Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 592 Locke's Disaster Physique (Part 2!!)

Chapter 592 Locke's Disaster Physique (Second Update!!)
This is almost impossible.


If the power of dimensions can be transformed arbitrarily, it basically symbolizes one thing, the fragile balance between dimensions is about to be broken.

Without him.

Over the years, although countless dimensions have been born and countless dimensions have died, there are very few dimensions that really died in the struggle, and most of them died on their own because they lost their energy sources.

Because, the power of dimension is incompatible.

It's as if everyone is a master of martial arts, and they all practice different inner skills, but right now, suddenly, there is a man who practices Beiming Shengong, who can plunder other energies indiscriminately.

In the past, all dimensions were afraid. Once the war started, most of the dimensions would choose to self-destruct at the last bald head, and the method of one shot and two scattered, and doing so, apart from stealing chickens and not losing money, has no other benefits. up.

It's different now.

Even if the Dimension Lord blew himself up, he could still absorb the energy unscrupulously.


This kind of thing has never happened for thousands of years.

Could it be that I really remembered wrongly, did I not lend money to Gu Yi at all?
Ever since he abandoned himself and turned into a creature of the dark dimension, and became the master of the dark dimension, Dormammu is no longer the rational human being he once was. His consciousness is just like his colorful appearance. The same, often in chaos and chaos.

Therefore, it is not surprising that such an idea appears.

However, Dormammu quickly rejected this idea.

He lent power to Gu Yi, which was something he was very sure of, but Dormammu couldn't find any reason why.

"Damn Gu Yi!"

The angry Dormammu felt the playful gaze from the endless dimension, and then returned to his own dimension, his face constantly changing as if he had opened the dyeing workshop: "You will definitely regret it."

Dormammu didn't doubt that Ancient One's current power was energy that could swallow and assimilate everything. Instead, he found another explanation himself.


Back then, Domamu respected the Supreme Mage, besides the reputation of the Supreme Mage, it was the time gem in the hands of the Supreme Mage.

It must be the damned ancient one, using time to go back to the state before he didn't borrow money, damned ancient one, he deceived the entire endless dimension.

Dormam was furious.

But, it seems that there is no other good way except to be angry.

Without him.

He couldn't beat Gu Yi, otherwise, when Gu Yi said "I borrowed it because of my ability, why should I pay it back", he would have directly swallowed Gu Yi instead of trying to find the support of Endless Dimension.

Especially now that his dark dimension has been cast out by Karma Taj.


I won't leave this matter alone.

Dormammu roared up to the sky, and the anger in it was like an active volcano, booming, bursting and bursting continuously, once again, making the creatures in the entire dark dimension tremble.

at this time.

One sacrificed his own world to Domamu, and the dark demon who was assimilated by Domamu looked at Domamu cautiously with three parts of trepidation and three parts of fear, and said, "Dear Master, we, There are still people on that damned Ancient One's territory."

Dormammu shut up and looked at the speaking dark demon.

The Dark Demon swallowed his saliva: "I'll take you..."

That's not the end of the story.

One bite!
Dormammu devoured the dark demon completely in one gulp. Immediately afterwards, the dark demon still had memories and pictures of them in his mouth, which was instantly captured by Dormammu.

Kama Taj.

Detached cottage.

One, who was trying to fight against the inner demon, but Casillas, who was at a disadvantage, was seen by Dormammu in an instant.

Dormammu was taken aback for a moment.

next second!
Jie Jie laughed strangely.


Domamu smiled strangely: "Gu Yi, I said, you will definitely regret it!"

You have expelled my dark dimension.


If it is your person, open my channel. ,

Dormammu laughed wildly, and then, from the passage connecting Casillas, he sent a thought directly.

The Ancient One indeed expelled the power of the dark dimension.


Casillas, who was invaded by the demons, was invaded before that. Since then, the Dark Dimension and Kama Taj were still in the same attitude, so the Dark Dimension has not detonated this The inner demons, let Kama Taj handle it by themselves.

at the moment?

All of them broke off diplomatic relations. From a certain point of view, this is the beginning of the war.

Since you want to be rude to me, don't blame me.

