Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 450 Excluding Correct Answers

Chapter 450 Excluding Correct Answers

Matt Murdoch feels a little weird.

He always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this matter.

Of course.

Matt Murdoch doesn't know Peter Parker well, but he knows May Parker very well. He believes that May Parker will not lie, so when he came here, he was willing to believe it. Peter Parker was innocent and wronged, and there might have been some misunderstandings.

such as……

The New York Police Department was humiliated because of the second vigilante who came out, so, simply, the persimmon was soft, found Peter Parker, and planned to label Peter Parker as this vigilante.

That's exactly what Matt Murdoch thought when he first came here.

at the moment?

Matt Murdoch is lost.

In a word.

No matter how wronged people are by the New York Police Department, I am afraid that they will not hang their colleagues to death in the detention room. At least, they will not let their colleagues' bodies be found inside the police station.

Then, the only possibility is that the man was indeed killed by Peter Parker.


Isn't Peter Parker a kid?
How is this possible?
At this moment, Matt Murdoch listened to the warning in George's words, regained his senses, and said: "Senior Superintendent Stacey, I graduated from the Columbia Law Department, and I also have a license to practice in New York City. I know the law well, trust me, if I knew where my client was, I would have said it."

New York City will not spare any criminal who dares to attack the police officer.


Even Wall Street's top law firm, TNT Law Firm, in such a case, if the evidence is solid, the best result that can be achieved is the death penalty, preventing the client from being sentenced to the death penalty of the electric chair.

Even TNT Law Firm, the top law firm that dared to sue the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, and even forced the private settlement of MI[-] in London, would not dare to provoke the NYPD in such a case. .

Listening to Matt Murdoch's words, George narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It's best, Mr. Lawyer, do you need me to send you away?"

Matt Murdoch waved: "Thanks, I can go by myself."

Why are you still here?
Matt Murdoch felt that he might have to go to the hospital again to find May Parker. His intuition told him that this case was not as simple as it seemed.

out the door.

Waiting at the door all the time, looking nervously at countless police cars whizzing and whistling, centered on the New York Police Department building, and then, Karen Page, who whizzed and drove out of the screen in all directions, watched from above and walked along the stairs Matt Murdock, who came down, hurried up: "Matt, what happened?"

Karen Page was the front desk at Nickerson Murdoch's law firm and, when there was a case, served as Matt Murdoch's driver.

At the beginning, Karen Page was actually a client of Matt Murdoch. Later, after Matt Murdoch helped her clear her suspicions, she came to the law firm and worked as a lawyer The front desk of the firm is now, with a very optimistic personality, and, yes, Matt Murdoch, who helped rescue her in a difficult situation, has some different feelings.

"The officer is dead."


Karen Page was taken aback when she heard Matt's words. Before, he didn't know what the death of a police officer meant to the New York Police Department, but after she became the front desk of the firm, she became deaf and blind. Ran also already knew what this meant.


Karen Peggy said so, and then, looking at the police brigade in the back, almost everyone walked out of the building with angry expressions, regained consciousness, and swallowed: "NYPD building?"


are you crazy.

Karen Pegg lost her voice a little: "Who is so bold and desperate?"

Matt Murdoch walked to the co-pilot, opened the door, and said calmly, "The first suspect is the client this time."


Karen Page stood there, stunned for a moment, then, returning to her senses, turned around, looked at Matt who had gotten into the car, quickly opened the door, and sat in, looking at Matt who was sitting in the co-pilot: "The client this time?"

what's the situation?
Didn't you say before you came that the client is a high school student?

"What about our client, what did he say, and, I just heard, it seems that the island is going to be closed?"


Matt Murdock pulled his seat belt on himself, and his tone was as indifferent as ever: "Yes, the island is going to be sealed off, didn't I tell you, our client seems to have escaped from prison after killing the police."

Karen Page froze.

Matt Murdoch looked at the car that hadn't started for a long time, and seemed to be sitting in the driver's seat, with the key turned half a turn, and Karen Page, who had a dull expression, said, "Let's go first. Hospital, ask Mrs. May Parker for information."

Karen Page snapped back: "Wait, are we still taking this case?"

The case took place inside the NYPD.

The constable died.

Peter Parker escaped.

