Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 528 The Destined Flight 180 (Part 3, Please Book Now!!!)

Chapter 528 The Destined Flight [-]


Locke listened to George's words, and looked at George with a smile: "Don't you wonder why this guy is so good, why did he say this all of a sudden?"

George smiled directly: "You took over-the-counter drugs. You didn't see it. That guy sweated all over his forehead. Maybe he's addicted."

Federal over-the-counter controlled drugs are a disaster.

Especially in colleges and universities, the most important thing is that in happy colleges and universities, it is already considered a hard-hit area. Like some colleges and universities, there are even special distribution leaders to sell non-prescription controlled drugs.

There are also Midtown colleges.


After becoming the student council president, the third thing Locke did was to take this over-the-counter controlled drug. After all, not to mention that his soul hated this thing, just say that if it explodes in the future, it will be regarded as a stain. .

So, in George's view, that guy must have become addicted, and hallucinations appeared, so he shouted that the plane was about to explode, and then he got down and took a sip.

After all, not all teenagers are as elegant and easy-going as Locke and Gwen. Most teenagers of this age, in short, don't have any B numbers at all. . .

It is not surprising that such a person makes such a crazy move.

Locke looked at George: "A month ago, it seems that in the case of the Golden Gate Bridge, there were also two people who said that they foresaw the tragedy of the Jinmen Bridge."

George was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Locke.

Locke smiled.

When Gwen heard this, she couldn't help but brighten up: "Lock, what do you mean..."


Gwen looked at George: "Dad, if this is the case, then, the plane can't take off."

George came back to his senses, glanced at Locke, and then shook his head to look at Gwen: "People from the Aviation Administration are already doing explosives inspections. If they find anything, they won't let the plane take off."

After all, if no one takes the blame, then once the plane explodes, it will bear the brunt of the blame, and the current aviation authority will be the one responsible.


Locke recalled the plot of "The First Part of Reaper", it seems, it seems that the plane crash was not because of any explosives, but because of the aging of the aircraft parts.

Yes, Aviation Authority, can you detect aging parts?
Obviously, it can't.

at this time.

George's phone rang.

after awhile.

George put down the phone and looked at Locke and Gwen: "Everything is normal, the plane will fly as usual."

Locke was not surprised by this.

Gwen stared wide: "What?"

George thought of a more scientific guess: "Maybe, it was this guy just now who saw those two survivors and thought of playing this game because he got high. Those two survivors are also here. On the flight, isn't it?"

This is the most scientific speculation in the scientific world.

Because the guy who sucked high saw the two survivors of the Golden Gate Bridge tragedy, so he also made such a show, trying to attract everyone's attention.


People are on the bus of the Golden Gate Bridge, not on the plane. They say that the bridge will explode on the bus, and they say that the plane will explode on the plane, but they are two completely different concepts.

No, this guy only thought of playing such a game, but he didn't expect that he would take it off.


"Dong dong!"

Just when Gwen was about to continue to say something, the door of the infirmary was pushed open, and the ambulance was ready.

Two paramedics came in pushing wheelchairs.

Following in, there was also a police officer from the airport.

He came for George.


The airport police officer saluted George and said, "Three agents from the Homeland Security Bureau are looking for you."

Not finished.

Maria Hill plus Agent Natasha Romanoff and Barbara Moore have appeared.

"Officer Stacey."

"Director Hill."

After going out, Maria Hill looked at George: "NYPD, is there no way to stop Flight [-]?"

George shook his head: "The aircraft belongs to the Aviation Administration, and the Aviation Administration has just stated that no suspicious items have been found."

Hill whispered: "But, you should know, this is not science."

George nodded: "I know, but we're talking about scientific evidence."

Hill: "..."

In a word.

It is very easy to intercept the plane. George can make a phone call now, and he can stop the takeoff of Flight [-], which has been cleared and is heading to the runway after the inspection of the Aviation Administration has not found any suspicious items.

But what about the evidence?
The plane did not detect any suspicious explosives, so it means that there is no possibility of the plane being artificially exploded. Under such circumstances, if George intercepts it on his behalf, all the blame will be George alone. back.


