plane will arrive at JFK International Airport in New York in 15 minutes. Currently, the outdoor temperature in New York is 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and the weather is fine..."

Locke came back to his senses, took off the blanket covering himself, and then took a glass of cold water handed over by the flight attendant, drank it all, and poured out a thank you.

The stewardess smiled and said you're welcome.


After getting off the plane, Locke glanced at the number in his hand, couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and threw the number directly into the trash can not far away.

Luo, in his life, has no color!

(End of this chapter)

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