Is there any reason to accept this case?

Matt Murdoch nodded and said, "I always feel that this case is a bit weird."

Just as weird as Jin Bing's death!
He and Jin Bing have also fought against each other.

Whether on the surface or in the dark.

On the bright side, Matt incarnates as a pioneer of justice and prevents Jinbin's construction group from acquiring Hell's Kitchen. In the dark, he incarnates as Daredevil, cracking down on Jinbin's various illegal transactions.


He and Jin Bing had also fought head-to-head, and then, with one punch, he was hammered into the Hudson River by Jin Bing. Therefore, he did not believe the report of Jin Bing's death in the police station at all. .

After all, Jin Bing Manor was the kind that ransacked all the family members without leaving any chickens or dogs behind.

In a word.

The NYPD doesn't do things too badly.

Then, there is only one possibility left, Jin Bing offended someone, and then, was wiped out by someone.

In Matt's view, Jin Bing can be said to be the devil in the world. When the police station arrived, Jin Bing's family could be wiped out. I am afraid that only the gods in the world can do it.

In fact, Matt had also done some investigations, and after some investigations, he found Bullseye who was not on the death list that day, and after that, he discovered something by following the vine.

Everyone related to Bullseye has disappeared.

The kind that doesn't see people alive or dead.

after that.

Following this clue, digging down, a person surfaced.

George Stacy.

Matt Murdoch looked up, and seemed to see George Stacey who walked down the steps and got into the police car.

On the night that Bullseye disappeared and Jin Bin was wiped out, another thing happened in Manhattan, that is, George Stacey's house was attacked.

To be precise, after the attack on George Stacey's house, King was wiped out, and then Bullseye disappeared. After that, everyone who was related to Bullseye suddenly disappeared a few days later The mysterious disappearance.

and so……

The reason why Matt Murdoch chose to come to the New York Police Department after hearing what May Parker said was actually because he wanted to secretly investigate George Stacy.


He didn't think that George Stacy had the ability to kill Jin Bin.

In a word.

When Matt shook hands with George just now, he already understood something. Like George, let alone three, and four more, he is sure to slap George away.

In the same way, Jin Bin, even if he faced five of them, Matt felt that he would be hammered by Jin Bin until he couldn't even see his brains.

Not George, but certainly someone related to George.

After all, causality is placed there.

Matt also conducted some investigations on George.

Let's say that.

The first half of his life was uneventful, but the second half of his life, which has just begun, to be precise, in these two years, he lived like a sky-swapping monkey.

Before [-], George Stacey's reputation was mediocre. It was out of the New York Police Department and out of the law enforcement system. It is estimated that no more than [-] people had heard of George Stacey's name. .

But after [-], during the whole process of chasing Wushuang Assassin, in the live broadcast, he single-handedly caught up with Wushuang Assassin, and forced the general appearance of Wushuang Assassin into the camera.

After that, he personally led the team to destroy the textile factory, destroyed the killer base located in the outskirts of New York City, and rescued her daughter's boyfriend. At the same time, she also took a ride with the future mayor, Ms. Casey, and successfully promoted to job.

A few months ago, he even directly became a senior police inspector.

you could put it that way.

It took only two years for George to go from obscurity to being one of the best law enforcement giants in New York City.



However, Matt Murdoch's intuition told him that it seemed that behind George's promotion, there was a pair of invisible hands pushing and arranging for George.

In fact, it is not that Matt Murdoch has never suspected the Peerless Assassin. Maybe the Peerless Assassin has some inexplicable relationship with George. It is the Peerless Assassin who is helping George upgrade.


The reason is not valid.

After all, although George Stacey's promotion speed has been a bit weird in the past two years, Matt has never doubted George's character, because George's business ability is extremely strong, if he is willing, he is willing to compromise , it is impossible to be just a police detective in the first half of his life.

So, Matt can't see any reason why a killer would help a detective get promoted, especially one who's sworn to catch him.

It can't be said that the Peerless Assassin doesn't want George to go out to work, so if George is promoted, he can let George go out to work less.

This answer, no matter how you look at it, how do you think it is ridiculous.

And it's extremely unscientific.

and so.

Matt started over, studying George's profile.


Recommended ticket! !

monthly pass! ! !

Beg! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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