Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 533 Locke: I've Prepared Long Ago

Chapter 533 Locke: I've Prepared Long Ago

It seems that you can make a fortune in blood again!
Locke was thinking in his heart as he was driving to New Amsterdam Hospital, on his way to find Gwen.

Originally, he had already accepted the mission and planned to fight against the Witch Heart Demon four times.

at the moment?

This matter is not urgent, it seems that we can slow down and pursue greater profits. .

Just like before, the creature of the underworld dimension that is allied with Agatha has no way to obtain this authority fragment by himself, and he wants it very much.

and so……

They found Locke.

Then the problem is coming.

What kind of price will the other party give?

Locke murmured in his heart, he was quite curious about what the price tag was.

Forget it.

It is useless to think about it.

Anyway, I'm not the one who is anxious.

The corner of Locke's mouth raised slightly. If he didn't know, Locke would have gone to fight, but now that he knows, then, wait a minute and see what price he is talking about for expulsion.

In New Amsterdam Hospital.

Gwen was sitting in a chair, chatting with Kem, who was leaning on the bed, with a cast, a board, and even a hang.

Kem was terrified for a while: "Good guy, fortunately, fortunately, my foot was injured, otherwise, I would be dead."

Gwen's eyebrows jumped: "Kem, language, pay attention to language, you are a little girl, not an old man."

Kem waved his hand: "I'm almost at the end, Gwen, I think, I can say that."

Locke opened the door and walked in, sighing: "So, why did you sprain your ankle? It's a pity, I plan to bring a bunch of flowers to see you."

Kem gave Locke a big roll of his eyes, and then showed a big smile: "That disappoints you, rich man!"


I am indeed disappointed.


Next year, damn it, you can't run away anymore.

Locke made up his mind, if Gwen wants to accompany him next year, he should accompany him. Anyway, he didn't intend to kill Kem, so he communicated with Gwen in advance, and then he will bring Cindy. As long as you don't go too far, you should be able to get Gwen to acquiesce.


I've been driving you crazy for a year.

Locke looked at Kem with a perfect smile on his face: "Then go again next year, Paris, it suits you quite well."

Kem looked directly at Gwen: "Gwen~~"

Gwen shook her head helplessly, and looked at Locke and Kem with a serious expression: "Both of you, pay attention, this is a disaster, a disaster, and you can't make fun of it."

Locke raised his hand: "She started first."

Kem rolled his eyes: "You said it first."


Kem looked at Gwen's serious face, and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Gwen, tell me, isn't this amazing."

Gwen looked to Kem.


"It's from Scardale High School, what's that called, Alex!"

Kem thought of the high school student's name, blinked, and said to Gwen: "He said in the cabin that he saw the plane explode. If it wasn't for him, I just sprained my ankle. I guess, It's impossible to come down."


Kem was talking to himself, and suddenly, his eyes lit up: "But, something is wrong."


"Those two people are also on the plane."


"Just those two survivors of the Golden Gate Bridge disaster, just those two people, they were also on the plane, I remember, it seems that one of them, named Sam Roden, didn't he also say that during the Golden Gate Bridge disaster Did he see it before it happened, why, he saw it last time, but this time, he didn't see it."


Gwen was taken aback for a moment when he heard what Kem said, and then frowned slightly: "It seems to be the same, I remember, before the disaster of the Golden Gate Bridge, Sam Roden seemed to have foreseen it."

Kem suddenly trembled: "Wait a minute, Gwen."

Gwen looked at Kem, who suddenly had a look of panic in his eyes, and was slightly taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Kem's expression became a little ugly. Looking at Gwen, he swallowed his saliva: "If this time is counted, is it true that the survivors of the Golden Gate Bridge disaster all died?"

Gwen: "..."

At that time, after the Golden Gate Bridge disaster, seven or eight people left the disaster scene before the disaster happened because of Sam Roden's foresight ability.

But in the following days, these seven or eight survivors, one after another, all died unexpectedly, and it was the kind of accident that could not be more coincidental.

The only remaining two survivors, Sam Roden and his girlfriend, even died on board flight [-] yesterday with the explosion of flight [-].

Counting, the survivors after the Golden Gate Bridge disaster, as of yesterday, the entire army was wiped out.


