Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 458 Dutch Brother Spider-Man (Part 2, please book in full!!)

Chapter 458 Dutch Brother Spider-Man


Peter Parker.

However, to be precise, his name should be called Peter Parker II!
Peter Parker II had a pretty perfect parentage.

Dad is Peter Parker I, the only superhero in the world, a good neighbor in New York City, and, moreover, the patron saint of New York City.

The mother was Mary Jane, a New York City Broadway actress who was equally famous and silently helped father Peter Parker I fight criminals.

and so……

Although Peter Parker and Mary Jane passed away one after another when Peter Parker II was very young, Peter Parker II was proud of his origin under the care of Grandma May, and even, every day When he passed by New York City, the Spider-Man Plaza built for his father, he looked at his father's statue and swore secretly that he must also become a superhero like his father.

Never allowed to embarrass his father!


Lost at first.

Thinking of the scene of him putting on his father's battle uniform and starting to act for the first time today, Peter Parker II couldn't help but blushed a little. As soon as he came out, he was captured without any ability to resist, and he felt very ashamed.

And he was caught, and I don't know if Grandma Mei would be worried that he didn't go back to eat at noon.


"Grandma Mei."

Peter Parker II looked at the sky outside and thought of Grandma Mei who had been taking care of him, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried. He quickly looked at George and Beckett behind him and said, "Maybe, you can give Grandma Mei Make a phone call and tell her that I'm safe, she's a bit old after all, I don't want her to..."

Having said that, Peter Parker II paused again.

Look around.

living room.


secret door.

"Wait a moment."

Peter Parker II was taken aback for a moment: "This is my Grandma Mei's house, wait, is it... oh my god, is Grandma Mei okay?"

If George hadn't grabbed Peter Parker II, it is estimated that at this moment, Peter Parker II had already rushed out, and the whole room was looking for his Grandma Mei.


Peter Parker II doesn't know yet, but now, he has changed the world.


George and Beckett were even more confused.

Especially after half an hour.

Little Peter Parker opened his mouth wide and muttered, I have changed the world, my God, this is not my world anymore, wait, this is not my world anymore?

George and Beckett were also stunned, and began to think about whether the little guy in front of him who claimed to be Peter Parker II had Sigmore Syndrome.


Thinking back to the content of the interrogation just half an hour ago, it was difficult for the two experienced police detectives to find the loopholes in Peter Parker II's words.

and so.

Did it really come from another world?

George and Beckett looked at each other.

Moreover, in that world, Peter Parker is still the patron saint of New York City, a good neighbor, and even the only superhero in the world?
"Wait a moment?"

Beckett was the first to come back to his senses, and then, as if thinking of something, he looked at Peter Parker II who was muttering: "Is there me in that world?"

Perhaps, in that world, her mother and father did not die.


After being silent for a while, Peter Parker II got up and showed off his ten-year-old age and height: "Officer, I am only ten years old. Although I have been doted on by countless people in New York City since I was a child, today is my first time. As a superhero for the first time, I originally thought about making a gorgeous appearance, and then went to the New York Police Department, but I didn't expect..."

He hit the street when he appeared on the stage, and was kidnapped to another world.

I have failed the Parker family's honor.

Peter Parker II squeezed his fist, and said: "Damn black spider, I will definitely catch you, bet on my Parker's honor, I will definitely swindle you, the damned one, even more I swear it was caught by the black spider who was out there sullying the honor left by my father!"

George also asked at this moment: "You just said that you were caught by someone, then, do you still remember how you got here?"

Peter Parker II shook his head: "I don't know."

George frowned, and began to wonder how this matter would develop.

at this time.

Suddenly Peter Parker II's eyes lit up: "However, when that damn black spider stunned me, I seemed to hear what he was saying, he smelled spiders from other worlds, wait a minute, this world, could it be , my father is still alive in this world, that's great, I'm going to find my father and let him bring this damn black spider to justice."

Thinking of this possibility, Peter Parker II immediately became excited.

In this world, your father is not a superhero, but a suspect, and, moreover, the kind that is wanted in the whole city.

