Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 473 It's Normal for Cowboys to Fight Demons (Part 2, please book in full!!)

Chapter 473 It's Normal for Cowboys to Fight Demons

Gwen was taken aback.

next second.


Gwen glanced at Locke, and then went upstairs without looking back.

You want proof, right? I'll give it to you.

Gwen gritted her silver teeth slightly, thinking bitterly in her heart, it's a pity that she still wanted to confess to Locke just now.

As for Locke?

Am I being threatened?

Locke, who was sitting at the bar, touched his chin, recalling Gwen's eyes when he left just now, and raised his eyebrows.

Ha ha. . .

The corners of Locke's mouth rose slightly, especially when he felt that upstairs, he was lying on the bed with a thud, waving his small fist at his pillow, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but widen.


The blockade on Osborne's side was lifted.

After all, this is New York, and it is still the New York City that experienced [-]/[-]. After the intervention of the Federal Disaster Control Office, the scene has been cleaned up in one noon and two hours in the afternoon.

At least, it does not affect the counterparts on the road.

As for the potholes on the road and the loss of the Osborn Bioindustry Building, it is estimated that only one person was injured, and that was the insurance company.

after all……

The black spider couldn't even find its body.

When returning to Long Island for dinner, George shook his head, as if telling a joke, and said, "The insurance company came to the police station in the afternoon and said they wanted to sue us."

Helen, who was arranging the tableware, heard this and looked at George: "And then?"

George Ha smiled: "This is not the case of our New York Police Department, this is the case of the Department of Homeland Security."

After he handed Peter Parker II who came from another world to Maria Hill of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the latter also came over, the case was considered to be handed over.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is fully responsible. Of course, externally, there is no doubt that the Department of Homeland Security is fully responsible.

It is true that Federal Silver City Insurance Company dared to sue the New York Police Department. It even dared to sue the Department of Homeland Security. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a hundred ways to prevent Federal Silver City Insurance Company from suing.

However, Helen, like everyone else, didn't know SHIELD, or thought that SHIELD was the Department of Homeland Security.

Moreover, Helen didn't think too much about it. After hearing that the New York Police Department would not take the blame for this case, she was relieved. Then, she looked at George curiously: "Where did those strange people come from today?" here?"

Sitting next to him, leaning against Locke, wondering how to make Gwen, who had Locke blew himself up, hear Helen's words and look back: "Weird? Mom, what kind of weirdo?"

Helen put a large handful of boiled broccoli on Gwen's dinner plate and said, "It's just that scary spider monster, and that lizard monster, by the way, and that masked female in fancy dress. spider."

Gwen opened her mouth: "Fancy?"

Locke next to him smiled directly.


It's in place.

Gwen snorted and looked at Locke.


Gwen glanced at Locke, then looked at Helen: "What about the last one?"


"Just the guy with the fire-breathing eyes."

"Pretty handsome."


Helen put the empty broccoli plate aside, then pulled out a cutting knife and cut the beef just out of the oven, slowly gossiping in her eyes: "That Superman must be the same as that flashy The female spider knows, and, maybe, is the lover of the gaudy female spider."

Gwen raised her eyebrows and looked at Locke.

George shook his head: "You are just making gossip out of nowhere. According to what you say, this gaudy female spider has saved me twice. How do you explain it?"

It can't be said that the female spider is also his lover.

Helen gave George a supercilious look, and seemed to see what George wanted to say, so she took a sip: "You have a good idea, I guess it's because you are so embarrassed that you even lost your gun , That's why I saved you, I don't care how old you are now, I'm just too thoughtful."

Gwen covered up, trying to laugh.

Locke also gave George a sympathetic look.

George's face was slightly stiff, especially after seeing Locke's eyes, he was a little embarrassed, and then, suddenly, when Helen raised the gun, he seemed to think of something, and stood up: "Lock, you Come with me, I have something I want to ask you."


George got up, walked towards the French windows facing the sea in the living room, opened it, and walked out.

Locke and Helen smiled, said sorry, and walked out.

Gwen rolled her beautiful big eyes.

next second.

Gwen also got up and looked at Locke and George who had gone out one after the other: "Mom, I'll go and listen to what they are saying."

on the beach.

Locke knew why George called him out.

However, it's still the same sentence!

