Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 50 Megan who doesn't understand the school rules (Part 1, please recommend!)

Chapter 50 Megan who doesn't understand the school rules (first update, please recommend!)

after all……

Not only the high school prom, but even the high school life has never belonged to all high school students. The bright and colorful high school life, which can be enjoyed and remembered in the future, will not be the ordinary students in high school. .

There are only a few influential figures in colleges and universities.

The rest are foils.

Like Locke and Gwen.

Since Locke's first day of enrollment, he has topped the list of men and gods in colleges and universities, and since then, he and Gwen have achieved the ultimate in coexistence of beauty and wisdom.

Next month, I will go to Maine to participate in the college chemistry competition on behalf of Midtown College.

Another example is Betty, the goddess of college broadcasting.

Another example is Frasey, the captain of the school basketball team, and Mary Jane, the captain of the high school cheerleading team.

These are the people who will receive attention in colleges and universities and can enjoy a good college life.

But midtown colleges needn't worry.

The Student Union of Midtown University already has a mature and complete plan for this.

Open the blind box.

After all, there are only a few male gods and goddesses, and ordinary students occupy the mainstream. Although for things like proms, the final winners will definitely be male gods and goddesses, but the prom belongs to everyone, so, for the sake of most people , the student union invented the blind box system.

If you don't want to bother to invite, such as a top student who doesn't know what's going on outside the window, or a classmate who really can't be invited but wants to go, such as a student who looks a little sorry, they can also choose to sign up.

The student union will count the number of people specially, and then use the computer to match them immediately.

You entered a match, but you feel bad and don't want it anymore?


But I'm sorry, in the following dances, even if you have a dance, the student union will refuse your participation. After all, you signed up and didn't abide by the rules of the game. This is the price of breaking the contract.

Anyway, the number of male and female students in the ninth grade is evenly divided.

no way.

In order to prevent some affirmative action organizations from punching them.

Gwen looked at Locke's side face seriously, and after a while, she pursed her lips: "Okay, Locke Broughton, I accept your invitation."

It's a date.

Undoubtedly the kind.

Locke glanced at Gwen from the corner of his eye, and said with a smile, "I'm glad you can accept it, Gwen Stacy."

This is a date, right?

Locke said that women will affect the speed of his order, but he does not exclude women.

"Speaking of..."

Gwen blushed slightly, and quickly changed the subject and focused her attention: "Actually, Megan came to school because of you."


"You transferred here first, and as a result, the male-female ratio in our grade was directly unbalanced. Then, Megan came here as an exchange student."


Locke feels that Gwen is deliberately changing the subject, but considering the various equal rights that the Federation has raised, it seems that Gwen is not lying.

Gwen turned sideways and thought of something: "Speaking of which, when we were accepting student registration yesterday, people from the student union also mentioned that you should be paired with Megan. I just stared at him for a long time."

Locke: "..."

What a joke, the whole school, no one knows, Locke and I are on the same team.

Although Megan is not very popular at school, and Gwen is also helping Megan, it doesn't mean that Gwen will sacrifice herself for another female classmate.

The corner of Locke's mouth twitched, thinking of the female killer who had been in school for a month, shook his head, and asked curiously, "Why, no one invited Megan?"

This female killer named Megan pretended to be a student. Although she was dressed stupidly when she first met, after that, apart from her lack of common sense, she still looked pretty good.

How could no boy have taken a fancy to her?

Gwen laughed directly.

In the laughter, there was helplessness.

after all……

She had never seen any student like Morgan who didn't seem to have any basic common sense that a student should have.

"You remember two days ago, we had chemistry preparatory class."


Locke nodded, seemed to think of something, and glanced at Gwen: "Does she really want to steal Cindy's boyfriend?"

Gwen sighed weakly.

Locke was also a little speechless.

Let's say that.

Because it is a preparatory course, not many people choose it, especially when it comes to subjects such as chemistry.

There are very few students who choose chemistry as their preparatory course, only about a dozen of them.

At the beginning, there was a seating chart. For example, who was at the same table with whom was assigned by the system, but after getting used to it, it was basically adjusted at will.

In some places, the federation is indeed relatively free. As long as you don't disturb the classroom, students can coordinate among themselves.

Under such circumstances, Cindy and Kahn saw each other and became tablemates.


The two of them did not confess their love. Boys and girls, even if they have a crush on each other, basically they would not confess their love so easily.

When meeting for the first time, the person who directly confesses his love is either a scumbag or an idiot.

Anyway, that's the case.

Then it was two days ago.

When Locke and Gwen went to class, it turned out that Megan also chose chemistry as her preparatory subject, and then snatched Cindy's seat and sat directly next to Kahn.

Kahn was bewildered.

But Megan said that there is nothing wrong with her sitting position, and that's how it was arranged by the system.

Cindy was in a bad mood at the time, and wished she could turn into a lioness and give a good lesson to Megan, who pried her corner in person and was still pretending to be confused over there.

If the teacher hadn't just come, and there was Gwen's guarantee, I'm afraid a murder would happen.

After class, Locke and Gwen and Megan and Cindy went directly to the teacher's office to check the seating chart on the system.


It was exactly as Megan said, in the seating chart of the system, Morgan and Kahn were indeed at the same table.

It is clear.

Megan probably sneaked into the office secretly, and then hacked into the background of the system, added himself to it, and changed the seat number along the way.

The teacher will definitely not arrange it this way.

Leaving aside the fact that Kahn and Cindy are also members of the chemistry competition team, and the teacher often teases about when to confess their love, just say that the students' seats have been accepted by default, how can it be possible to change rashly?
After all, this is the Federation.

At this age, giving yourself an unforgettable first love is not something that will be rejected or even forbidden.

Otherwise, George would not have taken Locke to target shooting, but should have turned Locke into a target.

So, this is another obvious farce caused by Xiaobai who just ran out of the closed training base where he was trained as a killer since he was a child because he didn't understand many unspoken rules of the campus.


(End of this chapter)

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