George looked at Hill: "The Department of Homeland Security didn't agree either."

Hill was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, there is no evidence."

As long as it is a law enforcement agency, it pays attention to a justifiable name, and this justifiable name refers to evidence, evidence that conforms to scientific settings.

After all, the demon thing is a metaphysics.

Even Hill can't guarantee that this plane will definitely explode if it takes off.

Since there is no guarantee, even Hill is not [-]% sure, dare to say a word, stop that plane, and I will be responsible if something goes wrong.

After all, right now, the explosion is just a Schrödinger state.

George looked at the message just sent on his phone, raised his eyebrows, and then handed it to Hill: "Look."

Hill took it.

George said: "Just now the airport police have done a quick test, confirmed it, and the reaction is positive!"

Alex Browning tested positive for an over-the-counter controlled drug, which means he has taken an over-the-counter controlled drug, although there is no way to prove that he did when he said that.


The words of an addict are just like the words of a poisonous dog that no one believes. Any words of an addict are insignificant.

And the release of the test report was the last straw. No one would stop a plane just because of a word from an addict.

George picked up the phone again and looked at Hill: "Maybe, you can ask your people to wait in Paris and intercept the two people you want."

Hill turned his head and stared at Flight [-] not far away, which was slowly pushing towards the runway, with a somewhat inexplicable expression.

Kem in the wheelchair sighed at this moment.

Gwen looked to Kem.

"what happened?"

"Let me stay here for a while."

Kem said to the medical staff: "After all, I should go to Paris, not to the hospital."

Looking at the flight [-] being pushed away gradually, Kem felt a little melancholy. At this time, she should have been sitting in the first-class cabin, drinking red wine, eating first-class gourmet food, and enjoying the comfort of the massage chair , and looking forward to the happy and beautiful holiday life after I went to Paris.

And now?

She was about to go to the hospital, had a plaster cast, her thigh was hung, and she was eating a nutritious meal that was difficult to swallow. Most importantly, when she thought of her old father's nagging, she felt a headache.

"I should have gone to Paris, not the hospital."

Kem muttered to himself, looking at Gwen: "Gwen, tell me, if I ask to go to Paris for medical treatment, will the plane come back?"

Going to catch the death flight?

Locke glanced at Kem, not knowing what to say.

Gwen looked at Kem, whose face was full of reluctance for the trip to Paris, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's better not to go, next year, we can go together, that would be even more surprising, wouldn't it? "

I don't think so.

Locke was listening to Gwen's words. These words were comforting to Kem, but definitely not comforting to Locke.

after all……

Locke spent a lot of money this time to get Kem, and he has already put the Walkman on his body, and he is waiting for Kem to fly together and play the good day.


damn it.

Where did this god of death come from again?
Locke was speechless for a while.

not far away.

A woman came over.

Instructor at Scardale High School.

Because of these people being stopped, and Alex's outrageous words, the instructor couldn't board the plane, and the captain forbade them to re-enter the plane.


The woman still came over, looked at Kem who also got off the plane because of her student, expressed her apology, and at the same time, hoped that Kem would not sue Alex.

After all, Alex's troubles now are not small.

Although it was finally checked that there were no suspicious explosives on the plane, but this is New York City, and it has not been a few years since the September [-] incident. Alex made such a move, the FBI is Will not let him go.

That's why Ms. Hill became an agent of the Department of Homeland Security just now, because the real FBI agent has arrived and is about to take Alex away.

Kem listened to the instructor's words, opened his mouth, and didn't say it was the final decision because Alex was a child, but said that she lost a lot of money this time.

The instructor looked at Kem's simply bandaged ankle, smiled apologetically, and said wittily that Scardale College would be responsible for the medical expenses.

For Kem's loss this time, the instructor also gave a good price.

at this time.

on the runway.

Flight [-] has entered the final stage of preparation.


Flight [-] entered the take-off procedure, and with a whoosh sound, it began to accelerate and run.

Looking at the window, Locke vaguely saw the figure of a demon!

next second!


Recommended ticket! !

monthly pass! !
I beg! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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