Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 485 How Banner Became the Hulk (Part 2, please order!!)

Chapter 485 How Banner Became the Hulk
Hill's purpose of watching Locke was not for other reasons, such as asking for Locke's opinion on whether to let Gwen in.

Just a vaccination.

Whether Gwen can enter or not can be discussed.

But Locke?
Don't even think about it!

After all, in Hill's eyes, there is no doubt that this is another catastrophic event caused by Locke. Like all other stories, this is another one. Although she thought so and said so, but Something with absolutely no evidence.

But the world is not all about science.

And magic!

Hill suddenly thought of something, and then seriously doubted that the reason for this is that there is some mysterious force that they don't understand that is protecting Locke. As long as there are enough disasters, then, it will always be faster than disasters. One step of Locke, will it be safe enough?

Although it sounds ridiculous.


Extraordinary things are the same as the bottom line of the Federation, there is no more nonsense, only the most nonsensical!
Hearing Hill's true thoughts, Locke shook his head: "I think it's because you think too much. At least, the matter of the black spider has nothing to do with me."

Hill's expression changed: "This, it may be an accident, a kind of accident!"

Locke: "..."

good guy. . .

Feelings, this is to determine that I have a disaster physique.

Ha ha.

Locke waved his hand, expressing that he didn't want to have a conversation with Hill, but pulled Gwen aside: "There may be danger inside."

Gwen, also wearing a bulletproof vest, looked up, looked at Locke, and said, "So, I have a proposal!"

Locke raised an eyebrow.




Locke smiled: "Truce, are we fighting any war?"

Gwen shrugged and said, "Then you confess to me."


"... then a truce."

"What do you mean?"

"It means, tonight, I won't look for evidence to prove who you are, and I don't worry about my safety at all, because I believe that the person I'm destined for will definitely be there when I'm in danger , appeared by my side at the first time, protecting me."


Gwen said so in a low voice, and then looked at Locke: "So, how about a truce?"

Locke laughed out loud.


"I do not know what you're talking about."


Gwen glanced at Locke, who was not saying anything after saying this sentence, but the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, as if he had heard some great love words, and Locke, whose tail was almost up to the sky, also smiled, and then kissed Locke's lips.

Locke licked his lips.

next second.

Locke glanced at the building over there from the corner of his eye, and then looked at Gwen, who was about to turn around and catch up with Maria Hill, who was ready to lead the team and charge in, and said with a smile: "You probably have no chance." gone."

Gwen blinked: "What?"

The words just fell!

Gwen turned around and looked at the building, but saw that at this moment, the lights of the building suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Not so long ago.

To be precise, at the entrance of the building, the moment when the last bomb that blocked the intersection was dismantled.


"Not yet, the equipment is not ready yet!"


Pulling the tablet with two paws, Dr. Lizard, who was anxiously waiting for Bruce Banner to adjust the gamma equipment, was watching the door on the tablet to monitor the S.H.I.E.L.D. Ask Bruce Banner to turn on the gamma device immediately.


How is this possible.

Although Bruce Banner has a high IQ and a low EQ, this does not prevent him from being indifferent after knowing what Dr. Lizard is going to do.

Then, this reflects the benefit of an EQ lower than IQ.

Because, if a scientist with good emotional intelligence, I am afraid, even if he knows that Dr. Lizard intends to destroy the world, for his own life, he will help him.

But, when IQ is higher than EQ...

No no no no!

Even if you lose your life because of it.

Specifically, you can refer to a certain Sheldon, who has been doing the right thing because of his super high IQ.


Bruce Banner is not the same as Sheldon, the latter has no emotional intelligence at all, Bruce Banner still has some, otherwise, he would not have made Betty Ross his girlfriend, so, Bruce Although Banner was unwilling to help Dr. Lizard, he took a softer approach.

Time-delaying tactics!
Bruce Banner pushed his glasses, and said to Dr. Lizard, who couldn't even speak, and roared directly: "The warm-up time hasn't come yet, turn it on now, and there will be..."