Kem's eyes were wide open, and if it weren't for one foot being hung, he would probably be able to jump out of bed: "Damn it, Gwen, what should I do, I should have been on that damn plane too, Shet .”

Gwen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the excited Kem: "No way, those were accidents, I have read the case report."


Locke, who rarely saw the fear on Kem's face, lit up, hummed, and pointed to the hospital bed under Kem: "Maybe, you should get excited and see if you can fix a screw that is not very strong. You were thrown out, and then the hospital bed collapsed, and you fell to the floor with a bang, and then, the hospital bed was thrown on your head like a baseball bat, like a watermelon..."



Before Locke finished speaking, Gwen couldn't help interrupting Locke, and glanced at Locke complainingly: "Stop scaring Kem, Kem can't help being scared."

Yeah, I didn't see it.

Locke looked at Kem, who was holding Gwen's right hand tightly with a terrified expression, and thought in his heart, if Kem was a man, the way of shaking hands alone would be enough for Locke to sentence him to a ten-year soul sentence .


Kem seemed to be really frightened, especially when he thought of the extremely coincidental death methods of the survivors of the Golden Gate Bridge that he saw one after another. Looking around the ward, no matter how he looked, he felt that anything Everything can be fatal: "Gwen, what should I do, woohoo, if I had known, I wouldn't have gotten on that plane, damn it, it's all because of that gym, I knew it, that gym was weird."

"Gym, what happened to the gym?"

"My dad said that last night, the gym was empty, and I asked the landlord about the rental certificates, all of which were fake."


Locke raised his eyebrows!

I guessed it.


I've cleaned up the tail.

Locke listened to Kem's words, and thought in his heart, it's the same sentence, Locke, but he is a person who always prepares several backup plans for himself when doing things.


"Yes, it is probably to lure me into the bait and let me win a ticket to Paris."


Gwen blinked, glanced at Locke next to him with his hands in his pockets, and then looked at Kem with some doubts: "No way, are you thinking too much, have you offended someone?"

It should be, no one would spend so much effort just to let Kem go to Paris for no reason.

Isn't it boring?

at this time.

"Kam was right."

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Ms. Maria Hill walked in from the outside. Just in time, she heard the conversation between Kem and Gwen just now, and said directly: "But who has Kem offended, this is a direction we want to investigate."

Gwen looked up: "Ms. Hill?"

Locke also looked at Hill who walked in, and smiled slightly as a greeting.

Kem stared blankly, and then murmured, "It's really aimed at me, but I haven't offended anyone."


When Kem looked at Hill, his eyes swished, and he paused for a moment on Locke. If he was offended, Locke should be counted, but this guy should not be so mad.

Kem thought so.

Gwen listened to this sentence, and looked at Hill with something wrong: "Ms. Hill, you mean, the plane exploded this time because someone wanted Kem's life to do it? "

God, that's too insane.

I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

Locke couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart. He never wanted to kill Kem from the beginning. After all, Gwen once said very clearly that when they got married, the bridesmaid that Gwen ordered was Ken Tom.

It's not auspicious to kill a bridesmaid before you get married, more or less.


The response speed of S.H.I.E.L.D. is fast enough.

Locke thought so, especially after seeing Hill took out a photo of a person.

Hill handed the photo in his hand to Kem: "Do you know this person?"

Kem took the photo, looked at it, and shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it, who is this?"

Hill said: "Thomas Allen, a criminal broker, is active in the criminal world on the east coast. He can be regarded as a middleman. The owner of the gym you know was hired by Thomas Allen for [-] dollars. of."

Gwen's eyes lit up: "You found him, what did he say?"



"He's missing."

Hill took back the photo: "Not only the owner of the gym, but even this Thomas Allen, the last time he appeared was around three o'clock last night, after someone saw him coming out of the bar and turning right into the alley, It didn't come out either."

Gwen was taken aback for a moment: "Have you been silenced?"

Am I that scary?

I just changed places for them.

Listening to Gwen's words, Locke felt an urge to twitch at the corner of his mouth.


Locke made a sound and looked at Hill: "Has the cause of the plane crash been investigated?"

A plane crash is an accidental crash.

It's not artificial.

Since it's not man-made, then it's useful for you to investigate this Thomas Allen, so hurry back to the main thread, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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