Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 462 Hospitalized Chester (Part 3, please book in full!!)

Chapter 462 Hospitalized Chester

early morning!

There are all kinds of carnivals in Manhattan at night, but here on Fifth Avenue, it is still calm.


Gwen, who was drying her hair on the balcony, looked in the direction of 66th Street curiously, then turned her head to look at Locke who was sitting inside, drinking the coffee she had just made: "Did anything happen last night?"

Locke turned his head to look: "What's wrong?"

"There's a lot of police cars coming up on 66th Street."

"is it?"

Locke got up from the high stool, walked to the balcony, stood beside Gwen, looked at No. 66 Street, and smiled: "Why didn't I see it?"

Gwen raised her eyebrows: "I just saw a lot of police cars turning around. I guess something big happened on 66th Street."

Locke snorted and took out his mobile phone: "Don't you know if you take a look?"

Now it is a modern society.

There is no secret that can be kept hidden.


It was S.H.I.E.L.D. who made the move.

Locke searched the major newspapers in New York City this morning, but found nothing, and looked at Gwen: "Look, there is no big news, hurry up, didn't you say you will be in Osborne at nine o'clock?"

Gwen came back to her senses: "Yes, don't bother me to blow my hair, I'm running out of time."


Gwen directly slapped Locke's salty pig's hand, and complained to Locke.

Locke smiled, turned around, and walked into the house again.

There was big news last night.

Locke was on the balcony, watching the big show all night.

Good guy.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse!

Frankly speaking, Locke originally wanted to take a closer look. After all, it is rare, but considering the problem of quiet time, if he went to the theater and turned himself from an outsider to an insider, reward GG directly, so who can I ask for reasoning?

After all, the task allows him to defend himself, but he is not allowed to take the initiative to attack, rush to pick things up, and then make excuses to defend himself, which is also not allowed.

Locke asked the dog system.

and so……

Locke watched for a while, and after seeing George's shot directly bleed out one-fifth of the black spider's blood, he went back to his room and continued to sleep. After all, it was almost dawn at that time.


Locke yawned, drove the car, and sent Gwen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, to the Osborn Bioindustry Building.

Gwen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, stared sideways at Locke.

quite a while.

Gwen finally couldn't help it anymore, looking at Locke who had yawned more than a dozen times in a row, very curious.

"what happened to you?"



Gwen blinked and said, "You just yawned five times since getting up this morning."

Locke laughed: 'Really? '


Gwen turned around and looked at Locke with some curiosity: "You never seem to be like this before. It was last night. Did you not sleep well?"

Locke glanced at Gwen: "...well."

Saw a night of drama last night.

Logically speaking, in fact, it will not be sleepy.

But while he was watching the play last night, was there someone talking about him, or teasing his six senses, so that his six senses were between being touched and not being touched.

Very annoying.

As long as the six senses are touched one step further, Locke's autonomous defense system can be directly triggered. After all, in Locke's settings, if someone wants to attack him, then if he does it, it is also a legitimate defense. .


The six senses are not close.

This is a bit of a nonsense.

Locke originally planned that as long as the six senses are touched, then he can enter the state of self-defense. At that time, no matter what he does, it will not destroy his mission completion, and he can run to the side of 66th Street It's fun to watch.

As a result, play it.

When George arrived at the scene, the six senses were still lingering there.

This made Locke a little annoyed. If it wasn't for the task on his body, he would have gone straight to find out who was teasing his six senses, and then, because of this guy's teasing, he would have sent him to see God.

However, considering that as long as he stays stable for the next three months and keeps his ears shut, he can get [-] points. After seeing George appear on the stage, Locke simply temporarily offlined his six senses, so as not to No, justifiable defense did not come, but he suffered some kind of neurasthenia first.

and so.

Yawning is Locke's way of venting the smoldering fire in his heart.

But he also vented this morning.

Locke smiled and looked at Gwen: "I went to bed very late last night, and then, this morning, I exercised a little bit more. You are lying down anyway, and you feel a little sleepy, which is normal."

Gwen gave Locke a big blank stare, too lazy to pick up the topic, and looked out of the window at the congested traffic with local characteristics: "Manhattan Island has been lifted, and I don't know, my dad, did you catch Peter? Parker."

When she just woke up in the morning, Gwen called George.

But George didn't answer.

May be busy.

Locke said: "It's best to seize nature, but if you don't catch it, in fact, Manhattan Island must also be released. George can seal the island overnight, but he certainly cannot continue to seal the island."

will be impeached.