He tried to stall for time.


Bruce Banner thought about one less question. At this moment, it was not Dr. Connors standing in front of him, but Dr. Lizard. To be precise, after hearing Bruce Banner's answer, or I also saw the A.H.I.E.L.D. agents filing in, completely enraged to the point where they could only roar like an animal when it was angry.

Even, Dr. Lizard's eyes became more animalistic at this moment.

Brilliantly green.

Somebody got any affection.

Step forward.




Before Bruce Banner could finish his words, Dr. Lizard slapped him in an instant. Under this slap, his blood was soaring, he flew into the air, and with a bang, he was directly hit by this powerful slap. It stuck to the thick bulletproof glass of the laboratory.

next second.


Bruce Banner's right cheek became swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then, with a snap, fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

This slap, Bruce Banner, felt that his entire soul was shattered by Dr. Lizard.

This is the end of Xiucai's attempt to persuade a woman.

On the forehead of Dr. Bruce Banner, who was constantly moaning, cold sweat broke out instantly.

at this time.

Bruce Banner tried his best to concentrate his remaining consciousness, and then, he looked at the one that took his place, and then, without looking at him, he directly pressed Dr. Lizard, who was forced to activate the device, at this moment , and suddenly there was another kind of ghost: "No, wait a minute..."

Although he felt like he was going to die.


If Dr. Lizard presses this down, he will die immediately.

It's a pity that before the words fell, he completely lost his final sanity, and only Dr. Lizard, who had completed a task instinctively, had already directly pressed the forced activation device.


The unique radiance of gamma rays is produced directly.

next second.

The uniquely beautiful but deadly light of gamma rays began to tremble.


Dr. Lizard stared at the serum tank that had just started to concentrate, and then began to shake and emit gamma rays. He became angry for a while, and roared, as if trying to use his claws to refocus the emitted gamma rays. .


Bruce Banner couldn't control his slack soul at this moment, he stood up struggling, and without thinking about it, he directly pressed the emergency button.

At the same time as the ear-piercing alarm sounded, and the pens falling rapidly around the laboratory, it was only a matter of breathing, and all the power sources in the laboratory had been cut off.


Something weird happened.

The gamma rays did not completely stop working because the power was cut off. On the contrary, the unique bright light became more grand and beautiful.

The whole gamma equipment, like a trembling person, started to shake, and in an instant, it began to vibrate rapidly.

Bruce Banner looked shocked.

The power has been turned off.

Where did the energy source of this gamma ray come from?

This unscientific!

At this moment, Dr. Lizard has a frenzied expression on his face, he can't feel it, his claws that are being exposed to gamma rays are starting to mutate again.

Instead, he stared at the serum tank in front of him with a fiery expression. Under the violently shaking gamma rays, it boiled in one second, atomized in two seconds, and liquefied again into serum tanks of different colors in three seconds.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Outside the building, the people who originally planned to forcefully attack, at this moment, raised their heads and saw the grand and strange light that directly blasted through the roof and poured into the sky with a bang, and fell into various in shock.

"Get out!"


"Everyone, get out!"

Maria Hill was the first to react. After reacting, Maria Hill instantly ordered the decision to withdraw the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had just entered first.

after all.

It is not easy for S.H.I.E.L.D. to train an agent.

If it is Nick Fury, it is estimated that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is dead. At most, it is just a number, but Maria Hill doesn't think so.

It seems that, precisely because of this, it is said that it is becoming more and more difficult for Hydra to find out the Aegis agents to switch jobs.


It seems that something interfered with the communication.

"gamma rays……"


Gwen met Hill's eyes, looked at the brighter light, opened his mouth, and said, "This is gamma rays..."


Why is this happening?

next second!
Just when Gwen also felt a little unscientific about it.


It seems that the entire cloud layer has a hole in it.

Followed by.

An earth-shattering sound struck in an instant, and in the eyes of everyone, not far away, the five-story building, like crispy potato chips, exploded in all directions with a bang.


(End of this chapter)

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