Locke doesn't like to take steady streams, but similarly, Locke doesn't like waves either. For anything, just as he has thoroughly inspected the topography of New York and kept it in mind when he came to New York for the first time, Locke is least fond of anything. Three plans are prepared.

This time, no exception!

George's eyes were piercing, as if he was staring at Locke who was coming, and he took out the Glock [-] numbered six and seven from his arms and handed it to Locke.

Locke raised his eyebrows, took it, clicked it twice, and after confirming that it was safe, he looked at George: "Don't you want to take it for a few more days?"

George smiled, and in his words, he seemed to be referring to Locke, and looked at Locke: "No, this gun is not simple. If I lose it, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay for it."

Locke said with a smile: "How could it be? It only cost five hundred dollars to sell the blind box in the gun shop. I mean, my lucky number is not seven. If you want to use it, keep it."


Locke handed the Glock in his hand to George again with a smile: "If you think the number six and seven is too expensive, just take it as a gift, a gift for me to marry Gwen."

Gwen, who was hiding far behind the villa's doorpost, took a breath when she heard this.

Liar, who will marry you.

Hearing Locke's words, George lowered his head, glanced at Glock, who was handed to him again, and smiled. Then, the smile on his face gradually narrowed, and he stared at Locke: "A gun, although it is a A very unusual pistol, but, want me to sell my daughter, won't you, psychic, Rock Broughton?"

Gwen, who was hiding behind the doorpost, froze.


How could it be possible to know.

Could it be that, Dad, also knows my identity.

Locke blinked: "Extraordinary? Me? George?"

George stared at Locke's eyes, always, paying attention to the clarity of the wild boar's eyes, and was alert to the lying of the wild boar. He weighed the Glock [-] in his hand: "So many pistols can't break that spider The monster's defense, your pistol, if you shoot it down, your skin will be torn apart, isn't it attached to something unscientific?"

Locke raised an eyebrow.

I knew it.

next second.

Locke made a suddenly realized expression, and looked at George: "So you are talking about this, why, did you notice it?"

George gasped inwardly.

This answer...

Not right.

Locke waved his hand, and then pointed to the Glock Seventeen in George's hand: "Yes, it is enchanted, but it doesn't matter to me."

George blinked, looking into Locke's eyes.

The eyes are not clear.

No lie.

what's the situation?
This is certainly not a lie.

Locke dared to swear to him that it was the system that enchanted the pistol and had nothing to do with someone in Luo.

George shook his head.

"what happened?"


"Can't you tell?"

"of course not."

Locke laughed and shrugged, "George, I'm from Texas!"

George was slightly taken aback.

Locke said: "Texas has a vast land and sparse population, and there are many species. You also know that demons are not a rare thing in Texas. For cowboys, fighting demons is actually similar to hunting." .”

George froze a bit: "And then?"

Locke said with a smile, "I'm the leading cowboy of the younger generation in Texas. I'm different from the cowboys who entered some association. I'm a traditional cowboy. The older generation of cowboys have learned to arm themselves in the fight against the devil. Naturally, I also learned that this gun, you say it is ordinary, it is also ordinary, but there is one thing that is different from other Glock XVII."


"After I bought this gun, I was bored, so I soaked it in holy water."



Locke nodded and said to George: "So, it is quite accurate to be enchanted, but if you are facing an ordinary suspect, this gun is similar to other guns."

George was speechless.

Frankly speaking.

At that time, he thought of many possibilities that Locke might say.


Such a frank and casual explanation?

George stared at Locke with a smile on his face, staring at Locke's eyes, not very clear, it seems, not lying.

But soaked in holy water, it has such a powerful power?

This feels a little nonsense.

Locke seemed to think of something, and looked at George: "By the way, Gwen was there when I was soaking. She thought I was crazy."

George looked back at Locke: "Really?"

of course.

To be precise, in fact, it was mainly because the CDC listed the gun store as the center of the spread of the six senses when it had just been bought and had not been upgraded.

So Locke sterilized the gun.


When it was taken out, the gun was full of the smell of disinfectant. Locke thought of the bucket of holy water pulled from the church when Nina Bell was eliminated. He simply opened it and threw the gun into it.

Coincidentally, Gwen just came back, and thought Locke was out of his mind.

This is not.

Locke told Gwen with a smile that, in fact, he was enchanting guns according to the ancient Texas cowboy ritual.


(End of this chapter)

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