Manhattan is the center of New York City, it doesn't matter if you seal it up for one night.

But try to seal it for a day and see?

To put it simply, at George's current level, he can be sealed for one night, but continuing to seal the island is not enough, and it will provoke public outrage.


Now it seems that this case, it seems, is not the responsibility of George's NYPD.

Locke watched it for real last night. The one who got off the helicopter with George was Mockingbird agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ms. Barbara Morse.

If Locke's guess is correct, George should have given the blame to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Wait a moment."

When passing 66th Street, Gwen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, yelled aloud, and then looked at the Lincoln Center Station not far away. At this moment, the station was in ruins. : "Nothing happened last night?"

While talking, Gwen took out her mobile phone and opened the various student groups.


Calm and calm.


Gwen was taken aback for a moment, and opened a "Goddess Legion" group, which included Cindy, Pepper and others: "Honey, there are a bunch of police officers around the Lincoln Center Station on 66th Street, what's going on. "


Cindy's voice was sent: "Gwen, please, your father is a senior police inspector, you don't even know, Kahn and I have been in Long Island, how could you know?"

Pepper sent a photo of what appeared to be a small Pacific island: "On vacation with boss, not in New York."

Cindy sent a series of envy in capital letters, and she almost didn't show it clearly, begging for support.

Betty also said: "I searched the Internet, and it seems that there is no such news. Are you reading it wrong?"

Gwen was slightly taken aback, took a picture of the 66th Street that was driving past, and sent it: "There are pictures and the truth. I was also curious just now, why there is no news at all on the Internet."

Cindy and Betty send a Minion with a question mark.

Gwen rolled her eyes, put away her phone, and looked at Locke: "What do you think is going on?"

Locke stared at the front without looking back, leading to the Osborne Industrial Building, the road that was blocked by a pot of porridge, and said, "I think you may be late."

Gwen looked at the time on her watch.

Eight fifty.

Then, after looking at the front, the road was blocked for at least one kilometer, and he was dumbfounded.

next second.

Gwen opened the car door directly, grabbed her backpack, and said to Locke in the car: "I won't wait for you, go slowly, I'll go first."


Before Locke could speak, Gwen crossed the road directly, walked to the opposite sidewalk, and then trotted all the way towards the Osborne Bioindustry Building, which was only one kilometer away.

Locke, who was sitting in the car, looked at Locke's leaving back, couldn't help smiling, and shook his head.

Gwen is a white spider, yes.

Gwen can keep her own secrets, too, and rightly so.


Locke thinks that these things can make Gwen less involved, or try not to participate. After all, Gwen is taking a gentle and intellectual route. Fighting and killing are too violent.


Locke feels that it is not that he is incapable and powerful to protect Gwen. Gwen hides secrets, which can be used as a little fun between couples. Locke still likes to see himself ask a question by chance, and then, look Looking at the picture of Gwen dryly laughing and defending.

Quite interesting.

Thinking in his heart, Locke yawned again, holding the steering wheel with one hand and leaning on the armrest with one hand, looking at the bad road conditions ahead of him. According to the road conditions, he estimated that he wanted to turn around and return to the stars. It is estimated that the building will take two hours.

"never mind."

Locke's mentality has always been good, and he has no road rage at all: "If you get stuck, you can get stuck, anyway, I'm not a hard-working [-] working dog."

at this time.

The phone rings.

"Jingle Bell!"

Locke answered the phone: "Carrie, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Carrie, who was at the door of the operating room at New Amsterdam Hospital, said, "Locke, something happened. Chester was just pushed into the operating room."

Locke's brain froze instantly.


Into the emergency room?
"how come?"

"Slapped by Agatha."


Carrie opened her mouth, thinking of Chester's instructions to herself just now when she was pushed into the operating room, she still shook her head, feeling the need to tell the truth: "I don't know why, Agatha who was originally in New Orleans came back to New York last night , and then, I heard, I saw Chester fooling around with three phone girls on the bed."

Locke raised his eyebrows: "Then, he was beaten violently by Agatha. He deserves it, scumbag, and he will eat the pot!"



"It seems that what Agatha said, when I am here, you can't even satisfy me with one, but when I leave, you can ask for three, you have the guts, come on, if you don't satisfy me today, I will fight Pop your dog's head off."


Recommended ticket! !

monthly pass! !
Beg! !
(End of this chapter)

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