Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 54 From the start of the natural disaster to the king bomb (the first update, please recomme

Chapter 54 From the start of the natural disaster to the king bomb (the first update, please recommend!)

"What are you looking at?"


In the cafeteria, Locke looked up at Gwen, who was sitting across from him with a plate, and blinked.

He was different from Gwen's last class in the morning, so Locke came to the cafeteria first.

Gwen gestured to Locke's mobile phone with his eyes, and asked curiously: "What are you looking at, so engrossed?"

Locke smiled and turned the phone upside down.

"Are there any eagles in Brooklyn Park, New York, and can they be adopted?"

Gwen looked at the content on Locke's phone, and looked at Locke: "Is this a trap question? It's the same as your license plate LKNB. Is it a homonym?"

Locke raised his eyebrows and looked at Gwen: "Guess it?"

Gwen said: "In our class, there are foreign students from Dongguo."

Coincidentally, she is also a woman.

Gwen has always been willing to help others. Although she cannot help everyone, but female students, she still tries her best to help transfer students, international students or exchange students adapt to life in Midtown College.

That day Gwen thought of Locke's license plate. She checked it for a long time, but she couldn't find out why, so she simply threw it out as a topic.


It was decrypted by a female student studying abroad in Dongguo.

L (Luo) K (gram) N (bull) B (break)!
Female international students are embarrassed to say another meaning of that B, and can only express it with homonyms. Maybe, it may have such a meaning.

Gwen shook her head and looked at Locke: "I can't tell, you are actually quite narcissistic."

Locke laughed loudly: "I'm not narcissistic, I'm confident!"



Starting with an orphan, and it is still in Texas, the famous Lone Star State, where all kinds of ogres and various demons are said to be haunted, it can be said that the start of the natural disaster.

As a teenager, I dealt with witches, demons, and ogres.

The results of it?
Locke has been mixed up step by step until now. It can't be said to be too good, but the cliff can be regarded as the king.

From natural disasters to king bombs.

Locke was only 16 years old, and it was all due to his 90.00% [-]% hard work and perseverance, plus the [-]% system assistance.

If this is not self-confidence, then what can be called self-confidence.

Gwen opened her mouth and looked at Locke, who was flying with sword eyebrows, and didn't know what to say for a while.

at this time.


"Mrs. Cord."

Gwen looked at the psychological counselor, Mrs. Cod, who came over, and asked curiously, "Is there anything, Mrs. Cod."

Mrs. Codd is fat and a little rich, but she gives people a gentle feeling: "Have you seen classmate Megan Vasi?"

Gwen shook her head: "No, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Codd said: "She made an appointment for consultation in the morning, but she didn't come. Did she ask for leave with other teachers?"

Gwen thought about it and shook her head.

Mrs. Corder nodded: "Okay, I see."


Mrs. Cod turned around and walked out of the cafeteria. If there was no accident, she should contact her to see if she could get in touch with Megan. If she couldn't, she would call the police.

Locke sat on the chair, thinking so in his heart, with a calm expression.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

He is not afraid of SHIELD, but SHIELD will not provoke him, and he will not get involved in these messy things.

After sitting down, Gwen looked at Locke, thinking about Mrs. Cod's words, "Locke, you are in biology class in the morning, and I remember Megan as well. Have you seen Megan?"

Locke shook his head.

Gwen frowned: "That's weird. Liz clearly said that Megan left the house before her."

Locke shrugged.

Gwen rolled her eyes: "No, I'm going to ask after dinner."

Locke smiled. Gwen always treats every classmate with such enthusiasm. No wonder, Frassey bullied a little man that day, and after Gwen came forward, he immediately persuaded him.

Of course.

Maybe it has something to do with Frassey, who glanced at Gwen wearing a vest and was looking to see if his hobby could be transferred to basketball, with Rock showing his eight-pack abs.

However, this matter is beyond the scope of enthusiasm.


Megan will disappear from the world from now on, and the New York Police Department is afraid that there will be another unsolved disappearance case.

Locke ate the smoked hot dog in his hand, thinking so, and looked at the entrance of the cafeteria.

next second.


Megan Vassi, who was wearing a green coat and had curly hair, appeared at the entrance of the cafeteria.

what's going on?
Didn't the one who kidnapped Megan Varsi belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.?
How could a defected agent from SHIELD escape unharmed after being pulled back?

……and many more.

So does Victoria.

Was it the Brotherhood again?
Probably not.

Or is it just an ordinary kidnapping case?
There is no reason.

What kind of weird kidnapper is this?
Locke's thoughts turned sharply. Anyway, it is unlikely that Megan Vassi ran out after the counter-kill. The reason is very simple. When Megan Vassi was kidnapped, he was wearing this dress. If we say, Megan Vassi It is impossible for Xi to escape from killing someone so clean, and there is no blood left behind after killing someone.

So Megan Vassi should be out of control by herself or with the help of others.

Gwen looked at Locke's gaze, and also turned around: "Megan?"

"Hi Gwen."

Gwen looked at Megan who came here with a dinner plate, and asked with a frown, "Where did you go this morning? Mrs. Codd just came to you and said that you didn't go at the appointment time."

Megan glanced at Locke who was sitting opposite, and then smiled unnaturally: "There is something in the morning. I just met Mrs. Codd and explained it to her."

Her Veritaserum hadn't expired yet, but it was under control.

Gwen nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Remember to talk to the teacher next time, or tell me, otherwise, it will be recorded. If there are too many times, you may not be able to go to school."

Megan nodded: "I will."

Locke, who was sitting opposite, seemed to have discovered something very interesting.

The smell of veritaserum.

On Megan's body, Locke's sensitive six senses immediately smelled the smell of Veritaserum.

As a qualified killer, he is proficient in various medicines and their smells. Although it is not a compulsory course, it is also an optional course. Locke just happened to know all kinds of common and rare medicine smells from the sommelier at the Continental Hotel .

After all, in case he is drugged, he can take precautions in advance.

Locke attaches great importance to his own life, which is why he has accumulated 5 achievement points in those years, so he hurriedly bought the talent tenacity.

and so……

Megan, what did you do in the morning?
and also.

Locke always felt that there was something wrong with the way Megan looked at him just now.

Seems to be watching him.

Haven't observed enough in this month?


(End of this chapter)

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