Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 579 Becoming a Fatty Big Beauty (Part 1!)

Chapter 579 Becoming a Fatty's Big Beauty (First Update!)


Zheng Xian's expression became one-third surprised, three-point unbelievable, three-point you're kidding me, and three-point indescribable. Looking directly at the female detective, he whispered: "Are you sure?"

"Well, I've confirmed the code."


Zheng Xian said immediately, got up, and then, thinking of something, he said to Locke next to him: "Lock, I'm sorry, something urgent happened in the bureau, I need to go back and deal with it."

Locke said: "You are busy first, don't worry about us."

He knew what the female detective had just said to Zheng Xian.

Without him.

Li back!

A person who has been confirmed dead, and what's more, the body has been compared with the DNA data, and a person who is truly dead has come back again. There is no doubt that this is big news.

It's normal for Zheng Xian to be surprised.

"Ms. Jiaying."

Zheng Xian then said something to Jiaying who was next to her, and said, "Maybe, you can go back with me."

Jiaying also looked at Zheng Xian in disbelief.

Li Shiqian was a stranger, but Jiaying couldn't understand what kind of super power she awakened.


go back?

Jiaying looked at Skye. Although the test report hadn't come out yet, Jiaying was already convinced that Skye was her daughter. She finally reunited with her daughter and was about to leave?


But, the one on the other side is also my daughter.

This made Jiaying a little embarrassed. .

Seeing this, Gwen looked directly at Jiaying and said, "Ms. Jiaying, after you are done with your work, you can come to the hotel to find us. Director Zheng Xian knows our hotel location. Don't worry, Skye will always be with us."

Jiaying was silent for a moment, then nodded.

It had no choice but to be like this.


Reluctantly, Zheng Xian looked back at Skye's Jia Ying three times a step at a time, left the private restaurant, got into the car, and drove all the way to the Jialin City Police Station.

After half an hour.

Zheng Xian and Jiaying got out of the car.

"What about people?"

"Arranged in a small room."

The female detective said so, and then, looking at the excited Zheng Xian and Jiaying, she thought about it and said: "Well, boss, Ms. Jiaying, there is something that you may need to prepare in advance .”

Zheng Xian and Jiaying immediately looked at the female detective.

The female detective said: "Although we have verified Comrade Li Shiqian's identity through the verification process and confirmed that it is correct, her appearance is somewhat different now."

Zheng Xian smiled: "The appearance is changing, as long as she is our colleague, she is our colleague, what difference can there be?"

The female detective opened her mouth, thought for a while, but finally said nothing.

after awhile.

The door of the small room was pushed open.

Zheng Xian and Jiaying walked into the room, and then, looking at a little fat man who was sitting in the room, who was somewhat cramped, blinked, and then looked at the female detective who was following behind.

What about people?

What about Li Shiqian?

It doesn't mean that the person is already in the small room, who is this little fat man?

The female detective opened her mouth.

Just when I was about to speak.

The little fat man sitting in the room got up excitedly after seeing Jiaying, and was about to walk this way.



Jiaying was dumbfounded, she froze on the spot, with a look of astonishment on her face, watching the little fat man who flew in front of her, and then hugged her tightly, her whole body was not well.

Zheng Xian next to him also felt messy in the wind.



Zheng Xian looked at the female detective with a serious face and nodding seriously, and instantly, the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably.

how did you do that?
next second.

A most likely answer appeared in Zheng Xian's mind.

Resurrect the dead? ? ?


Jiaying also came to her senses at this moment, lowered her head, looked at the little fat man who was holding her, a little unbelievable, but still said: "Are you my Shiqian?"

The little fat man in his arms...


It was Li Shiqian who looked up, her face was ugly but she nodded with a smile: "Yes, it's me, Shiqian, I'm back."

Jiaying instantly looked at Zheng Xian.

Zheng Xian also looked at Jiaying.

Four eyes facing each other.

look at each other.

quite a while!

The four sat down.

Zheng Xian rubbed his eyebrows, feeling that his brain was not enough.

after all……

This unscientific!

"How do you..."

"There are no other bodies in Hades for the time being."


Li Shiqian, who is a fat man in the eyes of outsiders, is also quite helpless about this, but she is lucky to be able to return to the world of living people. Moreover, after [-] reincarnations of death, Li Shiqian has actually become enlightened.