George looked at Peter Parker II who was a little excited, opened his mouth, and finally did not tell him this cruel fact, but said: "Maybe in your world, these two people are already 50 or [-] years old, but in this The world, these two talents, and I don't think you can make contact with them."

Just kidding, if something happens, who will be responsible?
Anyway, George didn't intend to come to the bottom line.


George has experienced two years of experience, and has seen vampires and witches, so once George accepted the setting of Peter Parker II from another time and space, he was soon relieved, and at the same time, he also thought of A good fit, at this time, is to have the organization in your pocket.

talking room.

George took out the phone from his pocket, beeped a few times, pressed a string of numbers, and then waited for the call to connect.

Or Macallan Bar!
"Oh phone, sorry..."

Maria Hill, who was in the weekend drinking competition with Lily and Ted, took out her mobile phone with a smile, glanced at the calling number, and drank the bourbon in front of her. Then, smiling, she talked to her boyfriend Friend Ted kissed him, and then got up and walked outside and connected the phone at the same time: "Hello, it's almost dawn, and I'm not asleep yet."

George listened to the noise on the other end of the phone: "I didn't sleep all night, I didn't expect that Director Hill woke up so early."

Hill walked out of the bar, stood on the side of the road, clutched his forehead, and quickly sobered up: "No way, Mr. Stacey has sent the entire Manhattan to blockade, I was worried that there might be some places that needed my help, but in the end , The call really came, then, George, is there anything I can help, I am happy to help. "

"Parallel time and space!"


Hill raised his eyebrows, thinking he had just misheard: "Sorry, what did you just say?"

George glanced at Peter Parker II sitting next to him: "Director Hill, how is the theoretical research on parallel time and space going?"

"very bad!"

Hill laughed haha: "In college, I originally wanted to learn this knowledge, but unfortunately, it wasn't suitable for me, and I don't really believe in the theory of parallel time and space, after all, if there are parallel time and space, Then, there should be another me, sorry..."

"without you."


"That time and space is without you."


George smiled and interrupted Hill's speech: "I just asked, at least, he hasn't heard of it, they have you, and SHIELD, etc., but he is only ten years old, understand Yes, probably very few."

At this moment, Hill has already woken up more than half of his drunkenness: "Wait, what did you say?"

George smiled and said: "I found a person who claimed to be from a parallel time and space. At least, I didn't find any flaws. So, I thought, maybe, you are interested..."

Hill interrupted directly: "Address!"

George smiled and reported the address directly.

"10 minutes!"


After giving a time, Hill hung up George's phone directly, and then directly pulled away a taxi disguised as a taxi that had just driven up in front of her, and then, after getting in the car, directly Called the New York Shield.

Victoria Hand, who was also in New York Aegis and hadn't rested yet, had been watching the manhunt operations all over the city. After hearing Hill's call, she was also slightly shocked. Then, she got up and turned to Barbara Moore next to her. S said, "Go."

Barbara Morse got up, caught up, and got into the elevator: "Commander, where are we going?"

Ms. Victoria Hand glanced at Barbara and said with a smile: "Hill said that Officer George Stacy of the New York Police Department has found a person who claims to be from a parallel time and space. Let's go and have a look."


10 minutes passed by in a flash.

Chu Chu Chu!
George listened to the sound outside the house, and the helicopter that was preparing to land, looked at the 10 minutes that had just passed on his watch, smiled, and said to Beckett next to him: "I'll just say , This case is very weird, look, parallel time and space have popped up, so they must be brought in, otherwise, I feel, this may not end well."

As a professional police officer with excellent professional skills and professional knowledge, after accepting the theory of parallel time and space, George suddenly felt that this case might not be as simple as it seemed.


The Federation is the existence that throws the blame first and does things later.

Throw out the scapegoat that may appear, and after confirming that someone will take over the blame, you are doing your own thing.


This also involves parallel time and space. Even if you don't blame him now, how to deal with it is still a problem for George, who was born in the New York Police Department and only has one skill, one magazine per second.


(End of this chapter)

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