Dormammu completely turned his anger into fuel and provided it to the weak, pitiful and helpless heart demon who had already been abandoned, let him, step up his efforts, and make sure to let Casilla, the object of his bewitchment, tonight Si completely changed his beliefs to believe in his dark dimension.

night time.

Locke and Gwen returned to the room, got ready, washed and went to bed.

Gwen looked at Locke, who had to take a bath every night before falling asleep, and asked curiously, "Why, do you like to take a bath at night?"

Locke wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom. Hearing this question, he was a little taken aback: "Is there... any problem?"

Gwen shrugged and said, "Everyone takes a shower in the morning."

Her father, George, also takes a shower in the morning.

So did Mom Helen.


Most of the people Gwen knew took their baths in the morning, and even Gwen herself basically did the same thing before she met Locke.

However, after getting to know Locke, Gwen slowly changed. Now, she and Locke take baths twice.

Once before bed.

Once after sleeping.

Locke listened to Gwen's question and said, "Don't you think it's weird, don't take a bath at night, just go to sleep?"

Gwen blinked: "Is there?"

Locke said, "Isn't it?"

Anyway, he has been doing this since he can remember. Basically, as long as he doesn't take a bath for a day, Locke feels that he is not good. Even now, he still maintains this habit.

In Locke's view, this is a good habit.

Locke smiled, and directly pulled Gwen up: "Honey, I've finished washing, it's your turn."

Gwen, who was about to say something, gave Locke a blank stare when he heard this.

two hours later.

Gwen turned over and returned to her seat. Looking at Locke who got up and cleaned the battlefield, he leaned on the pillow, and then continued to talk about business: "Shall we go tomorrow?"


"Just over dinner, when we had a video call with Carrie."

" said to go to the "afterlife"?"


When we were having dinner at night, because we had climbed a mountain higher than Mount Everest, all of a sudden, the mood of the few people who wanted to climb the mountain became dull. In addition, there is even more magical magic here. Therefore, several people decided to put the final itinerary here, and just in time, Carrie called.


They also shared their real-time locations, and found that the current locations of several people and Carrie are quite close, and even, from a certain point of view, they are all in the Eastern Kingdom.

Then, several people excitedly expressed that they would meet tomorrow, and if possible, it would be a good time to go back together.

As for how to face the base?

There is Gordon on Carrie's side, and Kama Taj's portal magic on Locke's side. Mianji is not a difficult task, and several people are also curious about the "afterlife".

Locke returned to the bed and shrugged: "Yes."

He doesn't care if he goes or not.

Gwen looked at Locke: "Aren't you worried?"

Locke smiled and said, "What are you worried about?"

Gwen said: "We went to Dongguo for the first time, but something like that happened there, so you are not afraid. Go again, come again?"

Locke smiled and said, "Honey, we were fine in Seoul, and, aren't we fine here?"

Gwen nodded.

It seems so.

Locke then smiled and said, "Honey, don't you always think that Ms. Hill is speculating for no reason? Why, you don't believe Ms. Hill's slander against me, do you?"

Gwen smiled slightly: "Of course not, I just..."

The words did not fall.

Gwen froze suddenly.

So is Locke.

open the door.

into the eye.

During the day, I saw, not far away, in the room of the single building, suddenly, the dark atmosphere surged, and then, with a bang, the door broke open, and a phantom, with a whooping sound, rushed directly to the cliff On the edge, and then, jumped down.

next second.

The real Kama Taj recovered directly. The moment he felt the dark breath surge, the mages of Kama Taj rushed to the edge of the cliff just now, and all kinds of spark magic shields were scattered under the night sky. Very eye-catching.

Cindy and Kahn, who lived nearby, also hurried out in their pajamas.

Zhao Helen also came out.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Gwen, what's wrong?"

Gwen looked at Cindy and Helen Zhao who came over, and shook her head: "I don't know, we just walked out."

After saying this.

Gwen couldn't help but look at Locke.

after all……

Just now, they seemed to be talking about the fact that some people may have a catastrophic walking physique. They just said that this kind of statement is groundless speculation and accusation.

at the moment?

What is this?
Slap in the face?
Locke looked at Gwen's gaze, and couldn't help but jump between his eyebrows. Then, he looked at the edge of the cliff full of Kama Taj mages, and felt in his heart that he couldn't explain clearly. a feeling of.


To sum it up, it is one sentence.



F! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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