What the body is like is a foreign object.

Only the soul is real.

However, looking at Zheng Xian and Jiaying's puzzled eyes, she still explained what happened to her.

grim Reaper.


The underworld that has just taken over the life and death of the earth from the hands of hell.

Li Shiqian said like this: "It is because of this, because when Hell was taken over, Hell was not very cooperative. As a result, although Hell was taken over, there was a shortage of manpower. Most of the bodies used in hell to walk in the world were destroyed, and I was in a hurry to come up to see you, so I can only use this temporarily. When the underworld is operating normally, the master promised me that he would give me a new one that fits. The body of my sex."

If there were no such words, frankly speaking, Li Shiqian still felt that she would still be staying in Hades for a while.

These words were explained, but for Zheng Xian and Jiaying, there was no explanation, not only no explanation, but even more doubts.

"The devil escaped?"


Li Shiqian nodded and said: "However, most of the demons escaped in the western countries. There are some in the eastern country, but very few. I came here this time for this matter."

Zheng Xian made a gesture of waiting, got up, took the phone from the female detective, and made a call directly.

Washington, decorated by San Fei.

Maria Hill looked at the incoming call on her mobile phone and raised her eyebrows.

"Good evening, Chief Zheng."

"Good morning, Chief Hill."

Hill smiled, seeming to have thought of the purpose of the call: "Did your three views of materialism collapse after seeing Locke?"

"Actually, no!"


"The great materialist is fearless."


Zheng Xian reiterated his position on the Three Views, and then went straight to the point: "I got a piece of news here, Hell, changed people, what kind of underworld has it become?"

Hill was slightly taken aback, and then smiled: "Your news is really well-informed, and I plan to tell you when you come to my place as a guest at the end of the year, during the information communication meeting."

Zheng Xian laughed: "Besides, I also know that some demons have escaped to the human world?"


Hill also smiled, stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, and stared at the Washington Monument not far away: "Don't tell me, your informant's name is Locke."

"Do not."

Zheng Xian shook his head: "She is not an informant, but a colleague of mine named Li Shiqian, a colleague who just came back from Hades."

Hill raised his eyebrows.

next second.

"The information I know here will be sent to you after sorting it out."

"me too!"

Zheng Xian said something, then hung up the phone, returned to his seat, and in his line of sight, Li Shiqian, a chubby man, made a gesture: "What happened to the bus bombing? "

Li Shiqian was slightly taken aback, and then said: "It's Tao Yinghong, she and the bus driver are husband and wife, and they want to avenge their dead daughter."

"Not a terrorist attack?"


Zheng Xian looked at the female detective, who nodded, remembered the two names Li Shiqian said just now, got up, and then left the small room.

Zheng Xian immediately looked at Li Shiqian: "You just said that you came back this time just for those few demons who fled in the Eastern Kingdom?"


Li Shiqian said: "Because Hades just took over Hell, there are not enough manpower for the time being. Therefore, Hades hopes that my side will be the bridge of communication. Hades, who know my identity, hope that they can use our bureau to help. Hades, during this time, come to catch those demons who have escaped, and prevent those demons from continuing to wreak havoc in the world."

That's one of the main reasons why she came up in a hurry.

She is a kind person, and she joined the Spear Bureau because of a sense of justice. Knowing that there are demons raging in the well-ordered Eastern Kingdom, how could she remain indifferent.

Zheng Xian looked at Li Shiqian who brought the bombing case lightly, and was a little curious: "Shiqian, don't you hate the main culprit of the explosion?"

Li Shiqian shook her head: "They are also poor people."

Zheng Xian raised his eyebrows.

Li Shiqian said immediately: "Besides, they have already received a more severe punishment."


"They were thrown into Hell."

"Eighteen levels of hell?"


Li Shiqian nodded: "But I don't know the specifics. When I came out of my death cycle, I specially looked at the room of these two people, asked the demons in custody, and learned from their mouths. , Master, has sent them to Hell, although the demon did not say what will happen, but from the expression of the demon, I can tell that it is not a good place."

"Is that the master you just mentioned?"

"No, it is the master of the master!"


When Li Shiqian explained this question, she was also a little confused: "When I was in the reincarnation of my death, the master I met was the master of everything. He was the one who gave me this chance. Then, the one I met after I came out The female master is the master of the underworld."

Zheng Xian and Jia Ying: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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